
Declaration of Independence

As soon as Lunaria contacted Erich and informed him that she had killed Emrys, he looked at the woman as if she were an absolute idiot. This was naturally a response that she did not greet with politeness, and thus her tone was quite shrill as she asked her former lover why the man was staring at her in such a... odd way. 

"What? Erich god dammit, what the hell? Why are you looking at me as if I have an undeveloped mind?"

Erich kind of just continued to stare at the woman for several moments, before finally explaining the reason why she was an idiot. 

"Lunaria... I know you were emotional due to the fact that Emrys called out our little secret. But you do remember that you supplied the GSE with resurrection technology, right? Emrys is probably hooked up to his own private server and cloning facility. All you managed to do was piss him off, and give the Empire a reason to rally against you.