
Appointing an Ambassador

After much effort to convince the Dvrakian Consortium to agree with the Germanic Star-Empire's demands. Erich was now faced with an extremely difficult task. He had to say goodbye to S'aleth yet again, and so soon after reuniting with her.

He had only just begun to scratch the surface of their relationship in this world. And yet he could no longer stay in the world of Thexkar and court the young alien beauty. Instead, he had to return to his home. However, while he was brooding in silence within his temporary quarters, Tia reminded him of a valid proposal that would allow him and S'aleth to continue to regularly see each other. 

"Master, I am sensing that you are distressed over the idea of leaving behind your alien lover. If you don't mind, I have an idea on how to take her back with you to the Empire's capital..."