It is the year 2500, and humanity has expanded its reach beyond the confines of Earth. In a distant sector of the galaxy, a young man named Erich "Silber" Jaeger is born into a dystopian empire that tightly controls the lives of its citizens. Growing up in a society rife with discrimination, Erich faces an uncertain future as he approaches military conscription. He will spend the next two decades of his life serving in the Armed Forces of the Germanic Star-Empire, fighting against the many enemies of the authoritarian state. As he navigates the treacherous landscape of interstellar warfare, Erich must grapple with his own ambitions and loyalties. Will he rise through the ranks to become the next dictator of the empire, or will he meet a gruesome end on the battlefield? Join Erich on his journey through the Interstellar Age, as he confronts the challenges of war, politics, and personal identity in a universe filled with danger and intrigue.
Above a ruined world lie the Naraku Hive Fleet Terminus, by now this alien species of insectoids had successfully invaded and devoured half of the Germanic Star Empire. Yet, things were not going as planned for bugs. In fact, on board the Naraku Kingship, the Hive Queen sat in her royal chamber with a look of utter disbelief on her face.
Despite being an insectoid, the Hive Queen appeared almost human in many ways. For example, she was bipedal and only had two arms. Her figure was similar to that of a human woman, but clad entirely in chitin, and her face was far less grotesque than your common bug. And in the eyes of some humanoid species might even be considered beautiful in appearance.