It is the year 2500, and humanity has expanded its reach beyond the confines of Earth. In a distant sector of the galaxy, a young man named Erich "Silber" Jaeger is born into a dystopian empire that tightly controls the lives of its citizens. Growing up in a society rife with discrimination, Erich faces an uncertain future as he approaches military conscription. He will spend the next two decades of his life serving in the Armed Forces of the Germanic Star-Empire, fighting against the many enemies of the authoritarian state. As he navigates the treacherous landscape of interstellar warfare, Erich must grapple with his own ambitions and loyalties. Will he rise through the ranks to become the next dictator of the empire, or will he meet a gruesome end on the battlefield? Join Erich on his journey through the Interstellar Age, as he confronts the challenges of war, politics, and personal identity in a universe filled with danger and intrigue.
Erich stared intensely at the power armor helmet for some time, debating whether or not he should place it on his head. But orders were orders, and the sooner he restored Tia to her advanced state, the better it was for him and his people. Thus, the silver-haired man took a deep breath, and breathed a heavy sigh before finally doing what was required of him.
The moment Erich placed the power armor helmet atop his head and booted up its UI, Tia appeared in his vision. Where she gazed in curiosity at Erich.
"Are you my new master?"
"Erich smiled as he nodded his head before addressing Tia in a way that confused her.
"It is good to see you again, Tia..."
The little AI loli raised her brow before addressing Erich with a hint of confusion in her voice.
"Tia is sorry, Master, but she does not recognize your face... Has Master met Tia before?"