
Internet Magic in Fairy Tail

Nate, a transmigrator from Earth, arrived in the anime world of Fairy Tail! He acquired a magic called "Internet!" He developed it and got everyone hooked! You can livestream, chat, and even... hmm? Find girls to date! Sasuga Nate-san, Internet Magic is the best! ... Patreon.com/Bleam — 70 Advance Chapters

Bleam · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 81: Magic Potion Bank, Juvia in Magnolia

Jenny Realight: "Photo1.jpg, Photo2.jpg, Photo3.jpg"

As a top model, taking photos came naturally to Jenny. She quickly sent three selfies.

In the photos, the blonde model skillfully posed, highlighting her feminine charm and showcasing her best angles.

"Better than Ultear's pictures," Nate complimented genuinely, impressed by the professional quality. Though, of course, he still preferred his witch girlfriend, Ultear.

After a moment, he sent another message:

Sigma Male: "Do you want to get personal verification?"

Jenny: "What else do I need to do?"

Sigma Male: "Write 'I am Jenny Realight, applying for personal verification' on a piece of paper and take a photo with it."

Jenny: "Ugh, so troublesome... 'Eye-roll.jpg'."

Jenny: "Give me a moment."

A little later, she sent the requested photo.

Though she had complained, Jenny took the task seriously. In the photo, she held a sign in her left hand with the required sentence, smiling brightly while making a "V" sign with her right hand.

Sigma Male: "Good photo. I'll add the verification tag for you."

Back at the Blue Pegasus guild, Jenny soon noticed a small red "V" next to her name, signifying personal verification.

"Not bad at all," Jenny mused with satisfaction.

Jenny Realight: "Hey, Nate, I've sent you so many photos. How about sending me a few of yours? I bet you look really handsome~."

Jenny Realight: "?"

Jenny Realight: "Where'd you go?"

Her messages seemed to disappear into the void, and Jenny clenched her teeth in frustration.

"Finished what you needed and then ignored me, huh!"

Nate wasn't deliberately ignoring her; he was just busy making magic recovery potions. It was a complex process, and this was his first time attempting it. After more than six hours of work, he finally completed his first bottle.

"So, this is a magic recovery potion?" Ur looked on curiously as Nate poured the blue liquid into a smooth, rounded magic bottle.

Nate sealed it with an oak stopper, much like the ones used for wine bottles.

"This should restore about two stars' worth of magic," Nate explained, nodding. "Two stars would be around…"

As he spoke, his left palm emitted a bright white light.

"About this much magic."

"That much? Is it meant to be drunk?" Ur was still in disbelief.

She had closely observed Nate throughout the process, noting that he had only used ordinary herbs. The cost couldn't have exceeded 5,000J.

In battles between mages, where there isn't a significant power gap, the one with more magic often has the upper hand. This potion could change that dynamic entirely. Mages would pay top prices for it.

"Are you going to sell it?"

"No, too much hassle," Nate shook his head. "Do you know how it works?"

Simply put, the potion acts like a battery. It stores magic that isn't needed at the moment, which can later be consumed to quickly restore magic when necessary.

"So that's how it works! That's genius!" Ur exclaimed, genuinely amazed. "Nate, you're incredible! You actually invented something like this!"

She couldn't help but admire him, feeling the same awe she felt when she first encountered the Magic Net.

"But this thing has its drawbacks…"

Nate humbly downplayed his role, explaining that the system had created it; he was just the executor. "The magic stored in the potion slowly dissipates into the atmosphere. It'll retain full potency for about a month, and after three months, it'll lose all effectiveness."

"Also, this type of potion works best when created and consumed by the same person."

As a great mage, Ur immediately understood what he meant. Each mage's magic is unique, so consuming a potion made by someone else could lead to unexpected consequences. Of course, it wasn't impossible to drink someone else's potion—there was even a small chance that "magic fusion" could occur, resulting in explosive power!

Ur was filled with admiration. "Even with those limitations, it's still an amazing invention!"

"I'd love to crack open your head and see how you come up with these ideas."

Nate was left speechless.

"What's your plan? Are you going to publicly release it to the magic world?"

"No, I just made it for fun." Nate smiled. "Researching magic itself is enjoyable."

"Just for fun…"

Ur felt a bit deflated. She had once been called a genius mage, but compared to Nate, she felt like a mere student who only knew how to train.

"I need some time alone!"

With a playful glare, she quickly retreated back into the Deep Net.

Nate chuckled to himself. He then decided it was time to pass this knowledge on to Ultear. Though she was already powerful, having an extra method to recover magic wouldn't hurt.

He opened the Magic Net to invite her to Magnolia. Explaining such complex knowledge would be difficult online—it would be much easier to teach in person, perhaps in bed.

Just as he was about to send the message, Juvia's private message popped up first.

Juvia: "Nate-sama, I've arrived at Magnolia station."


Nate was a bit surprised. Had the Magic Council's investigation of Phantom Lord concluded so quickly?

Without overthinking, he replied immediately.

Sigma Male: "Wait there. I'll come to pick you up."

With that, he left his villa.

Unfortunately, his previous motorcycle had been destroyed, and he hadn't yet bought a new one, so he had to walk.

After spending the entire day buying a house, gathering herbs, and testing the magic recovery potion, by the time he stepped outside, it was already evening.

Before long, Nate arrived at the station entrance and saw Juvia.


Juvia's face lit up with joy as she ran toward him, her small steps quick and eager.

"I'm sorry, Juvia hasn't messaged you these past few days," she quickly apologized, her head bowed.

Why was she apologizing for that? Nate chuckled, ruffling her hair. "It's fine. Come on, I've just bought a new house. You're the first guest."

With that, he naturally took her hand.

Juvia's eyes widened as her face turned crimson, her heart racing wildly. Holding hands with Nate-sama! She was in bliss.

Juvia felt as though she could die happy in that moment.

"Let's buy some groceries. Do you know how to cook?"

Nate found Juvia quite likeable—obedient, capable, though her obsessive tendencies sometimes put a little pressure on him.

Juvia nodded enthusiastically. "Juvia can cook!"

"Then I'll leave dinner to you."

"Yes! Please leave it to Juvia!"

Determined, Juvia clenched her fists, as if preparing for the most important test of her life.

The two strolled hand in hand toward the market.

Suddenly, Nate thought of something and suggested, "Phantom Lord has been dissolved, right? Why don't you join Fairy Tail?"

"Yes!" Juvia, wrapped in happiness, nodded absentmindedly, barely hearing the words but agreeing anyway.

Nate found her behavior rather endearing.

After buying groceries, Nate took her back to his new home in the suburbs.


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