
Internet Magic in Fairy Tail

Nate, a transmigrator from Earth, arrived in the anime world of Fairy Tail! He acquired a magic called "Internet!" He developed it and got everyone hooked! You can livestream, chat, and even... hmm? Find girls to date! Sasuga Nate-san, Internet Magic is the best! ... Patreon.com/Bleam — 70 Advance Chapters

Bleam · Anime & Comics
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90 Chs

Chapter 72: Ultear coming Clean, Nate Nomination for the Wizard Saint

The 'R-System', also known as the 'Revive System', is a forbidden magic designed to resurrect someone by sacrificing a living person. It was created over 400 years ago by the dark mage Zeref.

"You want to resurrect Ur?" Nate immediately guessed Ultear's intention when she mentioned the R-System.

Ultear's cheeks flushed as she stared at Nate in surprise. She hadn't expected him to know about this forbidden magic.

"The Council classifies the R-System as forbidden magic for violating human ethics," Nate continued.

"Eight years ago, a black magic cult that worshiped Zeref tried to build the R-System to revive Zeref himself. At the time, the Council destroyed seven of the systems."

"I found traces of a possible eighth R-System hidden somewhere while researching in the Council's archives…" Ultear trailed off.

Before she could finish, Nate threw off the blanket, pulled Ultear onto him, and playfully slapped her on the butt.

*Smack! Smack!*

"Ah!" Ultear gasped, her voice both surprised and indignant. "Why are you hitting me?"

Nate slapped her a few more times, a bit harder, and she felt a strange sensation in her lower abdomen. Her face turned even redder as she bit her lip, glaring at him but remaining silent.

"The R-System requires a living sacrifice. Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Nate asked, his expression calm.

It was the first time Ultear had seen him like this, and it made her uneasy.

"You want to sacrifice yourself to bring Ur back?" he continued.

"How… how did you guess that?" Ultear bit her lip, feeling both resentful and embarrassed that he had seen through her so easily.

"Can't I just find another sacrifice?" she retorted weakly.

'If she hadn't reconciled with her mother, I might have believed she'd use an innocent person as the sacrifice,' Nate thought to himself.

Now that Ultear had reconnected with her mother and cleared up their past misunderstandings, her motivations had changed. Instead of wishing to turn back time to when her mother still loved her, she now wanted to revive her mother using the R-System.

As Nate thought this through, his hands moved from slapping to gently massaging her.

"I feel like you're hiding something from me. I'll give you a chance to come clean."

Ultear remained silent for a moment before smiling softly.

"You're so annoying… What do you know? Can't a woman have some secrets?"

With a playful sigh, she continued, "Fine, I'll tell you everything…"

Ultear began recounting her life story, starting from when her mother sent her to a magic research institute. Nate already knew most of her history, but hearing it from Ultear herself made it more detailed and personal.

She spoke of joining 'Grimoire Heart', learning the Lost Magic of the Arc of Time, becoming one of the 'Seven Kin of Purgatory', and posing as Zeref's demon at the Tower of Heaven to manipulate Jellal.

Later, she joined the Council alongside Jellal's thought projection, Siegrain.

"Your sister is really a wicked witch… Do you hate me now?" Ultear asked, her body tensing slightly.

"Not at all," Nate replied without hesitation. He wasn't from this world, and as a transmigrant, he already knew about Ultear's past wrongdoings.

"So, you feel like you're unworthy of living and want to sacrifice yourself to revive your mother?" Nate added sharply. "I won't allow it!"

Moved by his words, Ultear had tears in her eyes and showed a rare vulnerable side.

"Then what should I do?" She hugged Nate tightly, resting her cheek against his chest, her voice filled with confusion.

"I'll find a way," Nate said, getting up and getting dressed.

The effectiveness of the R-System, or whether it had any side effects, was still uncertain. No one knew for sure if it could truly bring Ur back.

"Are you leaving?" Ultear sat up, watching him.

"I'm supposed to be in jail…"

Nate replied helplessly. Could he just stay here for the night? It wouldn't be fair to leave Erza alone in the cell.

"Wait," Ultear hurried out of bed, her gaze seductive. "Let me help you get dressed."


When Nate returned to the cell, Erza was sitting in a dark corner. The glow from the Internet Magic illuminated her face, making her look pale.

Hearing the jailer unlock the door, Erza looked up and asked with concern, "Nate, are you okay? That woman didn't give you trouble, did she?"

'Oh, she gave me trouble alright—she was thinking about sacrificing herself,' Nate thought but simply shook his head and smiled.

"We had a heartfelt conversation. I also brought back dinner," he said, sitting next to Erza after entering the cell.

The jailer locked the door behind him and left.

Erza looked at the dinner Nate brought, a mix of surprise and disbelief in her eyes. 'Does the Council belong to you? Even prisoners get a luxurious meal?'

"Thank you, Nate," Erza said, accepting the dinner with a smile.

Nate opened the internet and began working on some programming.

The 'Weekly Sorcerer' section was almost complete, and he aimed to finish it by the next day.

As she ate, Erza quietly watched Nate work. His focused expression was impressive, and his side profile was even more handsome than his front view.

Smiling softly, she ate her meal as quietly as possible.

After finishing, she sat beside him, curiously watching him code, even though she didn't understand it.

Before they knew it, night had fallen, and the cell was silent.

The only light came from the Internet Magic interface.

Nate typed the last line of code and tested the features of the new section. Everything seemed fine.

"Finally done," Nate sighed in relief, turning his head to see that Erza had fallen asleep, leaning on his shoulder.

Her sleeping face was delicate, with a few strands of red hair hanging over her nose, making her look like a true sleeping beauty.

Nate decided not to wake her.


The next morning, at 8 a.m., in the Magic Council's courtroom, Nate and Erza stood side by side in the defendant's area. In front of them were the Chairman and nine other Council members.

Nate noticed a familiar face.


Jellal's thought projection was silently observing Nate and Erza.

Chairman Crawford Seam was methodically reading out a long list of charges.

Nate and Erza weren't paying much attention.


"About last night… I'm sorry," Erza said quietly, apologizing for using Nate's shoulder as a pillow.

Nate, unfazed, shook his head slightly and whispered back, "Do you also think this is dragging on too long? He's been reading for ten minutes."

Erza had to stifle a laugh, almost breaking the serious atmosphere of the courtroom.


Crawford Seam cleared his throat. "You two, maintain order in the courtroom."

Ultear, resting her chin on her hand, spoke with a teasing smile, "Chairman, just pronounce the verdict."

Siegrain nodded. "It's just a formality anyway. Let's wrap this up."

Crawford Seam sighed, setting down his papers and picking up the gavel. He then asked loudly, "Do you both plead guilty to the charges?"



*Bang, bang!*

After lightly tapping the gavel, Crawford announced the sentence:

"In light of your cooperation, the sentence is… one day of detention."

And with that, it was over.

Finally, Nate could relax.

"Well, Chairman, Council members, we'll be heading back to the cell now."

"Wait!" Crawford Seam quickly stopped them. Smiling, he said, "Let's have lunch together. Erza aside, Nate, it's rare for you to visit headquarters. I've been eager to learn more about your internet magic. I'll also give you a tour of the headquarters."

After a brief pause, he added, "And there's the matter of nominating you for the title of 'Wizard Saint'. I'd like to hear your thoughts on that."

'Is this really the time or place to be talking about this?' Nate thought, finding the situation a bit ridiculous.

"I'd be honored," he replied with a smile.

Erza looked dumbfounded. 'Is this a vacation? Lunch, a tour, and now a nomination?'


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