
Chapter 22 - Storm is Brewing

A week had elapsed, and an unmistakable transformation had gripped the atmosphere in the capital city of Luminaire Kingdom.

The reverberations of the rare magical phenomenon, born from a momentous breakthrough, had cast its spell on the kingdom, attracting an influx of powerhouses from other nations.

The castle gates became a bustling epicenter, as powerful individuals from neighboring nations sought to unravel the mystery of the exceptional being who had triggered this extraordinary event.

The revelation came to light that the rainbow cloud, a mystical phenomenon relegated to mere legend, had materialized. In the annals of history, it was referred to as the "Phantasmal Astral Nimbus," an ethereal spectacle reserved for the greatest of geniuses.

Those who received its baptism were destined to be hailed as the strongest of their generation, their potential seemingly boundless, provided no unforeseen circumstances interfered with their path.

In response to the influx of potent figures from various nations and the mounting pressure to uncover the individual blessed by the rainbow cloud's baptism, the king issued a decisive lockdown in the capital. This measure served two critical purposes.

Firstly, it showcased the kingdom's earnest efforts to locate the chosen one, thereby appeasing the influential representatives from different lands.

Secondly, it served as a precautionary measure to prevent any inadvertent offenses that could potentially spark tensions or even war between the Luminaire Kingdom and other powerful nations.

Additionally, the king harbored a secret reason for implementing the lockdown, which he chose to keep to himself, shrouding the true motivation behind the decree in mystery.

Unbeknownst to Luke, the extraordinary events surrounding the rainbow cloud's baptism were entirely disconnected from his life within the confines of the shop. Oblivious to the commotion outside, he carried on with his daily routine, completely unfazed by the grandeur unfolding beyond his establishment.

Little did anyone suspect that the recipient of the rainbow cloud's divine blessing was neither a citizen of the Luminaire Kingdom nor even a human being.

The individual at the heart of this unprecedented incident was none other than a dedicated soul engrossed in her usual activities in front of a computer screen, completely unaware of the immense impact she had inadvertently triggered.

Restless and bored, a deep sigh escaped Luke's lips as he contemplated his mundane existence. Seeking a distraction, he turned his attention to the ongoing system quest to assess his progress.


[ Computer usage of customers reaches 100 hours

~Progress: 87/100 ]

[ Earn 300 Credits

~Progress: 107/300 ]

[ Reward ]

[ The Internet Cafe Ranks up to Rank 2 ]

Luke estimated that he would need a few more days to successfully complete the quest, the anticipation of its conclusion providing a glimmer of excitement amidst his monotonous routine.

He hadn't seen Lily recently and a touch of concern tugged at his thoughts. However, the worry dissipated as he recalled gifting her the Sanctum Charm. The token of protection would keep her safe during the academy's lockdown, and he reassured himself that she would be fine.

With this comforting thought in mind, Luke remained undisturbed by the outside world, content to carry on with his life within the walls of the shop. The notion of potential threats seemed distant and insignificant within the sheltered confines of the internet café.


In the midst of Luke's contemplation, the tranquility of the internet cafe was shattered as the door swung open with a loud thud.

A young woman, seemingly around 20 years old, stormed into the establishment, her once elegant appearance now in disarray. Her lustrous black hair cascaded wildly around her, and her frilly dress bore the marks of a tumultuous journey, with cuts and burns marring its delicate fabric.

What struck Luke the most was the alarming state of the woman's health. Her complexion had turned into a pallid hue, and she clutched her stomach to stem the flow of blood, clearly struggling to maintain her breath as if every moment hung in a precarious balance, teetering on the edge of life and death.

"Why are those damn holy freaks here so fast?!" The young woman cursed in frustration, her voice a mix of anger and panic. "F*ck. I messed up," she muttered to herself, realizing the dire situation she had inadvertently found herself in.

As the young woman uttered her expletive-laden frustration, her strength seemed to abandon her, and she collapsed onto the floor. Luke remained still, his cautious nature preventing him from rushing to her aid immediately. His mind was alert, considering the possibility that this could be some kind of scam or ploy to deceive him.

Even Lunaria remained unfazed by the scene, engrossed in her own tasks on the computer.

Luke's hesitation was understandable, as he didn't want to be taken advantage of or put himself in harm's way.

Amidst the uncertainty, the woman lay on the floor, gasping for breath, her condition becoming increasingly precarious. The atmosphere in the internet cafe grew tense as Luke weighed his options, trying to discern whether the situation warranted his intervention.

[ SCAN ]

Luke decided to put his skills to use and scanned the dying woman's identity.

[ Name: Ophelia Luminaire

Gender: Female

Age: 19 years old

Race: Human

Profession: Rank 4 Magician

Status: Crippled Mana Vessels, Poisoned, Dying ]

"Eh? She's really dying?"

Luke frowned seeing the woman's information.

'Why did this woman choose this place, out of all places, to die.' For the record, the woman's name was Ophelia, and she belonged to an age range that Luke had previously felt indifferent about, adding to his perplexity.

But seeing her name reminds her of the name of the kingdom he was in.

"Hmm. Could she be a princess? I can't let her die here then, as the king might hold me accountable for her death. Ugh, I really dislike getting involved in dramas.."

Reluctantly, Luke took hesitant steps towards Ophelia, his apprehension still lingering. As he stood beside her, he mustered his skill and muttered an incantation under his breath.


As Luke continued to channel his healing skill, a sudden surge of bright aura enveloped Ophelia's entire body.

However, Luke grimaced as he noticed that his usual application of the skill appeared to have limited efficacy on Ophelia's grave condition. Luke then intensified the power of his skill, pouring more energy into the healing process.

He watched as the wounds slowly began to close, a testament to the effectiveness of his efforts. Yet, with each passing moment, he felt his own energy deplete rapidly, the strain of this demanding task taking its toll on him.

Finally, as his energy neared its breaking point, he decided that he had done all he could. With a heavy sigh, he ceased using his skill, believing that Ophelia's condition had stabilized and that she was out of immediate danger.

With his energy reserves nearly depleted, Luke realized that he would never attempt such a demanding task if he hadn't discovered a way to replenish his energy instantaneously. The thought of leaving Ophelia to die or half healed had been a realistic option, given the toll it took on him to use his skill at such intensity.

His frustration simmered as he clicked his tongue in irritation, annoyed that he have to do extra work just because the woman accidentally entered the shop.

Reaching for an Energy Gem from a nearby bottle, he swiftly popped it into his mouth. Almost immediately, a surge of revitalizing energy coursed through him, gradually restoring his depleted strength.

As Ophelia gradually opened her eyes, the world around her came into focus once again. A sense of relief washed over her as she touched her body, realizing that the excruciating pain she had experienced moments ago was no longer present. It was as if a miraculous transformation had occurred within her, and she found herself free from the clutches of suffering.

"What? I'm alive?! This! My mana vessels are fixed too!"

Overwhelmed with happiness, Ophelia felt an immense sense of gratitude for having survived the catastrophic ordeal. Not only had her life been spared, but she also experienced a miraculous restoration of her mana vessels, which had been left in tatters by her aggressors. The healing she received was nothing short of extraordinary, and she couldn't believe the extent of her recovery.

"Are you perhaps my saviour? Please take my bow."

As the gratitude swelled within her, Ophelia spoke to Luke with a refined and elegant manner, her words laced with a sense of nobility and poise.

"I don't need your bow. The healing is 10 gold coins."

Luke's mind momentarily wandered to the price for consuming the Energy Gem and 'some' inconvenience fee. It's already a small consolation amidst the turmoil of the day.

"Eh?" Ophelia's surprised voice snapped him back to the present moment.

"What 'eh?'? Is 10 gold coins too much for your life?"

Ophelia's surprise was evident as she contemplated the situation. On one hand, she understood the need to reward Luke for his remarkable healing abilities. His skill in mending grave injuries hinted that he is a hidden expert living peacefully in the confines of this shop. This piqued her curiosity and admiration. She couldn't help but wonder about the depths of his abilities and the secrets he held.

On the other hand, the seemingly modest request for a mere 10 gold coins left her perplexed. Given the extent of his powers, she knew that a hundred gold coins would have been a small price to pay for such a miraculous healing. This incongruity puzzled her, but it also sparked a profound sense of gratitude towards the man who had come to her aid.

Ophelia realized that Luke was not the type to take advantage of those in need, even when he possessed exceptional abilities. His humility and kind nature shone through, leaving her feeling fortunate that she had found such a genuine and compassionate individual.

As Luke stood there, still somewhat unaware of the true value of his actions, Ophelia spoke with sincerity and earnestness.

She couldn't help but feel that the mere ten gold coins he had asked for greatly underestimated the enormity of his assistance. Her admiration for the hidden expert before her only grew stronger, and she felt an overwhelming desire to express her gratitude.

"Savior," Ophelia began, her voice brimming with appreciation, "what I mean is even a hundred gold coins is not enough to thank you. Your kindness and skill in healing are beyond measure, and I am forever indebted to you. I promise you, once I return home, I will find a way to repay you for your selfless act."

As Luke considered Ophelia's words and her promise of repayment, a fleeting thought crossed his mind that she might not have the means to fulfill it. He wondered if she was merely trying to escape without paying for his help, as she hadn't immediately handed over the agreed-upon ten gold coins.

Just as he was about to raise his concerns, the abrupt swing of the door shattered the moment, causing a loud commotion. Two individuals dressed in white robes burst into the internet cafe, their sudden and forceful entrance drawing all attention towards them. Their gaze fixated on Ophelia, their expressions stern and purposeful.

"Witch, you can't run away! Be prepared to be impaled by the holy nation!"

"Crap! Please run away, savior! They are bad news." Ophelia's fear and panic were palpable, her composure crumbling under the weight of the danger she faced. In her distress, she couldn't maintain the elegant image she had displayed earlier. The threat to her life and freedom stripped away any facade of dignity, leaving her vulnerable and raw in the face of d

Luke's earlier irritation transformed into a fiery determination. He glared at the two individuals in white robes with bloodshot eyes, his frustration with their aggressive intrusion evident.

In a moment of intense exasperation, he couldn't help but lash out at their lack of manners and etiquette. "You dumbed people! Don't you know how to open a door?"

And thus, the storm continued to gather around them as the unexpected encounter set the stage for unforeseen events.

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