
INTERITUS: The Strongest Family

They were called many things; "The Impure Bloodline", "The Defiled Dynasty" and even "The Tainted Family". Though no one could deny the power that their family holds not only to the people who are extremely loyal to them, but also to the entire world. A single family member could tip the balance and cause a massive war and another member could end it within seconds. The Interitus family bows to no one, not even to the gods themselves.

Wajie · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Calm and The Storm

It's been three hours and we've done nothing but loiter around the plaza, buy delicious food, and have intense staring contests every time Nikolai tries to buy me something that's ridiculously expensive. So far, this is the most relaxed that I've ever been in this life.

I could also tell that Nikolai is also having a great time. He's livelier and more childish than he usually acts, not in a bad way though.

It was a good thing that no one recognizes the 'true' faces of the members of the Interitus family since they would always cast powerful stealth magic or body-altering magic on themselves to protect both their identity and the family.

It's the reason why people think that there are thousands of them but, in reality, according to Nikolai, there are only 22 around the world with most of them being able to use cloning magic, disguise magic, and advanced teleportation to move around wherever and whenever they please.

Just like what we're doing right now.

Nikolai changed our appearances and clothing, making us seem like normal rich commoners. Even our voices, heights and weights changed. As expected of a powerful mage like him.

"So, what makes you so busy these past week?" Nikolai frowned and I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, your parents are coming. I just want to make a good impression." I admitted and he hummed in response.

"You don't have to, you know. You just need to show them your magic and they'll immediately like you." Nikolai shrugged in response.

I highly doubt that they're easily impressed by anything, especially considering the fact that I'm really nothing but a street rat who happens to have magic. If anything, they might kick me out if they consider me as useless.

"Speaking of, I need to see your power and teach you a few things. Who knows, maybe you have the potential to surpass me someday if we train you." Nikolai winked at me and I shook my head at that ridiculous thought.

The conversation ended there and we proceeded to our original relaxation plans.

Nikolai took me to a few desert shops and he looked like he found some gold mine when he realized that I prefer for him to buy me delicious food rather than material things. I think I even heard him mumbling about buying the best patisserie in town, but I think that's just my imagination.

It was already night when we teleported back to his office.

I admit that I enjoyed the day very much. Everything was a first time for me, especially experiencing a day without worrying if I was going to survive to battle another day or die by the end of a sword or some other painful way.

"Do you still want dinner or do you want to sleep?" Nikolai asked and I instinctively yawned a little when I heard the word 'sleep'.

Yeah, sleep sounds good right now.

"Good night. Thanks for today." I nodded and Nikolai caressed my head in response.

I don't know why I'm tired. I used to be able to fight in the battlefield for three days straight even without food or sleep. Even in the slums, I'm able to last long without sleeping.

Maybe it's because I had too much fun? I have no idea.

When morning came, I was refreshed. It was really a good night's sleep.

Oh well, it gives me more energy to do useful things for the entire day.

"Good morning!" I hear Nikolai's voice behind me as I was on my way to the library.

He was surprisingly alone as Klaus is always either beside him or behind him like a parent concerned for his child. He's also dressed casually today compared to his usual formal suits.

"Good morning." I greeted back.

"Come on, let's go to the training grounds!" He exclaimed.

Finally! My training is about to start!

He held both my hands and we teleported outside. It looked like a huge regular training ground for knights at first glance but the abundance of strong magical barriers could be instantly felt. I immediately knew that this is reserved only for an Interitus family member to train on.

"Okay then! Show me your magic and don't hold back!" Nikolai stepped away from me, giving me a large amount of space.

I took a deep breath. It's been a long time since I've used my magic and I don't really know the extent of my power. But since it's Nikolai, I'm sure that he could protect himself if something goes wrong.

I felt the other side calling out to me once more but this time, it's louder and clearer.

I closed my eyes and saw horrors beyond description and imagination, warping inside of a void in a plane of existence unknown to all.

The portal is opening.

I hear a loud ripping sound, along with Nikolai calling out my name in a panic.

I opened my eyes and looked behind me.

The portal is shaped like an eye, like reality itself is looking at me with the pitch-black void inside it calling out my name.

It's whispering all sorts of things in a language that I don't understand. But somehow, I knew that it was happy to see me.

It sounded like a thousand screams morphing and floating in the air, forcing itself to form undecipherable words. I don't even know how my ears could stand this noise.

I held out both my hands and dark smoke came out of the portal. As it covered my entire body, it felt like a warm welcoming embrace of a friend. But I could also feel its desperate hunger for blood, violence, and chaos.

All of a sudden, my memories of the battlefield in my past life flooded my brain. It seems like it's feeding on it.

The pain, suffering, and bloodshed on those memories slowly faded, leaving nothing but apathy and indifference behind. It came to a point where I can't remember how I felt during those times.

When it couldn't find anything to feed on anymore, the dark smoke entered my chest right where my heart is located.

It told me that our contract was complete and that we're now a single being combined.

I would feed it and, in return, it would give me all the power that I will ever need.

The dark smoke completely vanished inside me and I could feel a large amount of magic suddenly exploding within my body. It seems like it was helping me adjust to this newfound power.

I looked up and the portal slowly closed like an eye blinking. But before it completely shut, I heard a single phrase that I could understand completely.

"Mors vincit omnia..."

My head started to hurt after I heard that phrase. It was like I wasn't meant to hear nor understand them.

When it finally fully closed, my knees gave out and I was snapped back into reality by Nikolai's voice calling out my name.

What the hell just happened? It was so fast that my brain couldn't comprehend it.

It felt like I was in a trance, like someone was controlling me or hypnotizing me.

If I was in my regular mind, I would've ran away the moment I saw the freaky eye-like portal floating above me. I didn't even flinch when that smoke entered my body.

"Vyn! Vyn! Can you hear me!?" Nikolai's voice caught my attention again.

When did he get in front of me?

He was pale and looked concerned.

"Come on. Let's go home." He picked me up in his arms and we teleported into my room.

The moment my body hit the soft covers, I lost consciousness.