
Interconnected love

Itzel is looking for photos for her portfolio but due to an oversight she will have to live with two actors in a movie.

Utasama9 · Teen
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2 Chs

Getting to know us

- I was in Argentina, Buenos Aires, looking for the exact moment to take a photo, I was at the central de abastos to eat a special highly recommended by the chefs in the area- hello! Nice to meet you are the girls? - They were two girls in their 20s or 30s, the place was very quiet even though they are known-

- oh! Welcome, if we are the girls for?

-Apparently the owner greeted me while her partner attended to the few who were there-

- Hello, nice to come, I have come to take a photo for my Latin American portfolio and you are going to be the main ones representing Argentina- I showed my camera-

- seriously?! Esther come hear this! -Patricia called Esther after she finished serving customers-

- Taking advantage, can you serve me an omelette please? - While Esther served me Patricia approached- I'm very happy about this news and what we have to do? - Esther brought the omelette-

- First ...- I took out the camera and took a picture of the omelette- it looks very delicious, do you have a complete one? - Patricia went for the omelette while Esther spoke to me-

-Are you coming to visit? -She was a young woman, blonde although she looked tired-

- Yes, I come to take landscapes for my portfolio and that if someone else does not hire me- Patricia arrived with an upside-down mold-

- Here it is- I took the picture and it really looked good- can the two of you break a piece together and smile at the camera? - both got ready and settled down- ready?

- yes! -

- Look! - I showed you the photo- Do you like it? - They looked at the photo and their faces lit up-

-It's incredible! -While she ate my omelette-

- this is amazing! This very tasty, hopefully they will send it online, do you have take away service? - They both looked at my plate and saw that there was nothing left-

- Have you finished ?! - The tortilla was big but to finish it so quickly- s-if we have what you want to take away? - While I asked for two more tortillas I gave them 300 Argentine pesos as payment for the food and tip- here you are, lady and take good care of yourself -

- Thank you very much and take care- I went with my tortillas to the street and when I was going to cross I saw a perfect scene- God ...- I raised my camera letting my tortillas fall- perfection- it was a man with white teas, brown hair, green eyes, measuring 1.96 cm and above a rainbow while it was raining- ah ... My food! - I picked up my tortillas that miraculously survived- Hell! - I looked up and saw the man who took a picture looking at me- oh oh- he started to approach-

- You ... Did you take a picture of me? - The man had a serious look but with a smile-

-ah ... I'm sorry but if I didn't I would have paid you to do it- he gave him the camera- you can see it but if you want I can pay you- he stood still staring at my camera- sorry does it bother him so much? I pay him in dollars or in Argentine peso? - The man looked at me and returned to the camera-

-Are you a photographer? -The man wore a white shirt with two unbuttoned buttons, black pants and shoes- Would you like to come with me to New Zealand? -This guy ... is crazy- and what do you say? -He changed his attitude to a more relaxed-

- Are you crazy? No thanks, I'm doing a tour of America for my portfolio so no thanks whoever you are- I was going to take my camera but I couldn't with the strength of my companion- do you want something?

- You took a picture of me without my permission, if he reported you, it could harm you, what if we make a deal? - His playful look was what scared me the most - if you come with me, I don't tell the police anything and you earn money to be able to Is traveling okay to you? - I ... is blackmailing-

- mmm ...- I don't want to go to jail, but I don't want to go to New Zealand either, but if I do, I'll be able to have better accommodation- I'm good treatment but I'll leave as soon as you agree? - I extended my hand-

- I think it's very good miss ...- apparently he wanted to say something-

- Did you forget something? Oh you want to know my name? Itzel García de la Rosa and you are? - She was puzzled for a moment by my question - did I say something wrong?

- you don't know me? I'm Alan Roger Smith- Alan Roger Smith ... Who is that? Now that I think about it, why are there so many people around? -Are you rich? -My question made him start laughing-

- You are very funny, let's go- he held out his hand- yes?

- What trouble did I get myself into- I whispered and then move on to where he was going without taking his hand- no thanks, I can by myself- we went to a large white truck where inside there were like three or four people, three dressed in black and another in a navy blue suit- okay ... do you kidnap children? - I looked at the brunette who had an uncontrollable laugh-

-You are an interesting girl- she said as she got into the truck- Can I help you? - It was a big truck but ... I have never needed the help of a boy robber to get into a truck- thanks but no thanks- I got on with difficulty but I made it-

-We can go now- spoke the man in the blue suit- who is she Alan? -the truck was already moving- do you know her? -he's look is very tired, his appearance the same, it seemed that he did not eat-

-Look at this- apparently Alan showed my photo to the one in the suit- is great, isn't it? -he's gaze seemed very happy as did his voice-

- Did you take this photo? - The voice of the other man was serious but I don't know if it was natural or due to the effect of fatigue-

- Yes I did - apparently the airport was not very far away as the planes were already traveling from one side to the other -

- I would like to hire you for our film- the man shook my hand- what do you think? Are you going to earn enough, how many do you want? - I take out a paper but I shook my head- eh?

- I'm going to do it because they cheated me, so how much will I earn, Mr. Alan? - Apparently Alan's representative was that man in a suit- I hear him- he looked at me and then smiled-

- Umm, let's see what about $ 150,000? - That sum of money was ridiculous, for a maybe low budget movie and give me that- what do you think? Is that okay? - This is crazy but I don't think my service is worth that much-

- How about just $ 10,000? To tell the truth I do not charge much- they looked at each other and then accepted the deal- I'm glad and what is the movie about? - They shut up- surprise eh? Then what role will you play? -I looked American by his accent-

- It will be a surprise darling- I wink- I think it's time to go- He opened the door of the truck together with the three men in black- Come on ... You have to pay- get off the truck and we went to the reception of the Flight to New Zealand- one more ticket please- when I saw that he was going to pay I put $ 2000 Argentines- eh?

- I'm sorry but if you do, I'll feel bad- look at the man- please accept my money- he accepted and gave me my ticket, when I saw him the first thing I thought was ... the worst shower of my life- let's go ...- apparently kidnapper of children notice my discouragement to later load my suitcase- EPA, what are you doing idiot? leave that immediately culiao- the distance between our heights was great, so he only had to raise it a little so that he could no longer reach it- but this is not a joke, give it to me- so we spent it until we reached the plane which was private- great ....- when going up and grabbing my luggage I sat down to the bottom as a precautionary measure however I did not count that the child abductor would sit next to me- I will not give him my suitcase- I took my suitcase very strong-

- hahaha I'm not going to take your suitcase I just want to talk- he was a strange person, I didn't understand why he was always smiling or because he was taking photos, he was the type of person that I always avoid but he caught my attention, why did he do it? was there any purpose in doing that? my doubts or my thoughts left when he took my hand- huh? perate you still don't invite me to dinner- I tried to push her away but I couldn't because he wouldn't let me-

- honey without you I feel empty- literally when he said that, I put my hand away with all my strength and I went to the bottom- hahaha you are really cute, although you don't have to make a cross with your fingers- never in my life did they do that Guy could make friends with that ease? - It was a dialogue in one of my films- I think first it was to say that to do it-

- You are very strange, but why are you here and not with your friends? I bet they want you to go- he just laughed, maybe the hint why don't you leave with your friends was very difficult to understand? -I said something funny? -he opened his suitcase and took out his cell phone-

- Come, we have to take a picture- he made signs to me but I could be a photographer but I didn't like taking pictures- yes? - I repeatedly denied- please make a nice memory- a memory in which they extort me for taking a photo for later take pictures in a movie though ... That was fine but not the rest-

-no, I don't think so, thanks- apparently my companion wanted to talk since after that he got anxious- but where are you from? -He smiled again-

- I'm from the United States and you? - To tell the truth I don't know where I come from and it never caught my attention- mm? - He looked at me curiously-

- Etto I don't know- a very long silence occurred until I spoke again- I am an orphan, a circus director adopted me, he never told me where he found me and apart from that I was not curious about what I could not tell you- I lied or good only in One part, the circus thing is true- it doesn't sound credible does it? - I again take his hand to squeeze it between hers- and now? What mosquito bit you? -His gaze seemed that of a puppy-

- I'm very sorry, you have lived a difficult life- well ... it is very rare for me that they show physical contact- suddenly I got very sleepy and ended up leaning on the window and I didn't know what happened-

Alan's pov

- From one moment to the next my companion fell asleep, apparently he was not sleeping well and it was noticeable by his dark circles, he looked uncomfortable sleeping leaning against the window so I got closer and leaned his head on my shoulder, then I fell into the arms of Morpheus.


Our protagonists were being watched by the manager who had noticed that although she did not accept it, they looked very good together.

The hours passed and the two of them were still asleep, because from Argentina to New Zealand it is 21 hours and they fell asleep at the second hour, from there, they followed each other until the tenth hour in which Itzel woke up- what a good nap- she felt that no It was the cold metal of the plane that she was leaning on- eh? - I look at the owner of the shoulder to notice how the American's brown hair covered his face- ah .....- the man's head was leaning against hers - Let's see ...- when he reached for his backpack, he took out a donut pillow and with the greatest possible care, he put it on, ceasing to be the messenger- how long did I sleep? - he took out his cell phone to notice that it was eight o'clock night- go ...- I look around and notice that the others were sleeping- eh ...- he got up with the greatest possible care so as not to wake up the kidnapper of children and go to another window to see the starry sky, it's not that no she liked her place but considered that the actor must be more tired than she and better give give him a little space- there are still eleven hours left and I'm bored- I take his camera and then review the photos I take in Argentina-

How long have you been in Argentina? -the voice of the one he thought was asleep surprised her- ah sorry, it was not my intention to scare you- he had one of her hands recharging his head while the other on her legs-

- I'm sorry if I woke you up but ... I didn't want to bother you but I thought you would be more comfortable alone- he turned off his camera and approached a little, like only three centimeters- he had only been two months, arrived in December- he began to clean his camera-

- So who did you spend New Years with? Any friend, friend, family member? -He got closer, he had already woken up, he only had to talk-

-None of the above- he said with the calmest voice- I made myself a guinea pig, mate, a tlayuda and a queen's arm to later drink sherry and go to bed- not that the young woman did not like the occasion, without However, he had no one to do it with- any other questions? - He came closer to him- no? -

-The circus director gave you your name? -She stood in front of him- is something wrong? -I didn't know why he felt nervous, he had contact with women because of his work but that he did it without any warning was strange-

-Of course not, apparently when the director found me he had a paper with my name on it, so I kept that name- he approached the older one- now ... can you give me my donut please? I don't think you occupy it, do you? -deception was what he felt at that moment but ... why? -so? -

- Ah no ... no longer- she gave it to him- so you grew up in the circus, did you go to many places? - I didn't want an awkward silence-

- We went through all of America and Asia, however I do not know Europe- I keep the pillow in his backpack to look at the American- it is the first time that I will go to New Zealand, although I would like to go voluntarily- yes, he remembered that the trip is for a scam- however ... I hope to see you act, I hope this trip is in vain, so you will have to show off since you are a candidate to be the main photo of my portfolio- he said it in a serious way but it surprised the oldest-

- Don't worry darling, I will make your portfolio as well as my performance be dazzling- they kept talking about their favorite food, their favorite color, favorite movie, then they went back to sleep only this time in different places until they finally arrived to the study-

- Don't grind it, my whole body hurts- she was stretching in the corridors even on the plane- I must have used both seats- Alan was already moving forward but it was fun to see the girl complaining-

-Come on princess we have to go- he showed her his suitcase, she immediately went against him, but nevertheless they both miscalculated, he lifted the suitcase a lot making it look like an olé, she got out of the plane like a rocket so He started falling down the stairs until he hit the ground-

- son of your gringa mother ...- he rubbed the places where they hurt the most- itte- he got up, looking forward a black-haired man, blue-eyed, clear, tall and with a beard- I'm sorry but I hit you? - the man looked at her from top to bottom- then yes? - the young woman was bleeding from the elbow slightly-

-Your elbow ...- I take the girl's arm to observe it better- you need to go to the infirmary- she put a handkerchief on her wound-go- she started to pull her-

- is-wait, hold on cause I'm fine- he stopped him but only because he only allowed- I have to go for my luggage and for my companion, I don't know the place- he looked into her eyes- use your vision yedai all you want but it's the truth- he looked at the plane again-

-fast- Itzel was fast as lightning for his suitcase that was even carried by the American-

- Itzel! I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to fall, are you okay? Does something hurt? -They never asked him that when he was in the circus, so he was strange- your elbow! -he put down the suitcases and approached-

- I'm fine, I'm fine, it's just a little bleeding, I'm also worried about my things that you just dropped abruptly- I grab her backpack- don't worry, a little bit of alcohol and a patch will work, better show me the place where we'll stay- A hand pulled her arm to hit her chest- huh?

- You already have your things and hello Alan- I greet the British- who is she? - The young woman did not understand the world of entertainment-

-Hi Richard, she is a photographer who possibly takes photos for the fans- it was the first time that she was officially told her position-

-Then, my pleasure is Richard Jones Ackerman- I take the backpack from the young woman-

- Nice to meet you, I'm Itzel García de la Rosa, now give me my backpack- I try to grab it but the man was fast and tall-

- I can't let you carry your luggage with an injured elbow, I'm also going to show you where we stayed- Alan and Itzel looked at each other and followed the British man-

- chale ....- here begins how Itzel will deal with the British backpack robber and the cheerful American kidnapper or will they discover the truth of the girl without nationality? -