
Inter-Dimensional Exchange GC!

Dreaming of being transmigrated into an anime world, with a system, becoming powerful, world hopping, etc. That was what a certain average youth experienced, after getting beat up by his abusive father. He experienced months of doing what he dreamed as his ideal life, his desire. But all of that disappeared as he woke up from that wonderful dream. But just when he was losing hope once again, a floating holographic board appeared in front of him asking him whether he accept being the owner of a dimension group chat. [Congratulations! You have been selected as the admin of the Inter-dimensional Exchange Group Chat! Do you wish to accept? Yes/Of course] Disclaimer:I do not own the characters nor the anime nor manga used in this fan-fic.This is also my first time writing so please bare with the language or the plot.So please comment your honest thoughts on how I can make it better Thank you.

Lazy_Author69 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Back at Axel

Kazuma was surprised after seeing the arrival and swift execution of Sirius's party. Although it was clear to him that the group was merely low level newbie adventurers.

"Um...hello?" Sirius waved in front of Kazuma's face which snapped him out of daze. Coincidentally, Aoi and An Lin was back along with a crying slimy Aqua.

"Hic* Hic* Uwaaaa, Kazuma-san...! I'm a goddess...I'm a goddess and yet..." Aqua ran towards Kazuma and tried to tackle him who dodged causibg Aqua to fall.

"Goddess?" Aoi said subconsciously after hearing Aqua and stared at her weirdly.

"Ah! Please excuse her, she has a bit of screw loose so she tends to say that she's a goddess." Kazuma quickly said to which Aoi and others nodded with only Sirius knowing the truth.

"Sirius, should we continue hunting giant frogs?" Gu Qing Shan who just arrived asked.

"Um...I think we should continue since we need to level up fast." Sirius replued after some initial pause. He then turned towards Kazuma, "Um...what's your name?" he asked

"Satou Kazuma...nice to meet you."

Hearing the name, Aoi blurted out subconsciously. "Japanese...!" before quickly covering her mouth.

Her companions just smiled wryly while Kazuma and Aqua's eyes widen. Megumin on the other hand was still lying on the ground.

"Um...Before you all talk once again, can someone at least help me lay down properly. It's quite uncomfortable in this situation..." Megumin said

Kazuma quickly help her up and turned towards Sirius's group, especially Aoi. "You know japan, does that mean you're also..."

"That's right, I don't remember sending you four to this world. Did Eris send you here? Tch...that insolent little..." Aqua poinyed at the group.

Sirius frowned, "Don't point at us, that's disrespectful!"

"What?! How dare you mmpph mmph!" Aqua was abput to retort when Kazuma covered her mouth half way.

"Sorry about that, I think we'll be going first. Come on Aqua, let's go." Kazuma ordered to which Aqua struggled before nodding. Kazuman then carried Megumin with Aqua walking beside him, they soon started their way back towards Axel.


"Well...that was surprising." An Lin said awkwardly

"Yes, I'm sorry for my blunder earlier. I was just surprised by his name. But I didn't think he would also be from japan." Aoi apologized

"It's okay." Gu Qing Shan said and the other two nodded. He then continued, "But it seems that girl with him is not that simple...could she really be a goddess? But she is kind of...you know, weak to of such status?"

The others nodded and Sirius held his laughter after hearing Gu Qing Shan's comment since it's pretty accurate.

"A-anyway, I think we should continue hunting." Sirius said

"Yes, I think so too."

After coming up with the decision, the group continued their plan of hunting giant frogs.


"10 more frogs coming, 50 meters away. Sirius, Kunied, and An Lin. Kill your targets swiftly!" Gu Qing Shan ordered, he was the most experience as a commander so they made him the leader of their party.

"Yes!" The three answered in unison.

They were still on the plains where they met Kazuma and his party. Currently, they were surrounded by about a dozen giant frogs. And since their strength is limited along with the skills they can use, their speed of killing the frogs was slower than optimum.

" {Create Water} " " {Freeze} " Sirius simultaneouslt casted his magic which was targeted at the giant frogs's feet. And then with Gu Qing Shan as rear attack, An Lin and Aoi then attacked upfront killing the immobilized targets.

This is their routine now, Sirius immobilze the targets by freezing their feet and sometimes mouth. Aoi and An Lin was vanguard with their swords. Gu Qing Shan mainly shoots the non-immobilized targets who attempted to attack the others.

The group did this type of routine for the rest of the day and put back the carcass of the giant frogs in their inventory before leaving when it was nearing sunset.


"Thank you for your hard work!" Luna smiled at Siriu's and others. They just got back from their hunting and sold the carcass of the giant frog they killed earlier.

Each carcass was sold at around 5000 eris each and they hunted quite a bit so they've got enough mlney for a rent in an inn.

"Good work everyone, I didn't think hunting giant frogs would be that tiring." An Lin stretched out his arms.

"Well, our cultivation are sealed so it can't be help. Even with our stronger bodies, that type of continuous fighting nonstop would take a toll on us since we don't have spiritual energy to keep us energized." Gu Qing Shan shot a cursory glanced at An Lin.

"W-well, at least we achieved some progress today, right? We levelled up straight into level 10." Sirius joined in.

"Yeah you're right, but I want to finish this quest soon." An Lin nodded

"By the way, I've been meaning to ask this Sirius." Aoi suddenly said which caught the latter off guard and the other two listened. "Why are you quite shy when out of battle? Like when we were hunting, you were very calm and attentive of our surrounding, like you've been in such situations where your constantly surrounded by monsters. You've even saved me when I slipped up." Aoi commented with a barely noticable blush by the end of her comment. This blush quickly went away though and her expression became normal.

Sirius scratched his head and smiled awkwardly. "This... as you know I came from a normal world and before I met you guys, I was a loner so naturally I am quite shy around people but I'm adjusting to it. As why I seem to be calm when in battle...I don't know why." He said unsurely

"Let's just eat our dinner, I'm hungry." An Lin interrupted and started walking at a free table. The others didn't dwell on the subject more and followed An Lin.

Coincidentally, Kazuma and his party is just right beside their table.

"H-hello, Kazuma-san..." Sirius waved at Kazuma who was in another table near them.

"Ah you're Sirius-san, right? Thank you for earlier." Kazuma said

"It's okay"

An awkward silence soon followed after that. This was broken when Aqua the useless goddess opened her mouth.

"Hey you four, we're you sent in this world by Eris? Since I remembered you mentioning Japanese earlier." At her question, Sirius's party members was confused.

"Uh, we know of goddess Eris but what are yp

ou talking about? We haven't met the goddess though." Sirius replied

"Wha-?! Don't lie to me, if Eris wasn't the one who sent you, could it be some other god or that angel?!" Aqua's loud voice attracted the attention of the other adventurers.

Kazuma quickly covered Aqua's mouth and apologized to the adventurers. "I'm sorry about that."

He then whispered at Aqua, "Hey Aqua, don't shout."

After seeing Aqua nodding, Kazuma released her.

"Uh...I think you're being mistaken here miss Aqua? We didn't meet any of these gods you're talking about. We just heard about the word Japanese from one of our friends back in our hometown. And what do you mean sent to this world?" Sirius quickly replied as to not cause any more problems. His companions quickly catched on what he's doing and nodded in agreement.

Aqua being the guillible, naive, and useless goddess she is, easily believed them. Kazuma still wasn't convinced but didn't ask further.

"Anyway, who was the one who casted that magic earlier that created such large explosion?" Sirius asked curiously although he knew already who it is.

At this question, Megumin's interest was piqued. "Huhuhu-! It seems you were enamored by my explosion magic! I am looking forward to meeting people like you!" She started speaking as a red gleam passed her eye.

"And who are you?" An Lin who was eating asked

"Huhuhu! Behold! My name is Megumin, I'm an arch wizard. The strongest attack magic, the explosion magic's, spellcaster." She boldly proclaimed as such with a smirk.


"Well...can you teach me explosion magic?" Sirius asked

"It seems you've chosen this path as well, I guess I have no choice." Megumin smirked

"Does she have that disease? The eigth grade syndrome aka Chuunibyou?" An Lin muttered softly with only Aoi, Gu Qing Shan, and Sirius hearing him.

It seems that night was bound to weird with the addition of Kazuma's quirky comrades.

That night, Sirius learned the strongest attack magic of this world. As for why he wanted to learn it despite it's high cost, maybe he just felt like it.


AN: And that's all for this chapter, it's quite short I know but as I said, I'm busy haha. That's all, I'mma peace out now~