

When an asteroid crashes the Surface of Okyot Mysteriously Killing All of the people in the Country, there are only 5 survivors who are divided among the alliance of 5 nations. Was there something behind the fall of asteroid? it's still a mystery as kids are divided because they have got some kind of supernatural strength after the happening of events which is though to be made an asset by each of the nation in their own way. . Okyot is allowed to be left alone to be rebuild as an independent nation after this but for how long will the peace last? . What's the real mystery behind these new powers? was Asteroid crash the reason? or something else? . The Truth Will be Uncovered

KrishMittal · Realistic
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8 Chs


It's gotten afternoon as the sun is straight above the heads. Uruzih's soldiers despite being in small quantity fighting as hard they can. They are on the verge of being replenished however. All the Commanders in a sync deploy the reserve forces to finish this battle more quickly.

On the Other Hand, Ivar is in a white themed place. All confused and scared. He is being approached by a little oy Spirit.

"HINA,.....BASHIRA,..... JEAN,....save me, save me. I am gonna be killed", shouts Ivar all along.

The spirit gets to him and it's a little boy. Gathering some confidence, Ivar asks the boy what place this was. All he remembered last was he was in Battlefield. Boy tells him that he is still there. It was his soul who was there talking with the boy. He was inside his mind.

Ivar is so confused and finds some relief. He asks whether he was dead and that's why he is talking with a spirit as told by his parents.

"Hello, The Name's Gatan, and yes, you are alive."

Ivar says,"I don't have time for this bullshit, send me back however you got me here. We can talk later."

"Don't worry, time doesn't work here. It's free of time.",replies Gatan

"Wtf! Time don't works? Are you sure what you are saying boy?"

"I AM NOT A BOY, I AM A GIRL", Gatan replies Aggressively.

"A girl, huh. Sorry, you had small hairs and you looked like a boy.", Says Ivar.

Gatan tells him that she is omnipotent and she is a specimen of The God. She is living inside each and everyone and only few have the allowance to meet this face of her's as allowed. After becoming God, she missed her childhood part, that's why She was sent in her child spirit among all of her subjects.

"Omnipotent!!? What that means?"

"It means i can do everything I want, I have the supreme skills in this world. Aside from it, I am omnipresent at the same time. It means I am everywhere everytime." Answers Gatan

Ivar says that he needs to go back real quick. He has to save his friends in need.

Gatan replies strongly that time didn't worked there. Its all going in his mind. When he will head back, it will be like an instant. However he is told that he was called there for a reason.

"Reason? What work am I supposed to do have with God Rather than the fact I am dead?."

"You aren't dead. You are still alive. I have allowed you to interact with me. You have unlocked power of speed, super speed, just like Eris and Azazel." Gatan says

"Super speed? So that's where it comes from.



But why didn't Eris told us!!"

"Even you can't tell anybody, you can't reveal god's presence and the fact that you can interact with me. Origins of your powers and anything. Even if you try, you will not be able to.

And I don't like ones who don't listens. So don't even try to do it often or you will be dead for real in a split instant." Gatan further says warning Ivar.

Ivar says that he couldn't get what she was saying that moment and he needed some time to cover up.

Gatan says that he has the time he needs and also tells him that he can talk about him with ones who can talk to him too. The mutual ones he meant. And also, she told him that Eris had unlocked the 3rd level of powers, Flying.

"How do we get powers?"

Gatan says,"you are the quickest one who asked. Whenever you pass prescribed limit of given powerset or feel exaggerated emotional by any feeling of loss, you are liable to unlock new powers."

"What was it in my case?"

"It was both. After your friend Bashira was injured, you surpassed strength limits and emotional at the same time."

"It's time to head back. You can meet with me whenever you want. Just a thought of me and you will find me against you. Remember, be a good servant!! Don't try to do what you are not allowed to." Gatan says.

Ivar regains Consciousness in real world and notices that it is just like an instant for real.

Craven was just punched and it's all like it was left. Bashira was alive while Eris preparing to engage with Azazel. Azazel evades the path as he was all teared up and weakened from the fight. He was fatigued up.

Commander Finehair, Victor & Vali announce reserve forces to join the attack to destroy Uruzih as soon as possible. They were resistant as hell.

A path was cleared up in between to receive King Alfred's Cadever peacefully without inflicting any more damages.

On the other hand, while Azazel was recovering, he is challenged by King Harald to have a proper fight now. Azazel can't do anything else as all he could see in the front was Army Of Harald.

"Congo Ivar, you know now." says Eris

"Yeah, and sorry for doubting you. We were imebcile to do so."

"He died (pointing towards Deyja), he died while fighting for me. Ivaaarrr, why do everyone close to me has to get off." Says Eris

Ivar remains quiet having nothing to say on this. Hina is also there and tells them that Sakura was Dead too by Azazel. They stand quiet and still.

King Harald has started approaching Azazel. Azazel gets a horse and starts charging too. As he marches, he can see King Harald straightly in front of him without any deviance. He is happy that he will kill him and get off instantly using his speed. King Harald order Formation 'B'. Army takes a form of trident instantly having king Harald on the Backwards. Azazel sees an opening. Instantly, Formation 'C' is ordered. Middle line of trident slows down and corner ones start rounding up eventually circling around all over Azazel. King Harald is again on the frontlines now.

Azazel says laughing on himself,"I see now why Byzantine is all that Famous. But you are still in front of me. Lookout for getting your head flying off."

"Boy, you haven't even saw half of what we are capable of. Formation 'A'!!!!!" Ordered King Harald.

Army forms a full circle around Azazel and he is encircled in between them. On his left and right, sieges are there. Archers on his back and rams on the front.

Azazel says,"Archers on my back, Hard Siege to Avoid strength at sides and Rams to be protected at Front. You are a good tectician. Guess I am literally cornered by you."

King Harald chuckled and orders to charge upon Azazel from all side shrinking the Circle. Charge happens. Azazel gets off his horse and pushing back the Rams And Siege from the Corner, was able to get off from his right arm side. He coughs out blood being all fatigued up realising he can't do anything else now as Time has run out Like Craven was Saying. He sees a path being cleared out for King Alfred and Major League soldiers were there all distracted as all of Uruzih's army was disposed off. They were thinking that War Had Gone Over now. He decides to have a final attack for life and death.

"If he survived, it would've been a victory for him at his personal level to be able to do that much and may have retreated then to come for Eris later again. If he didn't, he would have accepted death in order to join his parents. That's what Azazel decided", Narrates Flamen.