
Integration System

A young man woke up all alone and without his memories. Not even a Name was left for him to remember as he fought his way through the dark and brutal world he was summoned to. His only goal was to regain his memories and what had happened to him. With pictures of his past flashing blurry before his eyes he knew he still had a chance to regain them and maybe even what ever live he had before. With the world he got to being one of the least stabilized ones, filled with magic and monsters he had to fight, he would have to face brutal fights and gain enough strength to survive. But he soon learned that even if this dark world of magic and fantasy seemed not as dark as he previously thought, it wasn't the beasts and monsters he had to fear. His only hope was setting up a place for him and learning of the way this world functioned while gaining enough strength to reveal the mysteries shrouding him. ************ The summary will be updated with following Volumes as to not spoiler. Expect a little bit of gore and quite some mature content. As this is my first english novel, please bare with my poor writing and i promise to keep improving... hopefully ************* The protagonist will fight to retrive his memories and live through all kinds of adventures. Some places and names will remind some of certain games. He will gain a new name at some point and always get more overpowered. ************** The first chapters are 1,5K to 2K words while later ones tend to be 2-3K! Release is set to at least 2 chapters a week, though no promises ************** I appreciate VOTES though this novel will stay free as it is a hobby of mine.

theyarnuz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
234 Chs

A unwanted givaway

Turning around one last time to make sure she at least was still breathing, Jay shook his head and left the cave. The excursion to this left tunnel had taken way longer than he had expected, but it wasn't like had a fixed schedule anyways.

Jay had rested a bit after he finished his slightly cruel experiments on the woman's body. That was the best way he could've described it if anyone asked him after they saw her lying gagged on the table.

The gag was something he had put on her shortly before he left, but it hadn't been the only thing…




It had taken Jay some minutes of rubbing his hard member inside her until he had build up enough pressure. That had been a little bit too long, so Adrianna had reached her peak once again before he was done.

Lucky for him it seemed her fluid balance had reached a dry out and though she again quivered all over, he didn't get showered.

She still clamped a good bit down on his hand, as much as her lower part was left possible to, and then arched her back again. That had finally been enough for Jay and he as well had gotten ready to release. But as she had at least tried to shower him more then once, even though it hadn't been intentionally, he switched the most fitting skill back on.

Ready to pay her back Jay only needed one last stroke and then released a humongous tide inside her, so much it found its narrow way along his hand and shot out of her slit to all sides.

But Jay wasn't finished with this.

Pulling out both, his hand and his boner it still grabbed, Jay rubbed it once again and shot the next load. This one reached all over her stomach and up to her bust. But Jay had still kept going and released one more tide.

The third one was the biggest and even flew further. He couldn't help but let out a small grunt while his fluids got plastered all over her face and breasts.

She had to grasp for air as she completely hadn't expected the amounts and moreover for it to reach her head.

Taking a step back after he had finally released as well, Jay looked at the result of his experiments.

On the table lay a totally spent woman, covered in white liquids and heaving heavily. Between her wide spread legs Jay eyed the tattered and spunk leaking hole that looked like it won't ever cease to be agape. That was something he didn't care for though.

Jay left her lying there and after he buttoned his pants again, Stored the bowl he had placed on the chair and took out some bread instead. Resting a bit while eating his snack, Jay checked his gains from this eventful excursion:

Though [Fire Magic] didn't level up from her two level lower one, Jay was sure it wasn't far from doing so. The same was true for her [Chant shortening LVL 3] as his own was way higher. To his surprise, [Mana Control LVL 2] did bring him a level up though.

With [Silent Cast LVL 2] it was similar to the first two skills he integrated, it boosted his own but not enough to gain a level.

The two more Status points added nicely to his abundant reserves as well.

Other than that he had gained a whole lot of Experience Points in the mines until then and a few levels in his jobs. The next Base level was not that far and Jay had high hopes to get it up at least once in those mines.

Marveling at the sight he got as he looked over to the abused mage, Jay got the feeling there was still something missing. Thinking about it for a few seconds, Jay decided to gift her something fitting.

He walked over and positioned himself next to the table and close to her hips one last time. Taking out the gigantic hammer he had used to break her legs some time ago, he laid the hammers head on the ground and positioned it right.

Already taking a step back, he pulled the massive handle to the table and impaled her with it. It was not the still dripping hole but the only tight one she had left, what brought the corresponding reaction.

Adrianna shot her head up and screamed out loud. But as Jay didn't react and the handle wouldn't slip out as much as she moved, she started cussing at him.

His only reaction was picking up her torn shirt and using it as gag.

That proved to be quite difficult as a certain sticky fluid was close to everywhere and jay didn't want to touch it.

After he did manage to silence her, he finally went back to the entrance. That was the moment when he looked back one last time before he left the cave.




His inner clock told Jay it was late evening when he passed the metal door where a dead overseer still lay around. Leaving it alone, he went down the slope where he had already seen the enslaved men working.

It was time to set them free as he was sure they had endured more than enough.

When he was leisurely walking down the long slope, the first two slaves looked at him completely befuddled. Jay's behavior was completely unbefitting the situation from their point of view, as he didn't look like one of the bandits and there were bound to be overseers coming for an attack.

None of them knew he had already taken care of them. Even if there was an overseer or two left in this passage, that wouldn't make any difference to Jay anymore.

As he then stopped near the men and greeted them, they got even more irritated and it took a short moment for them to process the situation. Asking him who he was and why he had come there, the men got surprised again as Jay stated he came to free them.

Proving his words and opening their shackles, Jay walked together with the two of them until they reached another group of three slaves still at work.

On their not too long way the two men had explained they had first thought him to be one of those mean and brutal patrols.

He couldn't inquire further as they had reached the next group, so he freed them first and the men joined their little group. They as well asked about the patrol after they heard the first men talk about them.

Jay then finally inquired about them and learned a pair of a male overseer and a female mage that were feared by the slaves. They had apparently killed or crippled some of the captured men just for fun and most of the times they were on patrol, at least one slave perished.

After they had freed another ten men, the wide tunnel went nearly straight and Jay could see the end. A big double door sat in a neat concrete wall there with no guard to be seen. Jay hadn't encountered any other patrol until then, so he proceeded down there alone for cautions sake.

At both sides another four more slaves all together kept up their work and Jay went from one to the next and freed them. He sent each of them up to where the group of men were waiting and then proceeded.

Like this he had reached the last one only ten yards away from the door and learned there really was no guard.

Leaving the door alone for the moment, Jay went up the slope together with the last slave in this passage. Back at the group of twenty men he looked through them and saw they all were of about the same age and quite fit, the typical field workers.

He then explained that there was a group of other slaves close to the entrance that was going to guide them up. The barrier at the entrance already got dispelled so they were free to leave, but he demanded them to wait in the warehouse with all the other slaves until he freed even the last one.

The men all agreed and some even stated they would as well help out the group waiting up there. As they thanked Jay again and wished him good luck, he took the first two to the side.

"Hey guys, about the patrol you were talking about… Have a look at the sieve station close to the door. I guess there's something you might want to… use?" J.

The men looked at him questioningly but Jay only stated they should either use it, take it or get rid of his little gift.

It really didn't matter to him so he turned around and waved them goodbye while walking down the slope.

Back down at the door he found it locked tight. There was a small keyhole on the right door, but none of the keys he had found until then did fit, so he had to resort to lock-picking.

It felt like a lifetime what it took him to open the damn door and he threw the tools to the side two times in between, about to try some spells on the door, but managed to calm down in time. When he finally managed and the metallic click signaled him the door was unlocked, he instantly got to his feet and pulled it open.

The massive heat wave hitting his face surprised him and Jay even thought it was an attack.

Jumping back and feeling the air getting cooler he stepped towards the door again. It was like an open oven that was still running and the heat slowly spread all around Jay.

Going through the door the temperature only rose even more.

Jay looked to both sides as he entered the next area to check for possible enemies, Jay found himself in a completely different vicinity.

Not only the fiery orange illumination and the temperature were different, but the whole shape of the cave he was in as well.

To the front, about four yards away, Jay saw a handrail and it seemed most of the light came from below it.

Because of that he walked forward after he had spotted no enemy to both sides, to get a glimpse on what was below.

Reaching the handrail and looking around once again, Jay got a good impression of this caves layout.

He was standing on a platform that went around the left side of the circular shaped room close to half. To the right it only went on for about five to six yards.

Down below and in the middle of the room was a giant melting pot installed, filled with bubbling and glowing metal. The heat it emitted prohibited him looking down for more than a second, so he leaned back and then went towards the outer wall.

It was the same stone like everywhere in the mines, only more smooth.

By then Jay finally understood the big pipe that had been mounted at the ceiling in the last passage. It was the chimney for the furnace heating the melting pot that he had traveled along.

Walking along the wall where the heat was the most bearable, Jay couldn't really look down but saw the shadows of moving figures projected onto the walls. Someone had to be working at the furnace and keeping it running, so he prepared for the next fight.

At about half of the platform, Jay came across a number of pipes running vertically along the wall. Following them with his eyes he saw some of them end in the chimney as well while others ran along it for a bit or somewhere out of sight.

Getting this distracted proved to be a huge mistake the next second, when Jay looked back towards the platform. A greenish little figure was slowly walking towards Jay's location, looking somehow like a normal goblin but it was slightly bigger and moreover wore clothes.

As it had spotted him first it wobbled with funny, hurried steps to the side what irritated Jay. It did neither try to flee nor did it rush in and attack like Jay had expected it to do.

Just standing there and watching it, Jay only seconds later learned why it reacted this way.

From one of the pipes to his side, a steam of boiling hot vapor shot out so Jay tried to dodge to side.

But that proved to be a big mistake as he hit the handrail and stumbled over it, about to fall down. Only thanks to his nimble reflexes and the (Parcours) skill did he manage to grab the handrail, swing over it and then slid through under it back onto the platform.

Lying on the ground he saw what had happened. The Goblin only needed to reach something like a console with multiple levers and buttons and then had pulled on some to attack Jay with the pipes vapor.

It was about to pull on the next lever while Jay was still sliding over the platform when he used his momentum to roll forward, then jumped to his feet and sprinted over towards the creature.

Unarmed as it was it had no means to defend against his signature attack. A kick lifted the goblin into the air and with a loud echoing noise it crashed onto the pipes at the wall.

With this, his chances to go unnoticed went down to zero and Jay hurriedly went towards the ramp after he checked the small humanoid creature and learned it was dead.

He barely went down two steps on the pretty steep ramp when two more of those abnormal goblins rushed up towards him.

The right one was the first to arrive and tried to hit Jay with the typical sharp nails what he dodged with ease. As it proved effective, Jay again used his signature kick.

Holding its crushed crotch with both hands while wailing, the Goblin flew in a beautiful arc trough the air. Jay noticed it a bit late in which direction he had kicked it and even the other Goblin couldn't help but watch how the kicked one descended.

With a splashing sound and even more heat spreading, the small creature had fallen into the gigantic melting pot and the molten metal splashed all around.

Numerous shrieks and fast moving shadows on the floor below told Jay he had finally alarmed the whole cave of his arrival with this.

He no longer had time to take a careful approach so he took care of the second Goblin that had just regained its senses and took out a weapon as well. But Jay had already appeared behind it with [Shadow Step] and with a swift slash separated its head and body.

Looking at the dead body, Jay saw two small black orbs affixed with lashes on the creatures belt. He instantly had a hunch to what those were as he snatched one and searched for the last one as one of the lashes had already been empty.

And then he saw it as a barely audible sizzling sound came from the green-skins clawed hand that opened slightly due to the bodied tension ceasing.

That had been what Goblin took out before it got beheaded and its body still held tight on the small bomb.

As it had barely managed to light the fuse and it was nearly burned out, Jay kicked the body towards the caves center and jumped to the wall. Thanks to his strength though it slid under handrail and vanished out of sight from the ramp.


With a loud explosion, followed by screams and wails, Jay knew he was safe and slowly rose from the cowering position he had taken. Evenly slowly walking over towards the handrail and looking down from there he knew he had managed to pass on the Goblins little giveaway on.