
Integrated Comics: The Rise Of Mutants

In the world of comics, Mutants who have superpowers are extremely miserable. Lynn who travels in this world became a student of Xavier Institute with the ability to create Spells(Magic). Apparition, Avada Kedavra... Glacier Spikes, Fire Storms... Fire God Slayer Magic, Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic... True mirror image, Dimensional leap, Time freeze... After ten years of accumulation, Lynn has mastered countless splendid and terrifying Spells(Magic), and he knows very well that it is meaningless for Professor X to let the students act as thugs to save the world to make humans and mutants coexist peacefully. The only way to change the living environment of mutants is to increase their right to speak! Where does their right to speak come from? Strength is the foundation! Money on the left and power on the right! So, he approached Professor X and proposed a package plan to establish a mutant consortium and gain power through money: The first step is to create Oasis, a virtual reality world! Source: https://wap.faloo.com/1247401.html

DreamStolen · Anime & Comics
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Assessment In The Dream!

Not long after, all the lower-grade students left and the playground was full of senior mutants who were about to graduate, then all their eyes fell on Lynn.

"What's going on? Why did the principal suddenly ask us to gather?"

"Recruitment? What kind of recruitment?"

"Could it be a selection for the X-Men?"

"Can we join the X-Men and go on missions like the teachers?"

"But... how could it be possible that Lynn is the one responsible for the selection?"

"Where are the teachers?"

While they were whispering, there was a thunderclap in the sky.

A black-clothed woman with white-haired was flying along with a gust of wind, and in an instant, she landed in front of everyone.

"Teacher Ororo!"

Everyone exclaimed.

Envy and reverence appeared in the eyes of many people.

It was Storm!

After she landed, she gave Lynn a very strange look, then she scanned the audience: "This is not the selection for the X-Men, but Lynn is going to perform a secret mission. The principal asked him to choose a few teammates from senior mutant at the school!"

"Secret mission?"

Everyone was stunned, and after reacting, they were all eager to try.

In their view, being able to carry out the Principal secret mission at this time will definitely be a great plus when the actual selection for the X-Men starts selection in the future.

Even John's eyes showed excitement.

"Lynn, choose me!"

"And me!"

Someone looked at Lynn eagerly on the spot, and then he recommended himself.

Lynn smiled.

These people can be regarded as nodding acquaintances with him. Although they are not as familiar as Katherine and Li Qianhuan, they will greet each other when they meet on the road.

If it's someone else, they might choose someone they are familiar with.

But Lynn won't.

Entrepreneurial teams need reliable members.

Therefore, he values ​​character, IQ, and obedience more than superpowers!

Those people like John were ruled out early on.

Under the people's watchful eyes, Lynn looked around at everyone, and said lightly: "Except for Katherine and Li Qianhuan, those who got a B and above evaluation in the assessment last night in the dream stood up, as for those who don't, you can go."

"How do you know that I dreamed about an assessment last night?"

"How do you know..."

Almost the same doubts appear on the faces of several people. But before they finished speaking, these people were all stunned.

"Did you have an assessment in the dream too?"

"You also took the assessment?"

"What kind of assessment did you take?"

"I don't remember clearly, but it seems to be survival in doomsday!"

"Humans used a new type of weapon to wipe out the mutants, the remaining mutants are hiding in a secret base, and we are the last soldiers, accepting the instruction from the instructor?"

"The content of the test is to leave the base, which is surrounded by enemies, and struggle to survive?!"


"Damn it!!!"

Voices rang out one after another, and everyone was stunned to find out that they had the same dream last night!

The only difference is that the results of the assessment are different!

"An assessment in the dream?!"

Storm was also stunned and she immediately looked at Lynn, with her eyes full of disbelief.

Although Professor had told her that Lynn had been hiding his true ability, she couldn't believe that Lynn could manipulate the dreams of more than thirty mutants at the same time!

It has nothing to do with the strength of his ability!

Rather... this is under the nose of Professor Charles!

Storm is very clear, at least before this morning, Professor Charles did not show any unusual importance to Lynn, that is to say, what happened last night, Professor Charles did not know!

That is the top psychic user in the world!

How can that be possible?!

"What happened during the two hours when Lynn entered the principal's office..."

"He obviously discussed something with Principal Charles just now, but last night, he conducted a dream assessment on these students..."

"What does this mean?"

"This young student expected this scene a long time ago!"

"He believes that the principal will agree to his request!"

Thinking of this, Storm gasped.

This made her suddenly feel helpless, then seeing the students in front of her were in a mess due to shock. She couldn't help shouting: "Quiet!!!"

Then there was a sudden loud crackling sound of thunder in the sky!

Everyone's scalps went numb for a while, and their bodies seemed to be surrounded by static electricity. They quickly regain their calm and they looked at Storm.

"According to what Lynn said, those who get a rating of B or above stand up!"

They looked at each other in dismay, then a figure came out one after another.

'Iceman' Bobby, 'Colossus' Peter,' 'Sunspot' Roberto...

Calvin the 'Mimic', Kevin the shapeshifter...

Lucas Bishop who can absorb energy, Petra who can manipulate the earth and rocks...

seven in total!

The future of X-Men, an elite team of mutants!

This is actually quite normal. Although Professor X is a saint, he is deeply influenced by the idea of ​​elite education. Among the rescued students at Xavier's School, most of them have potential.

None of them are Epsilon mutants with weak abilities and major flaws.

This is also the reason why those mutants with ugly and weird appearances basically follow Magneto.

From this point of view, Xavier's School is full of talent.

"Bobby, Peter..."

Storm watched Iceman and Colossus walk out one by one, a smile appeared on her face but immediately became nervous, then she quickly looked at Lynn: "Lynn, the seven of them...you can't take them all!"

Just kidding!

The X-Men also need to recruit members. The seven best students were all taken away by Lynn. What should they do?

She knew that if these people left, they might not come back!

"Don't worry, Teacher Ororo, I have a sense of proportion." Lynn smiled, and his eyes fell on Colossus and others: "I never like to force others, and whether to accept this task is entirely up to you... if you want to go, just go back to the dormitory and pack your things, if you don't want to go, you can leave now."