
Instrumental Love

C_M_04 · Teen
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7 Chs

Living like this

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Chapter 4: Jessica's POV:

I wake up sweating. I try to stand up but my body feels awfully heavy. When I open my eyes I see Blake on top of me, his hands tightly wrapped around my waist, pinning me down to my bed.

Oh my gosh! I just woke up with Blake Wilders in my bed!! Every girl in school likes this boy, and here I am waking up next to him...well...more like under him.

I try to pry his arm from my body but he just holds me tighter. "Blake, we have school. We need to get up" I tell him in a whining voice.

"Let's skip today" he says, his voice raspy and full of sleep.

"No!" I reply, "we can't just skip school, are you insane?"

"Just get your friend to send you the work" he says, his arms still wrapped around me, with his head laying on my chest.

"And what will I do the whole day?" I ask, debating if I really want to know the answer.

"We can go shopping" he says lifting his head from my chest and looking at me. "Why would we go shopping? Do guys even like going shopping?" I ask him with a curios yet puzzled look on my face.

"Well if it's with a cute girl...yes...then they do" he says matter-of-factly. Did he just call me cute? Does he really think I am cute? How did I get here? I mean just two days ago I didn't even know he was interested in me. Is he interested in me? What if this is just another one of his games?

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He snaps me out of my thoughts and I jump a little by the sound of his voice so close to me face.

He is laying on his stomach with his arms folded under his chin. He rolles over on his back to lay next to me on my bed and we both just stare at the ceiling.

"Why are you living like this?" He asks after a few seconds of complete silence.

"What do you mean?" I ask him still staring at the ceiling. He turns his body to the side to face me and rests his head on his hand that he propped himself up with.

"Why are you living with a woman who abuses you?"

I feel funny. My stomach is turning. Why is he asking me this? I don't have to explain anything to him...

I want to though, but how do I know he isn't just prying information out of me to tell everyone when we get back to school. I don't know what to say to him and he is just staring at me waiting for an answer.

Before I can think of something to say my phone vibrates on my bed stand and I quickly jump up to answer it not even looking at the caller ID. It could be a freaking serial killer, but at this moment I don't care. Anything to get out of the conversation that was waiting to happen.


A familiar voice answers and I immediately know it's my best friend.

"Heyyy Jessss." She answers in a sing-song voice.

"Sooo I just wanted to tell you that I'm not going to school today"


Before I could say anything or ask why she wasn't going to school she hung up.

"Who was that?" Blake asks still in the same position.

"Amy...looks like we are skipping school after all" I said turing to him and a smile creeps on his face.

"I'm going to take a shower" I tell him and stand up from my bed to walk to my dresser and pick out my outfit for the day.

A black skinny jean, black and white converse, and a white V-neco T-shirt as usual, and I love my choose of clothing.

I take my clothes and head to my bathroom.

"Need help?" Blake asks as I open the door to the bathroom.

I turn to look at him and see a seductive smile on his face and ons eyebrow lifted.

"No!" I say quickly. Maybe to quickly. He just chuckles and shakes his head.

"It's fine Jessie. I was just joking"

Oh thank God! For a moment there I thought he was serious. My cheeks instantly turns bright red and I try hiding my face behind the mess on my head I normally call hair.

I let out a little giggle and instantly regret it. Why did you just giggle Jessica? Are you insane? Now he probably thinks your dumb. Awhh you're so freaking stupid!

Blake looks at me and stands up from my bed stepping closer to me. "Your cute when you are embarrassed"

Just like that my face turns a deeper red and now I really don't know where to hide my face. I sprint out of my room into my bathroom and quickly close the door to hear a soft chuckle coming form the outside of the door.

Oh my gosh I just embarrassed myself further. That was really a stupid idea. You can't literally run away from your problems Jessica!

I strip my clothes down and get in the shower. The warm water relaxes my tense muscles, but doesn't take away the thoughts that is Blake, roaming my mind.






Oohhh! Is our girl just oblivious or is Blake just being Blake??
