
Instintos Nefastos

In a world where a mysterious, omnipresent force controls humans, society attempts to become seemingly utopian, devoid of crime, hatred, and violence. However, it is the complete opposite. However, beneath this veneer of faux perfection lies a dark secret: suppressing basic human instincts has bred a new kind of darkness that plagues the supernatural, unseen and unspoken. Amelia, a determined and curious young girl, begins to sense the cracks in the facade of her family life and structure. Once dulled by living among the human societal norms, her instincts start to resurface as she investigates a series of inexplicable bodily changes. Each second, she uncovers something that points to an unfathomable world that only exists in story books. As Amelia delves deeper, she runs and encounters Luciano, a powerful stallion in Prada; he is dark and dangerous. Luciano seems to be the sole reason for the strange changes Amelia is going through due to Luciano's position that stretches to the highest echelons of power, revealing a chilling agenda to eradicate free will and individuality, or is it so? As tensions rise and the truth becomes a weapon, Amelia and Luciano must decide: will they continue to live in the safety of ignorance or risk everything to ignite a revolution of humanity? The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and only by confronting the nefarious instincts within can true liberation be achieved.

Justyagirl_kudzie · Fantasy
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9 Chs

2. El problema sigue

*The more you run from your past and think you've gotten away

The more chances there are for it to just chase after you even more determined to tame its prey.*


So apparently the universe has never been in my favor nor has it ever loved me so yes my worst nightmare came true.

The same person and sole reason I had my family and I move from Los Angeles to New York was here!

He followed Me!

How dare he!

I did not realize I was clenching my teeth until my gum started hurting.

Khloe grabbed my now shaking hand and gave me a weak but reassuring smile.

'Oh, you must be mister Peterson,' The professor said acknowledging the boy all dressed up in black. What a prone.

'Yes,' he simply said scanning the room. A tight knot appeared in my stomach when he stopped in his tracks.

His eyes hovered over my petite figure. I was shifting slightly as I felt quite uncomfortable having him stare me down. Khloe was now squeezing my hand. Nico gave me a cold glare then looked back at professor Owens. Nico and Mr Owen seemed to be having a brief conversation, all I could do is pray that he was in the wrong room. What am I even thinking (*face palm*) he came into this room and it seems as though the professor was expecting him just as he was expecting Khloe and I. But it's worth the try.

Well, because of my unlucky aura I knew I was fooling myself so I can only pray and hope professor Owen assigns him a seat that is as far away from mine as possible. I was forced out of my day dream as I felt Khloe pinching my arm. I shot her a quick glare only to realize she was not looking at me.

I was alarmed by the worry in her eyes so I decided to follow her gaze. I went pale and felt weak as small droplets of sweat formed on my forehead.

Professor Owen was pointing over at the only empty seat in the room besides his. Shock and Horror hit me like being drowned in freezing cold water. I wish I was because Mr Owen was pointing at the seat NEXT TO MINE.

' I should honestly start carrying rabbit foot around,' I whispered still pale and slightly shaking. 'Maybe that will give me luck'.

'Just maybe', Khloe answered after she had what seemed as an internal battle.

Nico and the professor shared a few laughs and I saw him headed my way with a devious smirk plastered on his face. I wish I could slap that smirk right off his face. He pulled out his chair and set next to me like everything was jolly and fine. Khloe who could not help but scoff at his very presence kept staring daggers into his head. I wound not want to be in her mind right now.

All the other girls behind, beside and in front of us were just whispering and giggling. Nico looked back and winked at most of them. "I swear, this boy draws too much attention to himself," I thought and rolled my eyes. Right after our English Literature lesson, Professor Owen dismissed us and sent us off to the next lesson. I was quite happy though because I only get to share professor Owens lesson with Nico. 'Argh, I seriously need to wash my mouth out with soap', I said in frustration. ' I never thought I would actually get to see him ever again after what he did, now I have to attend the same school with the bastard again which means I'll have to see him everyday!

I realized I was screaming at my own reflection through the bathroom mirror. Khloe walked out of the cubicle straightening her baggy pants.

'Well,' she started. ' you only attend one lesson with him, you should be thankful that you don't take all the other lessons together'.

I nodded and hummed.

'Now let's get out of here, I need to appease my stomach', she said as she patted it lightly whilst she was grinning.

I rolled my eyes, grabbed her by the hand, dragged her out of the shanks and headed for the cafeteria.

By the time we got there, it was already flooded with noisy teenagers. 'Well, looks like Leon already made friends,' said pointing at Leon who was sitting with four well built, and may I add handsome jocks. They looked like they are in the basketball team, just like Leon. I've never actually seen him training but him and dad go to someplace every weekend. Leon always comes back looking like trash covered in bruises, blister and all, but what surprised me is that the very next morning there is not a single bruise in sight on his body, it's as flawless as a blade, like it was a mere hallucination and the marks were just another figment of my imagination and the pain long forgotten. Sometimes, I think dad is somewhat hard on him. 'Looks like it,' I said as I glanced over to where Leon was sitting with his newly found friends. At least one of us had luck in finding friends so easily without having to lift a single finger. 'Now let us go get something to eat, I could eat a horse right now'. We walked to the self service buffet and started dishing out our food. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I flinched and started panicking. The grip tightened on my shoulder and a flood of pain swept through my body. The more I tried to push and wiggle out of this metal grip, the more force was added.

'You thought you could run away from me?' Nico's dark and cold voice whispered in my ear.

I dared not look into his cold, gruesome and lifeless eyes.

"This is madness!" A voice in my head screamed. I let it slide as I thought it was just my subconscious being who was simply airing her views on the delicate matter at hand.

I shrieked as I felt nails dig into my flesh which quickly brought me back to reality. My heart pounding hard against my chest out of fear as I felt the nails engulf further into my flesh. I closed my eyes momentarily readying myself for the pain that was to come, but it never did. Instead the hand retreated as it was yanked away from my shoulder. A sign of relief escaped my lips as I fell to the floor.

Khloe looked back and her large green eyes widened, unable to register what had just happened. Khloe dropped to my side and pulled me into her arms.

I looked over to where Leon and his friends were seated but there was no sign of him.

I heard a groan from a few steps away from where Khloe and I were crouching. I gaped at Leon open-mouthed as he angrily punched Nico square in the face.

"That's ought to hurt," I thought to myself. Anyway Leon has long back warned Nico to stay away but this maniac did not listen, no surprise there. Although he deserved this, I still had to stop Leon before literally knocked the boy senseless and murdered the dumbstruck nincompoop on the floor.

I gestured to Khloe who seemed to be very much enjoying every groan of pain that rolled off Nicos tongue, I asked her to help me hold Leons left arm and I, his right which were currently strangling Nico.

'Leon,' my voice came out as a whisper. 'Stop it'.

'Leon!' I shouted finally gathering my wits together. 'Stop, now!'

I tried pleading after demanding did not work. This was evident because after I demanded he tightened his grip. I could have sworn Leons eyes were switching from his original dark blue eyes to a sharp pitch black color. I hugged Leon around his neck and Khloe was tugging his arm, both of us were crying and begging him to stop. Leons impulse and temper are extreme and when he is this angry no one can hold this boy down but apart from everything he would never sit and watch Khloe and I crying. He is the ideal big brother.

Leon withdrew and stood up like nothing happened. He headed for a table and grabbed some paper towels after he managed to wiggle out of Khloe and my hold. After his once bloody hands were all cleaned up he looked down at us and opened his arms. Khloe and I ran into our brothers arms tears threatening to ooze out. He lead us out of the cafeteria. Everyone stared at him and some girls blushed and waved vigorously at Leon.

When we got out, we heard a roar of chants and claps coming from the cafeteria. He just loves drawing attention to himself doesn't he.

'Looks like you are our hero,' I stopped in my tracks and looked up at him with watery eyes. 'Thank you'.

After that being said I hugged him again this time tightly. He hugged me back and gave my head a light pat then kissed both Khloe and I.

'You are my sisters and I will fight the whole world if I have to,' he said sternly. 'If anyone dares to lay a finger on you two I will not think twice to rip their heads off'. He pinched us both on the cheeks 'and that, my dear sisters was for this morning,' he winced and ran off. The horror on our faces was just indescribable. 'What a jerk!' Khloe exclaimed through gritted teeth.

The rest of the day was pretty much silent apart from a great deal of people stopping me time to time complimenting Leon and outlining how lucky I am. It was fun for a while but it got extremely boring and annoying later on. Anyone else to compliment him in my face will get it from me.

We got home at exactly 4pm. Class normally ends at 1 or 2pm but today we had to wait till 4pm because we had to wait for Leon whilst he was serving his detention. Tomorrow Nico will also get severely punished, worse than just a detention right after he has healed.

I sit on my bed exhausted, thinking about what Nico had briefly said to me before Leon and Khloe came out of the school doors. Khloe had left me to go and get Leon and some of the things she had left inside the school. Right after she left Nico was driving in my direction with no intent of stopping until he suddenly stopped his car with a screech near me. The idiot almost hit me with his car. He rolled down his window and immediately shot daggers at me. I could not focus on anything but his bow disfigured face. His full lips were red and cracked at the corner droplets of blood still peeking out, one of his ocean blue eyes was all swollen and had a distasteful dark circle around it, and his nose was red and looked slightly broken you could see the patches of blood which indicated he had tried to wipe it off with a dry cloth, idiot.

I bet Nico refused to go to the nurses office in order to please his huge ego.

'I told you, love.' He said coldly. 'You can never run away from me'.

I gathered all my courage and looked him straight in the eye, showing no hint of hesitation or fear and flatly told him what he needed to hear but he was not going to like any bit of it.

'Nico, leave me alone we are over!' I said as my blood slowly started boiling. 'You did what you had to and I, I just did what I thought was right,' I spat out.

He chuckled. ' it's over when I say it's over,' he said as his expression changed to a darker one. 'You do not know who I am and what I can do to you sweetheart,' he threatened. Before I could say a thing he drove off.

I stood there shocked.

I signed and fell on my bed in defeat. I drifted off to sleep for a couple of hours.

I woke up with the sound of someone knocking on my door. I tried to close my eyes again hoping the person got the message and just went away but well I guess not everyone is that observant of the atmosphere.

'Arghhh,' I groan and head for the door. 'I'm coming'.

I lazily placed my hand over the doorknob but before I could twist it, the door was flung open revealing my two annoying siblings.

'Explain yourself!' Leon said sternly.

'Errr, about what?' I said hoping to keep my face neutral. I knew exactly what he was implying.

'Stop acting dumb, Stormi!' Leon angrily said.

I rolled my eyes at the boy and he shook his head.

'Well,' I began. 'I don't know what the hell Nico is doing here'.

'Well, he is going to have to go through me before he lays one of his dirty fingers on any of my younger sisters,' Leon said as power, anger and worry radiated all over him.

I got off the bed slowly and walked over to my brother and sister.

'That is enough to make a grown woman cry', I trailed my index finger from the bottom of my left eye and dragged it down till my finger tip landed on my chin.

'Awe, that's cute,' Khloe shrieked happily.

Leon had a cocky smirk slapped across his face in pride. I could not help it but want to burst his bubble and instantly stop his gloating.

'But not this grown woman!' I said as I chuckled and punched Leon on the chest.

Leon put a hand over his chest faking a hurt expression on his face. Khloe gave me a high five and we both burst out laughing and hugged Leon.

After making sure I was okay Leon and Khloe walked out of my room and set for their own.

I creeped out of my room and headed for the kitchen to grab a snack. Why I was creeping? Oh, I don't know, it just feels right at the moment.

Boom! 'Ow,' I whisper yelled. I just hit a wall, well it felt like it. Until the wall spoke and reached out only did I know who it was. Leon.

We had a staring contest for a while until Kylie decided she had had just about enough of our mini war. I trust she's also wise enough to know that none of us was going to apologize anyway. Waste is it not.

'You have got to be kidding me,' Khloe said obviously annoyed. ' I'm not in the mood for your games and I need to have my midnight choc chip ice cream so please just apologies to each other, both of you'.

We looked at her with the "are you serious" expression plaster on our faces. Since we all wanted ice cream we had to listen to Khloe or she would not let us eat in peace.

'Sorry,' both Leon and I mumbled without looking at each other.

Khloe was disgruntled about how meaningless our "sorry" was but she just shrugged it off and started for the kitchen.

We all seat around the island with bowls of chocolate chip ice cream. We made small talk and occasionally laughed. Leon and I had made up, we always do. We sat in a peaceful silence, I was on my phone absorbed in reading my Watt-pad book.  Khloe was taking a few snaps that I believe were for her instagram page. Leon was now in the lounge playing some random game on his Xbox.

'Hey, look,' Khloe said to me and pointed in the direction of the window. I looked over and saw two yellowish dots peering through the house.

My heart froze as I felt as if I was staring right into the yellow dots and the yellow dots were staring right back at me. My heart started racing. My curiosity got the best of me so I hopped off the chair and slowly moved away from the island. I crept to the window, slowly opening the curtain to see what it was. I hesitated for a moment but yanked the curtain to the side. There was nothing there except for the woods and a few houses heavily lit with festive Christmas lights. I shrugged then moved away from the window leaving it slightly opened.

I walked back to the island and plopped back into my seat. I grabbed my phone, scrolled through my apps until I found Watt-pad. Just as I was about to read the first sentence something caught my eye.

When a car passed by with its headlights on, there it was. A yellow eyed figure. Just standing there. Looking fixedly inside the house, in the kitchen,

At me.

Every single thing about this figure radiated anger, revenge and darkness I could not help but cower into my seat. I looked a Khloe and motioned her to look at the window using signs trying not to give myself away.

Khloe got the message after decades of trying over and over again. She quickly snapped her head in the yellow eyed figures direction so quickly that she could have easily broken her neck. Unfortunately she was not fast enough because she looked back at me with that "are you crazy" look.

She noticed my confusion then she walked to the window and opened it to show that no one was there. I walked over and not a soul was in sight.

'What am I supposed to be looking at?' Khloe looked at me confused.

'Oh, umm... I thought I saw someone out there but I guess I was just seeing things,' I chuckled a bit.

'Haha whatever now let's go,' she said hooking my arm around hers and leading me to the lounge.

Before we walked out I took a glance at the window and my heart dropped.

The figure.



And I know who it is...