
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 90

Longest chapter so far, read the chapter slowly as this would be the last chapter of Tensura Arc.


Xander stopped on his place, he froze without knowing what to say. He turned around and saw everything else was also froze as he heard Sona giggled. He understood what happened as he released a relaxes sighed. He thought that he was almost finished there! "That was quite amusing Xander. Anyway take 2" Sona said while smiling amusingly. Xander shook his head before his expression turned serious, Sona released the time freeze as she smiled gently. "Yes! I would love to!" She said as the world was invoke with clappings and cheerings.

While the humans were cheering, the races in this place were raging. They couldn't accept the fact that a mere human has to guts to do a proposal while they were in the middle of their battle. Guy shut the demons up by overpowering them with his aura, he doesn't want to interrupt his friend's thing so he erased everyone who tried to stop Xander from placing the ring on Sona's left hand. Milim threw her Ultimate magic as a black hole appeared sucking everything, it eventually grew bigger and bigger making everyone worry as the galaxy size place was being sucked.

Xander saw that as he touched the space again and enlargen it more until it reached the size of a Observable Universe. The other races are now more free to use their abilities. Xander finally slid the ring on Sona's ring finger as her power started growing. The 100x concept on the ring was finally taking effects, Sona's aura erupted as the fabric of reality was cracked, it kept cracking until an air from the void escaped the hole that it made and killed every being who was hit by it. The others tried to resurrect them but was surprised when it didn't work.

"It's useless, that was the void itself. Anything that die by that thing doesn't have any hope of being revive as their whole existence would be erased. Try remembering those who died and you will see" Guy said while shaking his head, everyone tried to do it but was surprised when they can't remember anything about the people who just died. "Huahahaha! This is fun!" Milim said before throwing another black hole that couldn't be erase by normal means. Even Guy was intrigued by Milim's magic so he created one consuming a lot of his magicules.

Milim raised an eyebrow at that as she threw another black hole again, she didn't want to lose against Guy in her game! Ramiris saw them playing around as he poked Xander who finished the proposal and just kissed Sona infront of everyone. "Hey, Xander! Can I do something?" Ramiris asked as Xander nodded his head, "Yep, make a labryinth" Xander said as Ramiris complied. She made a small labryinth because of how quickly she made it. Xander touched the labryinth making it grow bigger again until it fits the size of the Observable Universe.

Xander pushed everyone inside of the labryinth as Ramiris widened her smile, "Thanks Xander!" She said before controlling the laws of the world inside her labryinth. Inside of Ramiri's labryinth she is the god, she can control everything even life and death is not excluded. She can control the space whether making it huge or smaller, she can control the souls whether breaking it or fixing it. But she needed a large amount of magicules to do that so she looked at Xander with puppy eyes.

Xander smiled before healing her core temporarily and enlarging her magicules reserve. Ramiris was shocked that Xander could do this, her body began growing as her hair turned rainbow. She can finally use her spirit magic as she gained the title of the Spirit Queen again. She used Time Spirit magic making it so that the time inside of the labryinth flow faster than outside. Inside would be hundred of years while outside will be just a few hours. She used light spirit magic as light beams evaporated hundred millions of angels.

Luminous was releasing her frustrations to other races as she spammed Death Streak everywhere killing millions, those who survived died in agony as their body mutated becoming worse than monsters. "That Xander!" She controlled the life of everyone as she took many, she was raging as Xander prioritized Sona before her but couldn't complain about it as Xander and Sona were already a couple before they even entered this world.

Guinness showed that his title is not just for show, he devoured many beings that could destroy worlds with just one crunched of his mouth. He raised his paw before slapping the air making hundreds of thousands of Insectoids perish from the simple slap. Guinness's saliva is a potent poison that evaporated anything that was dropped on it. Guinness called his pack as they continued their never ending banquet with a excited grin on their faces.

Carrera was flying all around punching everywhere shaking the space, she raised her hand before a Nuclear Magic was released on it making a huge explosion appeared on the sky destroying several solar systems. Ramiris constructed the labryinth for it to look like the cosmos, so in other words there are many galaxies and solar systems on here. Carrera saw a huge red star as she raised it and throw it at the gathered Phantoms. "Heh, they should become more stronger, its no fun if they are too fragile" Carrera sneered at the phantoms who died from the impact.

She fired an Gravity Collapse as the implosion made everyone's ears rang, she just escaped the bombardment that was focused on her as she took a stance of a certain bald man. "Serious Series.. Serious Punch!" She said before plunging the fist to the space breaking it as a galaxy literally exploded by how heavy her punch is. The punch made many stars died creating many Supernovas that exploded simultaneously.

"Hahaha! That was fantastic, I should do that more!" She screamed as her faction stared at her in awe. "Oops!" Carrera said as she avoided Milim's black hole that was ravaging everything on the way. Dagruel and Dino who were fighting with each other before stopped as they stare at the events that happened, they still couldn't comprehend because of how fast the things happened. They both looked at each other before nodding their heads, it was a temporary consent as they want to help their each perspective factions.

Dagruel punched his fist so hard that laws of physics jumbled making a huge implosions appearing. Guy saw what he is doing before smiling, so he didn't betray us, Guy thought. Guy stepped back as Velgrynd flew past him. "Guy Crimson!" She shouted before flames bursted from her body killing millions from the heat. The insectoid's massacre to demons were somehow lessen because of the arrival of the Primordials. Rimuru couldn't take it anymore as he released his Ultimate skill Beelzebub.

The moment Rimuru released it without holding back, everything was absorb by him. The deads, alive, spirits, or even energies. They were all absorb by Beelzebub, its main function was to absorb everything so it just did that. It didn't stop as Diablo looked at it with reverence, he was thinking of the line like 'Sasuga Rimuru-sama!' which Rimuru felt as he twitched. He didn't expected that this much destruction would occur when he just used his skill.

Milim got an idea as she made two black holes consecutively and merged them together making a Super Black Hole! "Huahahaha! Umu! This is perfect, take this!" She said while throwing at the enemies. Michael who already merged with Feldway felt that this is not what they expected. They wanted to show their dominance by overwhelming them but they were already destroyed just by Milim and Guy who was casually sending world destructing abilities to their numbers. They felt that their numbers might drop if this continue.

A 6 pair wings woman came to Sona's side while sneering at her. "You should cherish your last moments woman. That should be the best moment of your life" Gracia said while raising her sword, she wanted a nice fight with this woman as she seemed strong. The space twisted before Gracia appeared before Sona while raising her sword she intended to test Sona strength by giving a weak slash first. Her sword cut through the air as it a large sword aura escaped her sword. "Sigh, people with high prides are really boring" Sona said before making an ice sword and plunging it to Gracia's heart before she could even notice.

Leon was flying all around throwing while using a light sword slashing any enemies while moving at FTL speed. One Insectoid appeared as Leon's face crumpled because of how heavy the fist he received. "Another ant?" The insectoid said while Leon spat to the space. Leon didn't hesitate and immediately used Metatron as he would be in disadvantage if this keeps up. A magic circle appeared before the insectoid as 36 pairs of light wings emerged from Leon's back. In the wings, millions of photons light shot to the insectoid as it merely grinned. Leon was shocked when the insectoid was still standing without any noticable injuries, only some bruises.

"That tickled me a bit~" the insectoid said as he kneed Leon in the face blasting him towards many planets. Leon immediately stood up while blood dripped on his face, he raised his sword as he tried to stop the insectoid's fist but was thrown to another planet again destroying the previous one. Leon twitched his body as he felt he couldn't move anymore, he was about to give up when he heard a voice, "Leon-niichan! Don't give up!" Leon perked his ears when he heard that voice as he immediately looked around. He saw a girl fighting millions of phantoms alone while waving her hands at him. Leon widened her eyes as he muttered "Chloe.." the magicules on Leon's body broke his limits as his skill began reacting to his emotions.

«Ultimate skill 'Metatron' is evolving..

Attemping to evolve


Ultimate skill 'Metatron' was upgraded to Ultimate skill 'Neb'»

Leon used his new ultimate skill as he slashed his sword in the space as a aura of light appeared and slashed everything towards many light years away. Even the insectoid who was toying with him earlier couldn't keep up with his new speed as Leon speed surpassed time, he was just erasing everything in the cosmos without even the enemy knowing. Guy saw what's happening as he whistled in amusement. "Leon also became strong.. I need to level the fairness" Guy said before trying to create something.

Everyone who was fighting stopped for a moment when they felt chills in their neck. They looked at Guy who was creating something and saw a abomination appearing before him, Xander shook his head before placing barrier to everyone he knew as the foolish move of Guy could become a double blade. Guy gave the finishing touch before smiling satisfyingly. "Thank you for the barrier, Xander. This brat is cool enough to destroy billions of them right?" Guy said while patting the glob of flesh from various animals being stucked into one body.

"You're bullshit Guy. Do you know what you just did?" Xander said while sighing, Guy tilted his head and looked around, he grinned maniacally when he saw every enemies shouting in madness from what theu saw, they have no resistance to madness inducement.. no there is no resistance to madness inducement except for another eldritch being denying it. "What's that.. their quite fragile" Guy said as his tone screams of Sarcasm. Sona raised her hand before the eldritch monstrosity was frozen in everything, even the concepts that the being controlled were frozen as well.

Velgrynd was angry that it couldn't fight Guy so it changed its target to Xander who was just leisurely watching the show. Velgrynd gave a fire breathe that burned millions of phantoms to ashes, the breathe ran towards Xander who just waved his hand erasing the illogical breathe. Xander grinned before he dashed to Velgrynd and took her horn before snapping it in half. "Gaah!! You shitty.." Before she could even finish, Xander grabbed her reverse scale before slowly chipping it off from her body. Velgrynd gave a horrifying scream that shook the whole cosmos.

Velgrynd was even more enraged as they started clashing with Xander just playing with her, Velgrynd couldn't even catch Xander's small body. Xander noticed that as he made his body grow until it was the same size as Velgrynd, Xander bitchslapped the dragon who was flung through various fight in the space destroying everything that she hits. After that bitch slap, Velgrynd seemed began crying as Xander clicked his tongue, "Tch, she was freed from the mind control huh.." he said before walking away clearly bored of what just happened. Velgrynd flew again but this time her target are the phantoms and angels who were under control of Michael.

Ramiris who was watching everything was annoyed by the constant release of Insectoids so she raised an hand before a black incomprehensible ball appeared in it, she threw it at the wormhole where they were generating insectoids and closing it after. She is sure that her Primitive Magic should've done the work of annihilating everything there, as Primitive Magic is unavoidable. Even Ultimate skills are useless against it and the one she threw was an Annihilating Magic, in simple words killing everything.

One Insectoid who seemed to be the king of all of them went to Xander's side as he felt him stronger than anyone else. He moved faster than time itself appearing infront of Xander immediately as he was about to plunged his fist when Sona placed an Ice Wall infront of them. The wall of ice didn't even shake as Sona changed the properties of the ice from X to ∞, meaning literally indestructible. Sona then made an ice block as Zelanus's arm was froze, he immediately stepped back. He shook his arm to remove the ice but was surprise that he couldn't.

"What the hell is this?" He asked before shaking his hand, he cut his hand off but was even more shocked when he couldn't even regenerate it. "No matter" Zelanus said as he raised his hand as millions of magic circles appeared behind him, "Hm? Gilgamesh impression?" Sona muttered before shaking her head. She froze every magic circles as they broke before getting erased in existence. Sona raised her chin while crossing her arms under her chest, "Do you think that you could handle this king with just that much... Zashu!" Sona said before hundreds of ice weapons appeared behind her, she added the concept of explosion on them to make it look like noble phantasm.

Zelanus raised an eyebrow before he began fleeing as he can feel that every weapon has the same property as the one that froze his hand. He flew for a few light years before raising his hand to throw a punch. The punch destroyed many solar systems, exploded many stars, and destroyed the ice weapons that Sona made. Sona just smiled as she didn't really placed too much attention to the weapons. Zelanus took a archdemon before throwing it at Sona who just froze it. Sona waved her hand as the whole galaxy where Zelanus was located was frozen to bits. The atoms who stopped moving couldn't transfer energy anymore so it just broke to atomic level.

Zelanus escaped from the galaxy before the freezing even happened so he was safe, but not for long as his body stopped moving before he saw Sona walking towards him carelessly, Sona touched his body as it turned into ice powder making Zelanus panic in his mind. He tried using his powers but it was no use as Sona WILLED the Ice to freeze his whole existence, soul and all. Zelanus slowly turned into powder as he began thinking why he fought this woman. Sona saw that he is already dead so she just smiled before waving her hand, she change the property of the fire that is swimming in the cosmos so that every time it burned everyone would froze instead.

Billions of phantoms and insectars didn't expect the sudden change in property of the fire so they were frozen with no resistance. Xander smiled at Sona's work as he then thought of a nice idea. He opened a portal to the world of DxD before taking Utaha from there, "Hm? Xander? Did I return to that world?" Utaha asked while looking around. "Where the hell is this? Are we in a middle of a battle?" Utaha asked as Xander nodded his head. "This is an opportunity Utaha, take it" Xander said before plunging 1 million of soul to Utaha who just widened her eyes in surprise.

«Individual; Kasumigaoka Utaha is in the process of evolving.

Evolving species in process.

Attempting to upgrade...


From High Human to Saint,

All parameters have been greatly increased.»

«Unique skill 'Erasure' attempting to evolve..


Attempting again


Attempting again


Using the cosmos energy to evolve..

Attempting again


Unique skill 'Erasure' has been upgraded into Ultimate skill 'All Fiction'» (A/N: This is stronger than Kumagawa's minus)

Informations about the skill entered Utaha's mind before she raised her hand and made the reality where Insectoids live into nothing. And with just that one of the main races that participated the war was erased from existence. "Be careful with that skill, anything you erase would not return after all" Xander warned Utaha who just smiled. "Who do you think I am? I have been living with you for many years already, I can atleast know where the line is" Utaha said as Xander sighed at this woman's words. Xander embraced Utaha as he kissed her forehead, "Its been too long.. Utaha" Xander muttered.

Utaha entered the battle as she was moving to places between places erasing things without restraint. Xander just smiled at this as he waited for the last boss to appear, that lizard is probably stronger than before it was even sealed since it was accumulating strength the whole time. After a few hours of the war, every strong beings felt the space cracking before a head appeared scaring all of them. Even the head already spread an aura of destruction they were scared to see the real body of the lizard. "Ho? A bunch of bugs are partying here without inviting me! Destruction has arrived!" The dragon said.

His whole body slowly appeared from the crack as galaxies was destroyed being influenced by his aura, he made a quite dramatic entrance that pissed Guy and Xander. "You probably fought this lizard before right?" Xander asked as Guy sighed, "That bitch is tough, even Veldanava couldn't do any major damage on him, he just shrugged everything off" Guy said as Xander gained a huge smile. "I want to see if he can handle some of Sona's attacks" Xander said as he gestured Sona to attack Ivaraje using concepts.

Sona did it and was surprised when the concepts didn't even bother Ivaraje, his aura destroyed them before they could even get close to him. Sona made an ice using her conceptual ice manipulation and made it so that it would freeze the concept of destruction when it hit Ivaraje, but just like what happened earlier, his aura destroyed the thing. "Fool, concepts and such don't work on me!" Ivaraje said before flying towards Sona and slashing his claw, a hole in reality was made during the slash as Xander just raised a finger before dropping it.

"What..?" Ivaraje stared dumbfoundedly, he was back to where he was just a minute ago. "How?! I am outside the time and events!" Ivaraje shouted killing billions of participants of the war, "Arara, that guy became even more stronger" Guy said while shaking his head, he is not scared because he know how broken Xander is. Even if Ivaraje was the balance of Veldanava, a omnipotent being. He still couldn't get away from Xander's abilities. Utaha moved her hand intending to erase Ivaraje but was shocked when her ability didn't work.

"I am Destruction! Causality is just a fragile thing to me!" Ivaraje said before he shot a beam of destruction that could destroy anything in existence, even concepts, phenomenon and even nothingness would be destroyed by that beam. The Observable Universe was destroyed as Ramiris tried hard to stop her labryinth from being destoryed. She made another Universe using her authority in the labyrinth as Ivaraje raised an eyebrow, "Hoh? You are also here, Queen of Spirits" Ivaraje said before sneering, he raised his aura as the new Universe began shaking, it is threatening to be destroyed.

Xander rushed to Ivaraje and punched him in the face as the Lizard flew hundreds millions of light years away. Ivaraje stood up again and slapped Xander who was flung destroying many stars in the process. "Nice! this is great!" Ivaraje said before the clash of two overpowered beings began. Each of their attacks brought mass destruction that Ramiris needed to restore vigorously. Milim also tried throwing some Black Holes and Supernovas at Ivaraje who just destroyed it without even looking.

Guy created an ball of air from the void before firing it at Ivaraje in volley but it was also useless as Ivaraje treated it as snacks, just eating them. Seeing as everything they sent has no use, they just focused on massacring the Primordial Angels since it was more fun breaking prideful beings. Only the Phantoms and Angels were left as the insectoids were already erased by Utaha from existence. Utaha was having fun playing with the pigeons as she just thought about if before millions of them would vanish with no warning.

Xander pushed Ivaraje as he was blasted to the other side of the Universe, Ivaraje returned while trying to bite Xander who just dodged, but the scene from where he dodged was too chaotic as everything was messed up. Xander ignored it as he took Ivaraje before slapping his whole body to a dying star that exploded on impact. Ivaraje wasn't injured in the least as Xander cracked his head, it was time to level up the game.

Ivaraje fired a beam again as Xander raised many conceptual barriers but was pierced with little to no resistance. The beam arrived at Xander's face before he shrouded his hand with 'True Nuts' as he slapped the beam disintegrating it. Xander called Sona as he wanted to try the effect of the ring he made, Sona appeared as another beam was coming she was surprised that she used all of her powers freezing everything in this small universe except for Ivaraje and Xander. "Sona, I added an ability to that ring, use it" Xander said.

Sona tilted her head for a moment before nodding her head, the black beam that was heading in their way suddenly turned green as the whole damaged universe was fixed. What Sona did was simple, she reversed the effect of the destruction that was about to happen into Rejuvenation of the Universe. Ivaraje widened his eyes at what happened, his Destruction was reversed?! That was impossible! Ivaraje thought before shooting millions of those beams again but the same thing just happened.

Sona released the freezing of the Universe as time continued working again, everyone was confused when the Universe isn't damaged and unusually lively. It was pouring many new born races everywhere, Ramiris controlled those races as everything in this labyrinth is in her control. Ivaraje began rampaging making many holes in existence that made the void enter this dimension. Xander fixed it immediately by cutting the event where it happened.

Ivaraje was enraged even more as he was supposed to be an Acausality Existence! Events and such does not affect him! Xander poked Sona, "Nee, Sona didn't we still have another weapon that could deal with this guy?" Xander said as Sona smiled excitedly. Right they still have that weapon, "I think we should give this honour to Utaha who just arrived" Sona said before Xander immediately went to work as he took some of the 'Watcher' flesh before constructing it into a upside down castle.

He took some blood from Utaha before dropping it in the castle, the castle is now bound to Utaha's soul as she gained information to what it was. "Xander!! This is cool!" Utaha shouted with stars on her eyes, she raised her hand before a sword appeared on it. The sword's aura screamed of death that even made Ivaraje shiver for a moment before he rushed to Utaha to kill the girl, he can't let her swing that sword as that would be bad.

But before he could even arrived there, his whole body slowly crumbled into pieces, "W-What..?" He couldn't understand what just happened, the girl didn't even swung the sword yet. "Do you think I need to swing my sword to kill you?" Utaha said with a smug look on her face. What she did is simple, she just erased the need of swing to use the ability of the sword. Using the sword Utaha took the reason for Ivaraje's existence hence making him vanish.

Ivaraje became dust as everyone sighed in relief, before they could even relax, Ivaraje's aura of Destruction has appeared again, he was back with an large grin on his face. "Do you think that is enough to kill me?! I am deprived of the concept of Death!" Ivaraje said as his aura broke many laws making everything messy for everyone to see, their senses are betraying them. "Is that so..? Then I just need to place the concept of death to you right?" Xander said as Ivaraje sneered, "That's impossible! For I am a being that concepts and phenomenons don't work!" Ivaraje proudly said.

Ivaraje then for the first time looked at Xander more seriously, what he saw shocked him to the core. "Y-You..!! What kind of being are you! How could a person like that exist!! Are you from the Dark Tapestry?!" Ivaraje shouted while pointing at Xander, he was slowly backing away in fear as he didn't expected that the human he just clashed a while ago is a monstrosity that he could never hope to fight. "You are no human.. You are-" Before Ivaraje could finished Xander beat him to it. "DEATH. And I don't mean it metaphorically, or rhetorically, or poetically, or theoretically, or any other fancy way. I'm Death. Straight. Up. And I've come for you, Ivaraje" Xander said with a large grin on his face.


After uttering that word, the whole Universe was engulfed in silence. Ivaraje died just like that, no hard explanations needed, he was ordered to die so he met his end. There is no more further than the end, whether you are a mortal, god, higher dimensional being or even Outer Gods, they are not vulnerable to end.
