
Chapter 118


Closed Space.

Xander POV*

Hahaha this fight is really amusing. Even though it doesn't have the same flashiness that I saw in Tenma War, it still has an important things flying in the air. Just like how I saw Najimi throwing some Fate hax, Blackholes, Supernova, and even some universe destructing abilities only to pop like a balloon when coming in contact with Mashiro. Still.. messing with Iihiko is really fun, this guy has an ego that even devoured those Seraphims in Tensura, now that he is being played the desperation in his face is really interesting to watch. His Irreversible Destruction is already useless against me as I already copied it and even enhanced it by dissolving many of the Ultimate Skills that I possessed.

This ability would become my second main only below to my favorite 'Instant Death'. I know I have no reason to fight Iihiko anymore as I need to rest before becoming a bonafied 'Human' but just seeing the look on his face amuse me to my core. "Hey! Is that all you got?! I thought that the Destroyer has more guts than this!" I provoked him which immediately did its job of irking the guy. "Hah!? Let's see who will fall now!" Iihiko said before taking an rubber band that was in his hand and trying to make it an weapon. I know that the rubber band is the most lethal thing in the world as it was the thing that killed Najimi in the manga after all. It has the concept of destruction stucked on it after all.

The rubber band flew out of Iihiko's hand before coming towards me, I just smirked at the thing before catching it dealing no such damage or so. "How!?" Iihiko shouted in disbelief seeing me catching his powerful blow. "Do you know how to fight against an 'Human' being? Its simple.. just become a 'Human' yourself! Atleast in the real world, another human could stop the first human from tearing the fictional character from the manga panel right!?" I shouted before plunging my fist that surpassed the speed of time towards Iihiko who in response got blasted many miles away. Of course I held back my force since it would just obliterate the whole of him once I just perhaps use a percent of my real strength.

Iihiko is a representation of the reader in the story. Every time he cries out for something fresh it's the bored reader who cries out for something new (the kanji for fresh and new is the same). His immunity to everything stems from this exact characteristic of being a "real entity" or his powers embody "real life" (a hint given to us by the author himself is when Medaka shows that she would be torn apart if she copied her strength in the same way she did shatters a notebook where her own drawing was - note the allegory of Iihiko's strength to the strength of a Jump reader who can easily tear up the magazine). Me being able to do something towards a Human being is already making me another Human... Still this much of strength is not enough! I want more so that I could do something about that guy!

I'll explain more about Iihiko so that you readers would understand just how dangerous he is towards fictional characters and just how broken my newly acquired ability is. Its destruction is irreversible because it is real, it is the strength and actions of a real reader that cannot be undone by any fictional element be it healing, regeneration, resurrection, temporal rewind, causality reversal, reality warping, history change, plot manipulation, fate manipulation, event denial, conceptual destruction, etc (in fact all this was tried in the manga, but nothing worked). Iihiko is so unique that even if Yuzuriha mimicked his existence on a conceptual level she couldn't beat him or even tie with him (said in the manga) and Nisio who commented that Hanten could create infinite skills and is still inferior to Ajimu could not defeat him either (all this already said by the author). Besides the fact that he is a hero and the narrative will always be on his side, because in this case the narrative refers to the author himself.

Any destruction from Iihiko is based on fictional things that cannot be undone by real life things. Iihiko is a real human that takes our reality as his power. Since us humans/readers can rip Featherine's and Ultimate Madoka's drawing, thus killing them permanently. We delete demonbane's and Azathoth image, thus killing demonbane and Azathoth permanently. Before anyone say that he was hit by a car, it was deliberate part on his side to possess another character. He let himself be hit just to possess another fictional character because his body was almost destroyed by Medaka's bullshit.

"Hey, Iihiko.. do you want to see something fresh?" I said smirking at him who got a bad feeling about this. I swirled the rubber band in my hand before doing the same Iihiko did before. "Here, take your rubber band back" I said flicking the rubber band towards him who immediately dodged since his instinct were screaming at him. "How the hell did you do that!?" He shouted at me as I just smirked at him. "Hey, hey, do you think that just because you hold that concept, others won't have it as well. Well, I deem your concept of destruction as more complete than Ivaraje have but don't think that it would be sorely yours" I said looking at the destruction that was made by my simple flick.

"T-That should be impossible.. my skills is not from this dimension so the chance of copying it would be null.." Iihiko said, he was aware of the fact that he is just an fictional character with the support of his author so he knew that his ability originated from the original world. "Hah! Something like that is simple, do you know that my author is from the real world too? He can just simply copy the ability from any wiki and plunged it to me making it mine in this fic. So your Irreversible Destruction is not that much different from cabbages in the market with my shameless author" I said sneering at Iihiko who got goosebumps from my words. "Of course not just your Irreversible Destruction.. I also copied your physics that could break down any attack and return it to the owner" I informed him as horror appeared on his face. I was about to finish him when I suddenly saw Medaka and Kumagawa dashing past towards us as the flew to the sky using only physical strength. I guess I should return the POV towards the author at this point.





3rd POV*

Kumagawa and Medaka were throwing blows at each other where Medaka is at disadvantage since Kumagawa would only erase all of his wounds the moment he got hit by Medaka. 『What's wrong, Medaka-chan? Are you frustrated being on the losing side? Well its normal, I am your enemy after all』Kumagawa said smiling at Medaka who deflected the screw of Kumagawa while sweat dripped on her face. "Kumagawa.. don't forget that we are still at the advantage... And did you forgot that I just fought Xander before? Meaning that I got some lessons from our fight!" Medaka said before plunging an fist at Kumagawa's face making the man step back in pain.

『Ohh! I think the bones in my face shattered from that impact. I would be disabled after this fight.. or not?』Kumagawa said erasing the event where he was hit by Medaka. 『Aha! Medaka-chan, were you perhaps hoping that I would be incapitated by that blow? Hehe too bad, its useless against me.. specially when I didn't lost my All Fiction』Kumagawa said shaking his head. Medaka ignored all of his words as she just focused on pummeling Kumagawa. Each of her fist dealt some really serious damage towards Kumagawa who did the same. Both of their bodies were already riddled with wounds from their fight.

"Kumagawa, why did you turn into something like this? Where did your negativity came from?" Medaka asked seriously as she really wanted to know how a human being falled this low. 『... Do you really want to know, Medaka-chan? This story is too heavy even for me to talk about. So you should prepare yourself for trying to hear this』Kumagawa said as Medaka just stood still before she nodded her head. She took this thing seriously as this might be the way she can reform Kumagawa into a better person. 『You see, it started when I was a child. My parents were too strict with me, they won't let me buy my favorite toy so I rebelled and turned myself into something like this~』Kumagawa started with serious tone but ended it with a joking one making Medaka furious.

"You bastard! Stop playing!!" Medaka shouted in rage as her seriousness was returned with a sick joke. 『Ahahaha, did you think that there is something that turned me a minus? That's too bad because I was born one!』Kumagawa said before slapping the unstable Medaka making her fly. Medaka immediately stood up as she lunged towards Kumagawa and then throwing a fist to his gut. Kumagawa grunted in pain but still smiled as a minus would always smile in any situation. They began trading blows without dodging as Medaka's strength eventually surpassed that of Kumagawa. She is the protagonist after all, growing in the middle of battle is normal for them.

『Well, that is just cheating. Growing in the middle of battle? Though if this was a manga in Shounen Jump then I can understand it. There is no way the protagonist could lose to the Last Boss after all』Kumagawa commented while dodging one of Medaka's punch before throwing his screw towards her. Medaka held her left hand as the feeling of it was slowly vanishing. She knew that Kumagawa landed an critical attack at it making it numb. "You're the cheater here! Having a power up just in a few years?! Don't shrugged my hard work just like that!" Medaka shouted at Kumagawa. 『Haha, if we are talking about hard work then wouldn't we minus the perfect example of that?』Kumagawa said making Medaka shut for a moment.

"I can't deny that you minuses worked hard for something.. but even so! You can't just ignore the fact that everyone else struggle just like you minuses! We normal people struggled too!" Medaka retaliated to Kumagawa's words as the man just smiled.

『This battle won't end anywhere soon specially when.. you already copied my All Fiction..』Kumagawa said shaking his head when he saw Medaka's body already healed. ".. I know that this might be unfair but this is the only way I could cope with you! Using your ability against you is the most effective move in this match" Medaka said. 『Then, Medaka-chan. I have a proposal. Won't you hear it? You accept any request right? Surely you could atleast hear mine?』Kumagawa said as Medaka perked her ears.

"Reveal it. I, Kurokami Medaka would accept any request from anyone 24/7/365!" Medaka exclaimed with a determined look on her face. 『I will use my original minus against you.. if you could still fight against me then I will accept my loss』Kumagawa said while Medaka just narrowed her eyes at Kumagawa's words. She can't really accept a promise from someone who would only broke them. 『Won't you trust me? This is my request』Kumagawa smiled while saying at. Medaka thought about it for a moment before accepting the proposal. She opened her arms to accept anything that Kumagawa would throw at her. Kumagawa sneered at her actions before taking a screw from somewhere.

The screw slowly turned long and thin, the aura it was emitting was so vicious that even Medaka was forced to step back. "W-What.. is that?" Medaka asked carefully while looking at the screw, she didn't have time to ask for more when she senses her chest being pierced by something. She looked down only to see the long screw making a hole in her chest. 『She's 'screwed'!』Kumagawa shouted with an happy smile on his face. Medaka's hair turned white as weakness began entering her body. She couldn't move properly as this feeling of weakness is something that she never experienced before.

"What did Kumagawa do?" Mashiro asked Najimi who was sitting beside her while tiling her head. "Remember the screw that was placed on my body? This was it. His original minus, 'Book Maker' can level any person towards Kumagawa's level. Anyone who was pierced by it will experienced the feelings of the most unfortunate minus in the world. In other words, Medaka-chan is now at the level of Kumagawa-kun. Right now, Medaka-chan is experiencing the feeling of the most weakest man in existence" Najimi explained Kumagawa's minus making Mashiro looked at it in awe. She imagined a screw as it appeared on her hands before putting it in the ground making Najimi twitched as she literally just copied the thing that sealed her for 3 years.

Kumagawa smirked at Medaka's state. 『How is it Medaka-chan? Do you love the feeling of being the weakest person in the world? Isn't it thrilling? The thought of fighting me at the same state is very exciting right?』Kumagawa said before looking at Medaka's face who didn't notice the wide smile on her face. "N-No..! That's not true! I am not enjoying this at all! How could you turn into something like this!" Medaka said trying to stop her smile. Medaka always loved situation like this where her opponent would challenge her in a fight. Kumagawa was shocked that she could still show an expression like that, he thought that she would immediately fall in the ground because of the unfamiliar weakness.

Kumagawa's face contorted to that of wrath as he began walking towards Medaka who just smiled. 『T-There is no way that you would be able to stand in that state! H-How!?』Kumagawa shouted while pointing at Medaka. "You see Kumagawa.. even though I am currently in this weird state.. I still have the support of all the people outside. They are still waiting for my return you see" Medaka explained while opening her arms wide. Kumagawa began breaking down upon seeing that even when they are in the same situation, he still couldn't win against Medaka. "Ha...haha..ha I really am born a loser huh..?" Kumagawa muttered with horror on his face. He shook his head before an geniune smile appeared on his face.

"Since I have no moves in my pocket left.. I'll face you with everything that I have Medaka-chan.. please do the same" Kumagawa said making Medaka smirk at him. They walked towards each other before they began trading blows that they didn't dodge. They also didn't deny their injuries to show respect to each other. During their battle, their understanding of each other reached the peak as they started laughing loudly. "Hahahahah", 『Hahahahahahahah!』they laughed while accepting the fist of the other until only Medaka was left standing. Kumagawa was already laying on the ground while smiling at the sky. 『At the end.. I still stay as an loser huh? I could never reject this fate of mine』Kumagawa said.

Medaka smiled at his words before showing her hands towards him. "Kumagawa.. as the winner I shall retrieve my gains by inviting you to become the Student Council Vice President. I won't accept any refusal" Medaka said smiling at him. Kumagawa looked at her for a moment before smiling. "I really can't win against you but still let me say this.. I love you, Medaka-chan.." Kumagawa said while smiling gently at Medaka who returned the smile. "Yes, I love you too.." Medaka said making Kumagawa shake his head. 'Sigh.. its still the same huh.. that words are not just directed at me. It was directed towards the human race.. Kurokami Medaka doesn't really understand how love is' Kumagawa thought before accepting Medaka's hands.

The two ended their fight while supporting each other as only two battle were left. Mashiro and Medaka could help Iihiko in fighting Xander since they won their own fights but they didn't interfere with their fight as their instincts warned them that doing so will only lead to their demise. They won't risk their lives in participating in a fight that they had no hopes of winning, specially Medaka since there are still people waiting for her outside this white space. Mashiro just chose not to interfere since she can see that Xander is quite enjoying this fight unlike his playful fights with Kumagawa or the other people in Shiranui village.

『Anshin'in-san? Who do you think will win? Though this is a stupid question as this scene infront of us is already showing it』Kumagawa asked looking at Najimi who smiled at the question. "Let's see.. normally I would immediately choose Iihiko since I know how strong that man is. I know that he is being supported by our creator so the thought of defeating him is already an insult. But because he is currently facing Xander.. I couldn't really say if Xander's brokeness would be able to overcome his hax but it is definitely worth watching" Najimi said with interest in her eyes. This is already a quite sight to see for her because in the time where she lived in this lonely world, she never once witnessed two broken beings clashing each other.


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