
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators)

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 112


Hakoniwa Academy.

3rd POV*

『Don't worry Zenkichi-chan. I'll lose on purpose』Kumagawa whispered to Zenkichi who was drawn for a moment before snapping out. "Shut up, Kumagawa!" Zenkichi shouted. He was mad that he almost believed his words, 『Aha! Why are you so upset? Oh no, you just talked big to Medaka-chan before.』Kumagawa sneered, 『I will warn you, if you think of me like that you won't be able to stop me even for a hundreds of years』Kumagawa continued.

『Its about accepting Zenkichi-chan. It's like accepting your lover, if you do so then you can become someone like me』Kumagawa said before stepping on the net. Zenkichi smirked before walking in the net too, he doesn't want to show an pathetic scene to everyone. "I'll explain the rules, Kumagawa-sama's condition for winning is taking Hitoyoshi-sama's armband. And for Hitoyoshi-sama, it is too make Kumagawa-sama give up" Choujabaru said as both parties agreed. Even though Medaka thought it was unfair since Kumagawa has an upper hand.

『Then let's begin the Manager of General Affairs battle shall we? Although just taking the armband is no fun.. I guess I'll play with Zenkichi-chan a little first..』Kumagawa said before lunging at Zenkichi with large screws on his hand. Before he could even do any damage, his shoulder was hit by a drop kick from Zenkichi. Everyone was surprised that he managed to hit Kumagawa. "Hey what? Hitoyoshi-kun is fighting normally isn't he?" Koga Itami asked while tilting her head. 『Ah that hurts. Whoa my right arm isn't moving. Breathing is somehow becoming painful』Kumagawa grunted.

Kumagawa stood up while stretching his body creepily. 『I wonder if my collarbone is broken and went through my lungs.. this will cause after effects for the rest of my life』Kumagawa said while showing some disgusting moves that churned everyone's stomach. 『Oh, it doesn't hurt anymore? Maybe it is healing? Or dying? Well, either way it will end the sam-』before Kumagawa could finish his words, Zenkichi's foot appeared infront of his face. Zenkichi chose to fight while closing his eyes to block his vision about Kumagawa. Just looking at him would weaken him beyond words.

"Do you think Zenkichi would be able to win this fight?" Koga Itami asked looking at others. "He will" a voice entered their conversation as they turned their attention to Xander who just smiled. "Xander..." Medaka still has complicated feelings, she just can't get cheesy with Xander as he is still their enemies. "Care to explain, Xander Ranvil?" Naze said narrowing her eyes at Xander. She doesn't possess any memories with this guy but her research already deemed him a greater threat than Kumagawa.

"Well, Kumagawa might be strong and smart. There is something that everyone must know.. that guy doesn't win, he was a born loser so he would always lose everytime there is an challenge" Xander said confusing them. "Born Loser?" Koga tilted her head, "Right.. you might not understand, so I'll just let you watch" Xander shook his head and was about to return on his place when Medaka suddenly clenched his shoulder. "Hey... what happened to you? Did Kumagawa influenced you? You were just a fine man before, how could you go in their sides?" Medaka asked with painful expression on her face.

"Influence? Certainly not, there is no way I would be influenced. Specially when I am more... Unique than him" Xander said before releasing a dreadful aura that even stopped the fight between Zenkichi and Kumagawa. Medaka's face crumpled in disbelief. "T-This is heavier than Kumagawa!" Naze muttered, she felt that staying in the same space as Xander would just make her paralyze or maybe she would become vegetable. "Xander.. he was not like this before.. what happened to Mashiro-chan.." Hitomi-sensei said while looking at Xander with serious eyes.

"Well, that was just a joke. Don't take it seriously" Xander said before his dreadful aura turned into a peaceful one that warmed everyone's heart. "What is this..?" Maguro muttered, this beyond their logics anymore. How could someone so negative just show an positive aura like this, this is just creepy for them. "N-Naze-chan. I am getting creeps from that guy, I can't understand him!" Koga said while clinging at Naze who just sweated. Xander saw their reactions and just patted Medaka in the head, "Good luck Kurokami-san." He said that before walking away.

Medaka could only stay in daze for a few seconds before she heard Kumagawa say something. 『Well, its my lose. You've become stronger Zenkichi-chan!』Kumagawa said surprising everyone in the field. "W-What is he talking about, why did he just gave up?" Koga asked a question that couldn't be answered, just like Xander they also could not understand how Kumagawa's mind works. 『You already surpassed me.. I guess I need to tell you the reason why I came to this school.. 』Kumagawa muttered as Zenkichi opened his eyes in surprise. "Zenkichi you idiot! Its Kumagawa! When he starts talking nice is when he gets serious!" Medaka shouted but it was already too late.

Zenkichi's body was suddenly pinned by large screws. "Guh..!" He grunted in pain, 『Don't let your guard down just because I surrendered. You planned to play sports with me even knowing what I am?』Kumagawa looked at Zenkichi amused. "2nd Year Choujabaru! He attacked Zenkichi even after surrendering! Isn't that against the rules?" Medaka asked as Choujabaru stayed quiet for a second. "No.. Kurokami-sama, the moment Kumagawa-sama surrendered the battle already ended with Hitoyoshi-sama's win.." Choujabaru said. "Then you should stop hi-!" Before Medaka could finish Xander appeared beside her.

"Too bad, he can't do that. Since the battle already ended, their fight there would just become a personal quarrel with Kumagawa and Zenkichi. He has no rights to interfere in a private matter" Xander explained as Medaka looked at him in surprise. "Then I can also go there right?" Medaka asked while pointing at the net, "Yeah, well if you wanted them to fall in the pit of snakes that is" Xander said reminding her that the net is already close to the snakes. "What!? Did he predicted this to happen? Even calculating the fact that Choujabaru couldn't interfere!?" Koga said in shock. "Zenkichi don't look at him!" Medaka shouted at Zenkichi who just shivered on the spot.

『He doesn't like looking at me right?』Kumagawa said smiling at Zenkichi with his body already healed. "What did you do!?" Medaka shouted at Kumagawa, 『I just made all of Zenkichi-chan's efforts, the reality where I was kicked by him become nothing. Making reality into nothing.. that's my All Fiction』Kumagawa revealed his ability as everybody who heard it shuddered. What kind of record breaking ability is that? "Damn Hitoyoshi! He's completely scared! Just close your eyes!" Naze said instructing Zenkichi. 『Oh Naze-san there is no need for him to close his eyes anymore. He seemed to not like looking at me so.. I just made his sight into nothing』Kumagawa simply said.

Medaka's face contorted into worry as she looked at Zenkichi. "Kumagawa!!" She shouted. "Sigh, even I can't just watch this right?" Everyone heard a voice before they saw Xander finally moving. Kumagawa was about to screw Zenkichi when his hand was suddenly gripped. 『Hm? What's the meaning of this, Xander-chan?』Kumagawa asked looking at Xander who appeared beside him. "Senpai, even though you are my boss right now, Zenkichi is still my friend you know?" Xander said as Zenkichi's face brightened for a second before he understood the situation, Xander standing here means that the weight on the net.. "Ah don't worry, Zenkichi. I am probably lighter than a feather right now" Xander said as a screw appeared on his face.

『Your friend? Then you can go to hell along with him』Kumagawa said as he plunged his screws at Xander at supersonic speed. Everybody watched with serious eyes, the moment they blinked, Kumagawa's body was already broken beyond words. Everyone was shocked by what happened, "Eh!? What just happened?" Koga asked as she looked for answers to everyone around. But the answers she got was the same shocked look that she experienced a while ago. Everybody turned to Medaka who is the most supernatural among them, they were surprised when tears were falling from her eyes. "What's wrong, Medaka-chan?" Hitomi immediately asked. "No.. I am just happy that Xander didn't change.. even though he turned into minus he still didn't change his personality" Medaka said.

Everyone's curiosity about the man named Xander Ranvil reached its peak because of that. "Medaka-chan.. did you see what just happened?" Hitomi-sensei asked as she looked at Medaka seriously. "Yeah.. I only saw Xander doing one thing" Medaka said, as they got impatient by the suspense, "What did he do?" Hitomi asked curiously, she wondered what Xander did to destroy Kumagawa just like that. "He blinked" Medaka said before hesitating, even she is thinking that it was too absurd. "Hah? Are you saying that he broke Kumagawa just by blinking, Kurokami?" Naze asked as it was too unbelievable to accept. Beating a person just by blinking?

"You might find it hard to believe but that is the only thing I saw. The moment he blinked, there was a shockewave that broke Kumagawa's inside and outside at the same time" Medaka explained more detailed this time. "Hitoyoshi-sensei.. you probably encountered Xander Ranvil when he was a child. What was his ability?" Naze asked the person who has the most knowledge about Abnormals. "That.. I can't tell" Hitomi said shaking her head. "Is it confidential? This is an emergency, please cooperate" Naze tried once again, "It's not confidential, its just.. we never discovered what his abilities is. He is always destroying our attempts to look more about his abilities, that is why we have no result" Hitomi explained.

"Now this is terrifying.. he destroyed the person that traumatized Kurokami the most. We don't even know what his ability is" Koga said while staring at Xander. The others also did the same as they wanted to know more about this mysterious childhood friend of Medaka and Zenkichi. "Group A! Take Hitoyoshi-sama! Group B! Take Kumagawa-sama! Make sure they are safe!" Choujabaru ordered the his teammates who just moved in action. Zenkichi already collapsed in exhaustion, his mind couldn't take it anymore, being influenced by Kumagawa's aura that is. The Election Management Division took Kumagawa's body and inspected it.

"What!? All of his bones are broken? His cells are dead? All of his organs ruptured?..... ... Kumagawa-sama is dead" Choujabaru announced as the place was descended by a heavy silence. They looked at Xander with horrified eyes only to see him smiling at Kumagawa. "Xander!! How could you do that! Kumagawa is still a human!" Medaka shouted before grabbing Xander's clothes. "Heh, as if a guy like that could die easily. He is probably meeting his girlfriend right now" Xander said sneering at Kumagawa. "What are you talking about?" Medaka asked narrowing her eyes at him. Before she could even ask further, Kumagawa stood up while cracking his neck. The wounds from Xander's attack was already erased.

"Oh? Did you have a nice chat with that woman, senpai?" Xander asked while pushing Medaka away, he looked at Kumagawa who just returned to his usual smile. 『That was mean, Xander-chan. She seemed quite amused by how I died this time』Kumagawa said shaking his head. "Well, of course she would be. I mean who wouldn't be amused by a dead body that has everything on it broken." Xander said chuckling at that. "Anyway, our lose has been delivered. We need to go now, Kumagawa-senpai." Xander said before walking away with Kumagawa. 『You ruined my fun, Xander-chan. I still wanted to play with Zenkichi-chan.』Kumagawa said.

"Hahaha, don't be such a loser.. oh you are a loser. I almost forgot about that seeing how heroic you were there hahaha" Xander laughed as Kumagawa just plunged a screw at Xander's head. Xander didn't defend against it as it went through his head making blood poured on it. 『Your sense of heroic is quite skewed Xander-chan. Well that what makes you special from those normal Minus though』Kumagawa said smiling. Xander's body glitched before the screw was erased, his body was returned to what it was. "Hahaha thanks for the compliment senpai" Xander laughed while slapping Kumagawa's arm that exploded in the process.

Kumagawa didn't even flinch before his body returned to his usual one. Everyone could only gawked at this scene as it was too mind boggling for them. They just saw Kumagawa rise from death, they concluded that he can also deny his death making it more complicated. Though Xander is what scared them the most as he seemed to understand Kumagawa too well, he can even get along with him which they thought is impossible for anyone. Their brutality also frightened them as they never expected that there would be humans that wouldn't even flinch from strikes that could result to death.

They stopped looking at them before turning their attentions to Zenkichi. They saw him slowly waking up until he opened his eyes, everyone was confused when Zenkichi's eyes changed for a second before returning to its usual. "Zenkichi!!" Medaka immediately dived towards him and hugged the boy, "Huh..? I can see? What!? I can see?" Zenkichi exclaimed as he inspected his eyes. "What happened, Zenkichi?" Medaka asked as she noticed the baffled look on his face. "Kumagawa.. mentioned something about anything that he erased wouldn't return.. I wonder what happened" Zenkichi muttered as everyone ignored it since they are still processing all the informations that they gained today.





Meanwhile, in the entrance gate of Hakoniwa Academy. One beautiful girl is currently looking at the school with great interest on her eyes. "Is this the school that Xander mentioned? I can't wait" the girl muttered as she took the first step towards her new school with a bright smile on her face.
