
Instant Cultivation System

In a world where martial prowess determines one's fate, Su Lang wakes up in a new body after a tragic accident. Transmigrating into a future where humanity faces extinction from monstrous beasts, he discovers he possesses a unique system—the Instant Cultivation System (ICS). This system allows him to cultivate at an unprecedented speed, quickly reaching the pinnacle of martial arts. Struggling against his past of being considered worthless due to a weak physique, Su Lang vows to change his destiny. With the ICS, he navigates the dangerous landscapes of Earth, where ancient barriers protect humanity's dwindling strongholds from relentless monster attacks. As he gains strength, Su Lang uncovers secrets about his new identity and the true purpose of the ICS. Amid battles against formidable foes and internal conflicts, Su Lang forms alliances with fellow warriors and challenges the status quo of martial hierarchy. His journey transforms from a quest for personal strength to a fight for humanity's survival. Will Su Lang's mastery of the Instant Cultivation System be enough to turn the tide against the encroaching darkness threatening to engulf Blue Star? RAW: 键修炼系统瞬间百万级

Nachtregen · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 19: Too Scared to Speak?


The three men had only a moment to react before Su Lang's blade struck the lead thug's sword.


An immense force, like a mountain, bore down. The large sword shattered with a huge chip, and the tattooed man's hand split open, blood gushing as he stumbled back over ten meters, collapsing onto the ground.

Ignoring the tattooed man, Su Lang lunged forward, twisting his waist and slicing horizontally. The gleaming blade slashed through Dou Zhong and the other mid-level warrior's waists.

Their ferocious expressions froze, then morphed into masks of agony as their faces twisted in pain.


"My... it's gone!"

"So much blood, it hurts!"


Dou Zhong and his companion writhed on the ground, screaming and rolling in pain like shrimp.

The women watched in shock, their faces filled with disbelief.

The anticipated scene hadn't happened. Instead, the three brutish men had fallen to Su Lang's blade!

Those vicious thugs, who seemed like demons, had been defeated!

Fear, shock, confusion, joy—the women's emotions were a chaotic mix, leaving them unsure how to react. They stared at Su Lang, trembling and taut with tension.

"Such noise!"

Su Lang frowned and swiftly killed Dou Zhong and his companion with precise strikes.

"You dare to kill my Broken Axe Hunting Group men? You're dead!"

The tattooed man's anger surged like a tidal wave. The group had ruled this outpost for three years without anyone daring to challenge them. Yet, Su Lang had slaughtered two members without hesitation.

"And you think it's fine for the Broken Axe Hunting Group to kill, but no one can kill you?" Su Lang sneered, flicking the blood off his blade and stepping closer to the tattooed man. "How arrogant."

"Stop! Stay where you are!"

The tattooed man finally panicked. He knew he was no match for Su Lang, and the lack of reinforcements meant everyone outside was likely dead.

At this point, he was the only member of the Broken Axe Hunting Group left.

"Why should I stop? Give me one reason," Su Lang taunted, his footsteps echoing like a hammer on the tattooed man's heart.


Faced with imminent death, the tattooed man was consumed by fear.

"Too scared to speak? What a coward," Su Lang mocked, raising his blade. The weapon's gleam was like a venomous snake poised to strike.

"Wait, wait!"

The tattooed man, terrified, quickly said, "There's a lot of wealth in the base! I know where it is!"

Used to a life of indulgence and freedom, the tattooed man didn't want to die.

"Good, I only want gold and silver. Speak quickly, and don't try to stall," Su Lang commanded, shattering the tattooed man's last hope.

"Fine, I'll tell you. The gold is all in the overseer's…"

The tattooed man gulped and spilled everything.

The base's finances were controlled by the quasi-warrior overseer. The gold and silver were locked in a huge safe in his room.

A smile crept onto Su Lang's face. "I'm not sure if you're telling the truth, so…"

"So what?"

The tattooed man sensed something was wrong and shivered.

Su Lang didn't answer. He simply smiled and swung his blade.


The tattooed man felt a cold sensation in his legs, followed by searing pain that nearly made him pass out.

"If you're lying…"

Su Lang looked down at him. "I'll come back and kill you. If you're telling the truth…"

Turning to the stunned women, Su Lang smiled. "Tie him up. If I'm not back in five minutes, you can deal with him. If you're lucky, you might leave this hellhole alive today."