
Instant Copy within a Super Hero World

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Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Sora Is A hero

in a large prison that had part of its prison underwater, a bullet could be seen shooting through the sky, the bullet shot through the guard's head, killing him almost instantly, a few kilometers away, Bullseyes aimed his rifle, and shot once more

his gun was personally made to have extreme range, to a normal person this extreme range was useless, but to him who pretty much can't miss, so long as the thing he fires has the power to travel that far, he would seemly never miss.

even a shot made across the city could hit a person who is driving, and that's taking into account turns, the speed that could always change, and so on. this was his superpower, he almost always hit the bullseye.

"That should be all of them, we should move before anything else happens," Bullseye said as he took off his night-vision goggles, it was the middle of the night. it was hard to see so far eye, everyone got up,

"Deadpool, your job is to make it look like we are not targeting Shark Man, no matter what we can't have people like Iron Bat onto our plans," Techno said seriously, Deadpool just nodded, wondering if he should use the bathroom now, or later.

"I have been talking to Man Shark all this time, and he agrees to help at the cost he can be turned back into a human, which I promised to carry through. the plan, free everyone, and escape with man Shark through the ocean, a speed boat is waiting for us." Techno said before everyone moved, leaving him and Bullseye there

meanwhile, within the Bat Cave, Iron Bat was sitting in his huge chair, in deep thought about everything.

"You haven't slept for 2 days; shouldn't you get some rest or at least get something to eat." Tony Butler asked calmly, But Tony Stark shook his head slightly

"Tell me if I'm missing something... I'm born with an overpowered ability, but since everything comes so easily, it loses its point. I got the infinity gauntlet, yet I ignore it because it's too powerful and too easy to get. so, I ignore my powers and focus on tech, building powerful stuff as at least then I have to put in some work. and it's much harder. meaning more challenging, forcing creativity out to its fullest. plus, I can enjoy life with the world's best beauties." Iron Bat said calmly, his Butler went quiet for some time, before shaking his head.

"a bit troublesome... it seems like you got him on point sir." The Butler said softly, Tony rubbed his head slightly

"Maybe, but there is something about his side. is he a hero, or villain? I have been searching for Techno the past few weeks, someone like him having such tech would have been acting up right? yet he has been quiet. what did he do to him? so far his clean, sure he robbed a store, but looking at it, I can guess his thought process in doing that. you just appear in a new body, in a new world, and find this new body lives in a shitty apartment. someone like him working a real job is almost impossible, too boring. so, he rubbed think.... his powers work differently in this world than his own, so acted expecting his power would pull him out of danger. yet he was wrong.." He said as if he hit something.

"... about Techno, there have been someone hacking police cars, and other such similar things." The butler said catching Tony's attention. He quickly searched at this news and found indeed, someone has hacked a police car, leading them to crash into each other. 6 have been reported to have died in the car crash, while 2 have died from gunshots

Tony frowned, was Techno on the move? he searched for the cop car which was hacked and found someone was indeed hiding its location.

"... it's not Sora." He said seeing how weak it was, cracking his finger, he began tapping away, trying to over hack the police car. but he was meant with a hard counter, making him smile as he realized who he was facing.

"it's Techno..." He said softly, but his smile slowly disappeared as he found how strong techno have gotten with these new improvements. he was even beating him, just when he was about to do something, the connection was lost, broken by Techno

"He is smart not to keep up the battle." the butler said softly, seeing the hard drive Tony was about to put into the computer.

"give me a list of every important thing within 100 miles of this location. also, find any reports that could point to a criminal in the past few days." Tony said as he gave the location he was able to get out of that small fight, it was pinpoint, but it had to be 100 miles within

so, his A.I. went on to search, and seconds, list stuff that could be useful to him... just yesterday morning, 1 person who looked extremely similar to Deadpool, the Madwoman, and a black male entered a Store to eat.

"What are these 3 doing together?" he said with a frown, the black male was none other than Bullseye, he knew the Mad Woman, he thought her man times, and Deadpool... who didn't know him.

"if Techno is with them, he shouldn't be far.... try and trace where they came from." He said calmly, but he soon found that he couldn't as if someone had hacked into the cameras and removed their movement. this picture was taken by someone and uploaded, something which Techno couldn't get to before it hit the internet.

"So, he is with them... what could these 4 wants there. hack into everything around there, when you feel something putting up a barrier stop." Tony said, and the next moment, he found the location where they were at

"Seashore prison?" Tony smiled as he got ready to suit up, but he was slightly confused, what would they want to form a person?

"Iron bat is on to use, just destroy everything and have the criminal run fee." techno said in worry, Bullseye frowned looking at the screen.

"You can't even buy us some time?" Bullseye asked, Techno gritted his teeth before nodding his teeth,

"5 minutes at most, Iron bat isn't human." techno said to which Bullseye nodded, for a normal human with no powers or anything, indeed Iron bat was a freak.

back within the bat cave, Iron bat was about to fly off when suddenly, the screen before him turn red with alarms, he quickly rushed to the computer, and smiled seeing what was happening, techno was trying to buy some time.

"Lunch extreme counter Hack, destroy all his barriers and pinpoint his locations. lunch the EMP beam towards that location. also, before he goes down," Iron bat said calmly, making his A.I. get to work, with him and his A.I., Techno was no match

"I have no choice." techno yelled as he cut the connection before it went on too far, Techno seeing this frowned, but to his relief, news came from the other side that all prisoners were released. Shark man took Deadpool and Risa into the sea, they were waiting for them.

"let's go," he said as he grabbed the PC, along with all of the Battery, and rushed off, just as he arrived there, he saw Risa and the others on a speed boat, heading towards them. they quickly hopped on, and drove off,

Techno shot off all of their electricity, so it would be hard for them to be tracked. Deadpool out an invisibility clock, which he had wrapped around the whole speedboat, Shark man was in charge of making sure the waves from the boat were not too noticeable.

"The trench prison is located 9,000 meters below the surface, plug me into their power system and I will use it against them. just remember to come to get me when you're done with everything, let's not like you all can get far without me." Techno said calmly, making all of them roll their eyes slightly, indeed, Techno was the most important piece to this. without him, they would be caught by my stuff, they wouldn't even be able to near the prison without their prison seeing them coming.

meanwhile back to the hero academy. Mei slowly opened her eyes, last night she slept with the lights none, it wasn't like she was scared or anything after watching a scary movie... it was just that she wanted to read books and forgot to turn them off.... yeah, that was it.

but when she opened her eyes, she found it was dark, and froze slightly. she looked outside the window and saw it was still night. she looked around her room, it was going to be a race to turn the lights on... and who she was racing against. that was her to know.

"Hallo?" suddenly a sweet, adorable voice of a little girl sounded, Mei, froze as a chill ran down her spine. she looked around her room once more but found nothing

"Can you hear me?" the sweet little girl's voice sounded, this time close to Mei, who raised her hands ready to make hand seals.

"You can! you want to be my friend?" the voice sounded once more, and this time Mei knew where it was coming from, looking at her phone, Mei saw a little girl who seemed to be trapped. she looked so pitiful, and weak, making her confused for a moment.

"w-who are you?" Mei said with a frown, who gave this brat the nerves to dare enter her phone? was this Sora doing?

"I'm..." the little girl lowered her head slightly before she suddenly looked with,

"I'm going to get you!" She yelled as the face of a monster was fille the screen, Mei was through the phone in fright. but to her shock, the phone floated in the sky, the monster could still be seen, laughing evilly.

Mei slowly moved backward, falling off the bed, but she didn't care as she began moving towards the door, but something which made her heart drop was when the monster reached out, its hand passing through the screen, her pupils shank as the monstered pulled himself out of the phone.

Mei quickly made hand seals, and just when the arm was about to reach her, it froze, it seemed to turn into the dust which slowly began disappearing. Mei's body was shaking, her heart was racing, and her breathing was quick.

she never experienced anything like this... was this fear? but before she could relax, something under the bed caught her attention... it was the demon from the movie she watched, it was just looking at her. Mei's body froze, just looking at the demon.

slowly, the ground under her became wet, but she didn't notice it, she was frozen, and these new emotions, had taken over.

suddenly the world she was seeing disappeared, replaced by her room, which was bright from the sun outside, and the lights which were on. sounds of someone clapping their hands sounded, she turned and saw Sora just standing there, clapping his hands while looking at her.

Mei froze, even more, she quickly realized what had happened, and she looked down angrily to look up. but when she saw she wet herself, her body began shaking, and unimaginable rage swallowed her. the image of a skeleton seemed to appear behind her. with glowing red eyes, it looked at Sora.

"Bro, It was just a prank," Sora said quickly, Mei angrily looked at him. but the rage slowly disappeared, as she began crying. This human was such a dick, Seeing Sora, Sora sighed, some people just can't take a joke now a day.

"I might have taken it overboard, but I had my reason to do it," Sora said softly, stunning Death who looked at him in confusion.

"I wanted to see what you are... and it turned out you're just a hint of Death, a small piece she gave from to. is it by chance you feared that your humanity would get to you, leading to your viewpoint change? if that's the case, then it shows your truth in your viewpoint isn't that strong if you fear or know that it could be changed... and for this, I shall look down upon you." Sora said as he looked at her with disgust, making death's body shake slightly

"For someone like you, I expected more, but to be such a coward, all this scheming, all of this and you feared my mindset would change or something like that... doesn't that make your existence pretty much meaningless? everything you experience here, would it matter once you return? a tool whose viewpoints would mean nothing," Sora said with disgust, making Death grit her teeth, but Sora flashed, picking her up by her hair

"Everything so far was meaningless, pointless, and held nothing if that's the case, leave me, I don't like to waste my time," Sora said coldly

Mei looked at him slightly. of course, this was a piece of her, she could not allow anything she experience here to have any impact. after all, just imagine Mei went up and began going against Death, then what? so, to prevent anything like that, this was only a piece of the main her. so small that when she returns, Death would not even notice it. if she didn't try

Sora drop her, but just as he was about to leave, he saw that the world had lost its color. turning around, Sora saw a skeleton had appeared, the skeleton looked at him for a moment, before walking over to Mei. holding its hand out, Mei was absorbed, returning to Death.

"You want me to enjoy the journey, instead of rushing to the end? Haha, but what's the point, if everything ends the same way." Death said mockingly

"Is that so? about Death Book, why didn't you skip to its ending? if everything ends the same way, what's the point of reading the manga, or watching the anime?" Sora asked calmly Death went quiet hearing this, not knowing what to say.

"If everything ends the same way, what's the point of enjoying something? you are an emotionless being, but in these few weeks are you saying all of that was pointless?" Sora asked, to which Death couldn't answer

"you're doing all this to sleep with me," Death asked with a sneer, Sora shook his head with a sigh, who would go so far as to fuck death. this had nothing to do with that, he was just a good person,

"Is that how you see me? I'm doing this to empower females if we sleep together sure, but I could care less about such things. just look at Anna, I helped her move on from a huge trauma she had. or look at kara and Ashly, I brought the two sisters closer than ever. and now you, we become so close, yet never did I try to sleep with you. am I a bad guy for wanting to help you see that a journey should be enjoyed?" Sora asked, feeling hurt. death was speechless, why did Sora's words seem to make sense

"How about Fire Empress? why would you sleep with her?" Death asked with a sneer, Sora sighed softly,

"That was weak of me, I truly cheated then," Sora said softly, Death was even more speechless, she had nothing to counter with. she of course could easily see all of time and space, and get almost any knowledge she wanted, indeed, Sora sleeping with Fire Empress looked like a mistake

Sora even wanted to tell Kara, but Fire Empress stopped him... did Sora plan everything out? did he foresee people who can see into the past, and made sure to act things out?

Death searched for something, but indeed, Sora seemed like a good guy, sure he made some mistakes, but he seemed like he had truly tried to make up for them. then... was Sora trying to help her see what she was missing out on?

she had to admit, life had many things that made her enjoy it. She fell into deep thought, carry through with her plan, or let her barrier down slightly, to see what life truly had to offer. but she was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts as Sora hugged her.

"You became a core part of my life, I don't want to say all that was a lie... because, Death, for this short time I knew you..." Sora said softly as he looked into Death's eyes, Death couldn't help but blush, knowing what Sora was about to say. her skeleton checks turned slightly red,

"You became like a sister to me..." Sora said softly, making Death freeze slightly, she was angry, but seeing the gentle and loving smile, she couldn't bring herself to hit Sora... you can't hit a smiling face

"But I would understand if you left, I will treasure the moments I had with you," Sora said with a forced smile as if her leaving would be painful, but he had to put on a smile to show he supported her. a small bit of humanity within Death began to grow, her hands slowly moved, and hugged Sora slightly.

"F-fine, I will stay." She said softly as she slowly began turning back into Mei, Sora laughed deep down at how easy this was. forcing Death to take Mei back, then having that small piece of Mei slowly grow within Death's emotionless cold self... too easy. all he had to do had her remember the time they were together. which she did by trying to prove he was nothing more than a scumbag,

if only she knew about his action with Risa, all of this would have fallen apart, she might have even fought Sora after seeing she was being toyed with.

"Mei..." Sora said softly, confusing Mei who was hugging him

"you're naked," Sora said softly, Mei froze before she looked at herself, her mind was not in the right place when she became a mortal. leading to this,

"don't worry, I don't mind, let's just enjoy the huge," Sora said softly as his hands slowly moved down, Mei's face redden, this pervert was trying to grab her ass. but Sora's hands froze when he felt his cancer getting closer, he stopped was he was doing, and simply hugged her. he had to quickly find a cure, hell, even one to all illnesses.

Mei waved her hands, and a black gas suddenly covered Sora's eyes, making it So, his sense of sight disappeared. Sora quickly removed it, but when he did, he was disappointed to find Mei already dress,

"I'm expecting food on the table." She said coldly as she left, she hasn't forgiven him for making her pee herself, but she was acting like it never happened.

'Now... how will I have Infinity become a mortal.' Sora thought he wanted to teach these the joy of living like a mortal. he of course didn't have any other evil plans. no, he was a hero, that's why he was teaching the future heroes, do you think a villain would have such a job?