
Instant Climax: Conquering Reality With My Harem System

A dirty hobo old man was in an alley regretting his life choices and then decided to go for a piss at a nearby river when he was suddenly hit by a truck and reincarnated into another world, that however was just the beginning as the world he ended up in was one of the only men, where women didn't exist, so his fantasies of a harem of beauties were quickly dispelled for a world of femboys and burly men hitting on him. Managing to survive through trials and tribulations in this other world, he got the favor to make a deal with the Gods and got to use the ability of regression to go back in time and fix his mistakes at the cost of all his abilities and power, leaving only vague memories of the otherworld. The regression took him back all the way to the first day of his last year of high school, where everything started to change for him. Unfortunately, there was a mistake made… he looked like his hobo old self despite being 18 years old again. That caused him to be too weak, and as an orphan, he had nobody to fall on… so with that problem, he became a victim of bullying, but after all, he had been through, he refused to surrender without a fight, which led to him being dumped at the ocean to die… however he did not die… for some weird reason, he did not die, only losing consciousness then hearing a voice. [Human, You have been selected among many many candidates as the next Lust Ruler, a vicious and dangerous being in search of conquering all of reality with a harem of beauties at their side. Will you take this position? Knowing that you will not be able to love only one woman or stop your quest for power even if you feel satisfied? A position that will drive you to be Amoral, doing whatever is necessary? If you do not only will you survive today but you will have the chance to be powerful beyond comprehension!] [[Yes] Or [No]] "I will not die without a fight!" He pressed [Yes] without so much as a second thought.

HaremHobo · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 11- Preying On The Teachers And A Guilty Principal(1/3)(+18)*

Not faltering, Nivril picked Jasmine up and put her down on his lap as he sat down on the couch. Making her hug him as she began getting out of the daze, and then said.

"… Mas-… I mean, Nivril, I didn't know you were such a catch… *Hic*… you're making this big sister embarrassed to be one… *Hic*… don't be so rough with me." She expressed with a playful tone before leaning closer to his ear and whispering. "At least not in public… do me hard in private, master."

Hearing her talk to him like that, he was surprised to see she was capable of feeling shame and about how she just started calling him Master without any input on his part, was this the system or just her personality? It was hard to tell.

"I'll do whatever I feel is best. You don't really mind, do you, big sis?" Nivril grabbed her by the chin to look her in the eyes, making both his Sexual Touch and Pleasure Multiplier, activate and send shivers of pleasure through her body.

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 15 interest in you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 10 Sexual Love for you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 4 Exhibitionism with you]

[Through continuous use, your skill <Pleasure Multiplier> has gone from level 1 to level 2]

[Through continuous use, your technique <Sexual Touch> has gone from level 1 to level 2]

[Pleasure Multiplier(Safe).Lv-2: This ability multiplies the pleasure the user experiences by 1.6x and those directly or physically interacting with the user by 1.7x, without any risk of damage to their nervous system or bodies in general from this skill.]

[Sexual Touch.Lv-2: A technique that makes any and all physical contact with the User 2.7x more pleasureful than normal.]

Unfortunately due to his currently low EP, Nivril couldn't use <Lustful Hands>, which lead to it having to wait for later before evolving, but it was however still a massive improvement, as his current total pleasure boost without <Lustful Hands> went from 3.4 to 4.4 as the system added them to make a total pleasure multiplier rather than well, multiplying them, which was a pity but didn't stop him from being effective.

After all, not many people could handle 3 times the pleasure much less 4 times. This was already in Nivril's hands or at least he believed so.

"My… my… such a naughty younger brother… making big sis do his bidding… you're lucky I'm a good older sister who cares, so for your sake, I'll stay open to your advances... Just a little though… don't be getting any ideas…" Jasmine responded trying her best to hide her willingness, but it was too late for that, Nivril already knew she was right in his hand.

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 15 Platonic Love for you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 10 Romantic Love for you.]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 5 Submission to you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 10 Sluttyness with you]

As a response, he nibbled on her right ear as it was the one pointing his way as she sat on his lap, and this caused a reaction as she quivered from his attack and blushed completely startled by the sudden move. Normally something like this would not have been enough to move her out of composure but after that kiss, Nivril just had the upper hand against her, as if he had become her weakness and gained bonus stats whenever facing her.

"*Aaaahhh*… N- Not there!… if you don't stop… I'll *hhhnnnh*… I'll stop letting you touch me!" She found herself at the mercy of this young man, almost not recognizing herself as she was never the shy high school girl before, so why now?! She couldn't understand it.

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 10 interest in you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 10 Platonic Love for you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 5 Sexual Love for you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 1 Exhibitionism with you]

"Then… I guess I don't have a choice... If big sis doesn't want it… who am I to impose myself?" Nivril responded as he stopped and even put her down on the couch giving her space.

The shock of this action was so great Jasmine just stayed there for a few seconds trying to process it before saying. "I didn't mean it like that… I was just testing and teasing you a bit, you're just too young to see through it..."

"No, I saw it clearly… you need your space, so I should give it to you." Nivril contained his smile as he replied.

"… No!… kiss me now or this big sister will decide to hate you." Immediately Jasmine climbed back to his lap and gave herself up to him.

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 5 Romantic Love for you.]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 10 Submission to you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 10 Sluttyness with you]

Those words brought a smile to his face and Nivril didn't hesitate at all, beginning by going for her neck and getting a taste of that as well, kissing her multiple times, making her grab his back and scratch as she bit her lower lip and squirmed at his movements.

(I don't know how, but I've already lost to him... Haven't I?… it would just be hard to imagine my life from now on without this… I'm so easy… but can I blame myself? He's special… so special… this big sister needs to keep him safe.) Jasmine gave up completely, not caring about trying to get the upper hand anymore. She knew how it looked from the outside, but she didn't care! If this was how she got to feel on the inside, then that was but a minor detail.

Tracing through her neck, and up to her cheek before taking her lips once more with passion as he explored her mouth, playing his own score and making her follow it, leaving her in a sultry breathing state of moaning as she came on top of him, showing a silly smile as the intense sensation shook her to the core making each inch of her body a pleasure instrument, that Nivril was fine-tuning for his perfect symphony, an orchestra solely build of her moans.

Melody like never before, lulling everyone in the room into a mating session as they found it hard to listen without having their own secret gardens watered to keep the lush vigorous, but they seem to fear that such an act would attract the attention of the gardener who would surely go from leading the orchestra to coming and checking up on the condition of each garden under his management.

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 30 interest in you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 20 Sexual Love for you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 10 Exhibitionism with you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 20 Platonic Love for you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 5 Romantic Love for you.]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 15 Submission to you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 20 Sluttyness with you]

[Shaila(Language teacher) has gained 10 interest in you.]

[Shaila(Language teacher) has gained 2 Sexual Love for you]

[Olivia(School Principal) has gained 25 interest in you.]

[Olivia(School Principal) has gained 5 Sexual Love for you]

[Brenda(P.E. Teacher) has gained 25 interest in you.]

[Brenda(P.E. Teacher) has gained 5 Sexual Love for you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 35 interest in you.]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 6 Sexual Love for you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 15 Sluttyness with you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 10 Submission to you]

[Estellve(Science teacher) has gained 25 interest in you.]

[Estellve(Science teacher) has gained 10 Platonic Love for you]

[Estellve(Science teacher) has gained 5 Sexual Love for you]

Way too many notifications came in all at once and Nivril even stopped for a few seconds to see what was going on, before regaining composure and slapping Jasmine's ass as he said. "It seems, you're a little, tired big sister… don't you want to go and rest already."

This action caused Jasmine to spasm as she had another orgasm and fell on Nivril feeling tired, basically out of gas by then.

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 10 Interest with you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 2 Sexual Love for you]

After all of this, Nivril decided that she seemed to have experienced enough, and right then tried to use his <Instant Climax> for the first time, bringing a smile to his face, it worked as Jasmine didn't just have another, no… she waterfalled on top of as drool fell off her mouth and she went full on ahegao and passed out from the sheer pleasure.

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 40 interest in you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 30 Sexual Love for you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 20 Exhibitionism with you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 25 Platonic Love for you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 10 Romantic Love for you.]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 25 Submission to you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has gained 30 Sluttyness with you]

[Jasmine(Art teacher) has reached 100 interest!]

Seeing this Nivril was satisfied with the effects of the skill, as it wasn't just a normal orgasm or he would have felt it was too much work to get closer to the girls just to be able to use it.

Jasmine slept while seating on Nivril and he picks her up and puts her down on the sofa his pants now all wet from her last orgasm in which she squirted over them. Making sure to have her clothes properly in place and all that as she looked very much so like she had been done in, and he improved it a bit before walking up to those who were drinking talking to each other, and avoiding looking at what Nivril was doing to protect themselves. Then he said.

"What's her address? I want to call a cab to take her home… though, I think it's best if I do it as I'm leaving so I can go with her and make sure she gets inside safely." Nivril expressed to them.

"Uhm… that won't be necessary… I'll just go with her! She lives on the way to my place, so I don't mind." Shaila was the one to reply.

"Good, that settles it then." Nivril smiled not showing his intentions of wanting to go to Jasmine's place to harvest some yin energy later.

At that time, Stella saw an opening and called out to Nivril. "Hum… I'm sorry to ask, but could you help me to the bathroom?… I would ask the girls, but we've all been drinking, and I feel you as a man would have an easier time doing so… of course, if you don't mind that is." She lied with all her teeth with ease, and though the other women could see she was bullsh*ting, Nivril who saw her having a hard time walking before thought nothing of it, but even if he did notice it wouldn't make a difference, cause in the end she was just making herself an easier prey for him.

Helping her make her way to the bathroom, Nivril could feel her rather big and mostly exposed breasts around his arm comforting him.

Once they were away from the rest and near the bathroom, Stella pushed him to the wall and stopped pretending, slightly surprising Nivril but only for a brief instant when his eyebrow was raised, then she said.

"So big boy, want to come with me a show your music teacher how exactly you played with Jasmine? I want to be a part of your orchestra." Stetta was direct about her intentions of throwing herself at him, and if it weren't for the current situation, Nivril would go for some fun.

However that didn't mean, he wouldn't attack. As he took the chance and grabbed her ass pulling her to him and having her big mounds bounce on him and jiggle in a way Jasmine's couldn't and kissed her, making her golden eyes widen in shock before softening in appreciation as this young man was the real deal. Stella found herself becoming his piano, as each time he pressed a tile she would make a new sound moaning as part of his orchestra with much pleasure and pride to do so, loving each and every second of it.

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 40 interest in you.]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 25 Sexual Love for you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 40 Sluttyness with you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 60 Submission to you]

Being easier than Jasmine in some ways and not all in others, her points raised fast, and in a single exchange, she was already letting out the build-up tension as she climaxed right there and then.

"We 100%! Need to get in there and have some fun! You're about the become the best thing ever in my whole life!!" There was clear excitement in Stella's voice as she urged him to go into the bathroom for a quickie, but unfortunately, that was not the plan for today.


Saying not a word to her, Nivril slapped her ass and then gripped it strongly before speaking. "I'm the one deciding the when and where here, understood?"

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 20 interest in you.]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 15 Sexual Love for you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 30 Sluttyness with you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 40 Submission to you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 5 Exhibitionism with you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 20 Platonic Love for you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 10 Romantic Love for you.]

[Stella(Music teacher) has reached 100 interest!]

[Stella(Music teacher) has reached 100 Submission!]

"Yes! Master! I understand!" Stella had a silly smile on as it seems that once again she let her nectar loose as she came with ease.

Again, another one began calling master with not a word from him… and he started thinking that it has to be a system feature.

"Good girl, so now you're going back to the table and offer up to take Jasmine home and get the address, once you get to your own house, you're calling the number I'll give you and wait for more instructions, you're also forbidden from masturbating or engaging in any sexual activity until I say otherwise, understood?" Nivril contained to grip her ass with his hungry right hand, and used his left one to pat her on the head.

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 25 interest in you.]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 25 Sexual Love for you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 10 Sluttyness with you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has gained 20 Submission to you]

[Stella(Music teacher) has reached 100 Sluttyness!]

"Of course! As you wish, master… but do I really have to stay without masturbating after experiencing you?" Stella nodded her head as she answered, but then became reluctant.

"Yes, but as a present allow me to give you one last taste." Nivril once again gripped her ass, but this time he used <Instant Climax> as he did so.

"*AAAAAHHHHNNNNHH!*… " She let out such a loud moan that everyone in the club must have heard it were it not for the constant loud music, but most of those in the VIP certainly heard her. As she squirted and let her juices onto the floor through her underwear.

(Yup! I'm his bitch, no question about it… Oh, great god…. *Hnnngh!*… this is too good… too good to be true, I must be dreaming of the perfect man, cause something this good cannot possibly be happening to me… I've never in my life felt so sexually satisfied… is this the bliss of release? Years! I spent years trying and if this isn't a dream and God do I hope it isn't! I found my man, someone I will never dare to leave. I have to secure my position next to him, someone this good has more, for sure!) Stella felt the bliss of her life, finally getting a feeling she had been chasing for ages to no avail, finally escaping a chronic state of edging and dissatisfaction. As it was never enough before, but now with simple actions he achieved what none before could at their best.

After that, Nivril took her back to the others, where she expressed her want to take Jasmine home herself and the others agreed, so once the cab got there, Nivril took them both to the car and then went back to the 4 remaining ones, ready to continue the hunt.


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