
Chapter 2

Duan was surprised… not that is an understatement. He far beyond terrified, in fact, if Void and Creation did not increase his power, he would have died instantly on the spot. The restained aura of Author was still enough to kill Ling previous self instantaneously without question. Ling could not fully comprehend what is before him; there are three ungodly sized being sitting on thrones.

Author and his family waited for Ling to collect himself before talking with him. Author found Ling reaction slightly amusing; therefore, he let out a slight chuckle that sent a wave towards Ling, causing him to cough up a mouthful of blood.

'What in all that is divine name was that? A slight chuckle can cause such terrible damage to me,' thought Ling to himself. Ling was barely able to keep himself from dying at that moment, but it did shock him from his stunned mind state.

"Sorry about that," said Creation as he taps his finger on his throne repairing Ling and further increasing his power. "Every slight action of Father has power beyond comprehension, so we, his children, will be talking in his place."

'What kind of being do you have to be to possess such a power,' thought Ling to himself. Void read what he was saying in his mind and replied, "Our Father, Author, is the creator and source of all things. The power in which you possess comes from him; the Heavens that governs all laws within existence is simply his pet. Cultivators believe that they could surpass the Heavens, but that is far from the truth. In fact, our father instructed Heaven to be lenient with the cultivators. Heaven is only second to our family."

Ling mind short-circuited for a moment because he believed that the power he obtained was far from the Heaven's. Thinking about Heaven had him think about his family.

"Thanks for the information; I do not mean to change the subject but can you inform me whether or not my family is okay," said Ling as he bowed for the first time since being born. Instead of talking, Author tapped his finger on his throne, which caused a world of unimaginable sized, when compared to Ling, appeared in front of Ling. He was able to see that his family were excellent and experience a paradise like no other. Before he could try to see them, the planet disappeared.

"I believe it is time to get down to business and why you are here," said Void as she knew her father is was getting impatient. "As what was said before, our father has been watching you from the beginning and has gained interest in you, therefore, would like to give you the opportunity can gain power comparable to Creation and myself with your own hands. Of course, there is no such thing as a free meal; he only asks that he is allowed with your permission to watch for entertainment and help as he sees fit."

In reality, Author did not have to go through this and just simply willed it to be, but where is the fun in that. He believed in free will even if everything that happens is because he allows it; that is why when Ling accepts, he will in all sense of the word make him free from his influence.

Ling accepted the offer without a second of hesitation and was sent off in the next moment but not without a few changes and gifts to make his stroll to power as comfortable and entertaining as possible. Surprisingly, it was not Void or Creation that has done the modifications, but Author himself. Since he has created a countless amount of multiverses with different specs, he knows what is need to rapidly gain power. For example, a system is a must but does not restrict the host; therefore he created one that will allow Duan Ling to purchase whatever he wants in the shop, and shows important facts about the host. He also changed the physique of Ling to something that has never been seen before; his features could be only described as godly.

"Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator is an excellent world for him to start father," said Void as she was anticipating the entertainment to come; Creation nodded in agreement. Author did not answer and just simply gazed into the distance watching Duan Ling awaken. That was the exact moment the Immortal Sovereign of Beixaun, Chen Fan, has also been reborn in his former body.

Duan Ling has awakened outside of the city inside of a forest so that his sudden appearance does not cause an unnecessary amount of trouble for him early into his adventure. The first thing that he did when he has woken was to check whether or not his cultivation was still there, but sadly, he found nothing. That sadness swiftly vanished when he discovered that his soul has been enhanced beyond words, his body is the definition of perfection in body cultivation and appearance, and finally, the system as just completed installing.

'*Ding* I would like to welcome the host to the world of cultivation once again, and to congratulate him on his easy road to Godhood,' said a machinal voice in his head. Before Ling could respond, it spoke again, 'I am a system that has been gifted to you by Author; I am a simple system with a shop that has everything you could possibly think of along with a status that will provide you with simple information about yourself. Entertainment Points (EP) are used to purchase things from the store; you will get them whenever you entertain Author and his family. Call me God System, or Tian. Any questions?'

Duan Ling was not clueless about what a system was because when he traveled before he has run into many people that had a system, and they were always problematic to deal with but never impossible to defeat. He never in this entire life believe that he would be someone who would gain such a cheat.

'Yes, I have a question. Can you tell me about this world?' Asked Ling.

'*Ding* As I have said before, you are in the world of Return of the Urban Immortal Cultivators. There are cultivators in this world, but they can not hold a candle to the ones from your world. Author, my creator, has been aspired by this world because of a novel that an author has written on this planet called Earth, so he decided to make it real. The main character, Chen Fan, was an Immortal Sovereign before he died and returned back into his mortal body. He returned the exact moment in which you have awakened, and he is not that far away from you right now,' said Tian.

Ling processed the information that he has just received and decided that later he would meet up with this so-called main character of his world to determine whether or not he is worth helping.

'Status,' thought Ling.

[Name: Duan Ling

Cultivation: None

World Cultivation (Comparison): None

Talent: Unlimited

Physique: Perfection

Foundation: Perfection (Always)

EP: 1000 (Gifted)

Passive Skills: Cultivation Speed Level (MAX), Comprehension Level (Max), Control Level(MAX)]

Ling felt happiness and gratitude toward Author and his family like never before. After a few moments of bowing and praying, he decided to check out the shop and discovered that the lowest thing in the shop was immortal grade. The grades are Mortal, Earth, Sky, Heaven, Immortal, God, and Supreme. If a Heaven grade weapon can destroy a world with ease, then an immortal grade can destroy a galaxy with ease. The ridiculousness increases are the grade increases. The store is selling all immortal grade items for ten EP, God grade items for one-hundred EP, and Supreme for one-thousand. Therefore without hesitation, he bought a Supreme grade cultivation pill and consumed it. He sat down and tried to absorb the massive amount of energy that is being released. If it were not for his perfect body and foundation, he would have exploded the moment his tongue touched the pill, but it was consumed relatively quickly despite the fact he could have died. Minutes have passed before all the energy has been absorbed.

'*Ding* Ling that was insane. You could have died… but you didn't, and in fact, it helped you in entertaining them, so you have been gifted EP,' said Tian.

'*Notification* 500,000 EP Gained. System Upgrade: Eternal, Transcendence, and Beyond Grade as been added. Note: Assuming. Supreme is not the end – AUTHOR *Notification*,' sent a mechanical voice of Tian.

Ling was excited that Supreme was not the end, so he went to check out the prices, and it was to be expected. Eternal grade items caused one-million EP and the other cost a thousand more than the previous grade.

'Status,' thought Ling.

[Name: Duan Ling

Cultivation: Half-Saint Immortal

World Cultivation (Comparison): Above Immortal King

Talent: Unlimited

Physique: Perfection

Foundation: Perfection (Always)

EP: 500,000

Passive Skills: Cultivation Speed Level (MAX), Comprehension Level (Max), Control Level(MAX)]

Ling did not react as severely compared to previous shocks. He came to a realization that Author is the impossible, and power does not mean anything to him since he is infinite and everything. Mean that no matter how strong Ling became, Ling would never reach Author level of power. Since the cultivation world has near twice the amount of cultivation levels as his current level, it was apparent that he would surpass the cultivation levels.

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