

Alex the rich second-generation heir of the most prestigious Ambrose family has finally completed his seven-year-long poverty training program. He is now a millionaire again. Will Alex finally find happiness and love now that he is rich again? Is all that glitters truly gold?

Amit_Agrawal_0888 · Urban
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1015 Chs

Ch 98 - It Feels Weird

That morning, when Debbie had fallen asleep, Melissa had outlined the entire plan in her mind. She wanted to snatch Alex for herself and make him feel completely disappointed in Debbie.

The previous day, Angelina Sanders had revealed something to her. She had said that if a woman got pregnant with a man's baby, then, no matter how much that man disliked her, he could only resign himself to his fate.

So, Melissa's ultimate goal was to get pregnant with Alex's baby.

Melissa thought about this. She found Lou Rork's number in her contact list and pressed it. Soon, Lou picked up the call.

"Beautiful girl, why are you calling me? Are you free? I'll treat you to a meal." You said over the phone in a vulgar voice.

"Come on… I'm afraid I'm going to fall in love with you," Melissa said as she smiled coldly. She had almost fallen for Lou's trick last year. As far as she knew, there were four or five people who had fallen for Lou's trick.

"Look at what you're saying… would you dare?" he said.

"I'm calling you today to introduce you to a beautiful girl," Melissa said, getting straight to the point.

"Really? Is she beautiful?" When Lou heard this, he was instantly intrigued. Melissa sent him a photo of Debbie via WhatsApp. He reacted positively and said, "This girl is so pretty. She's perfect for me to mess with. I'll make her life unforgettable."

Melissa could even imagine Lou's bedraggled look.

"She's my friend. Tonight, we're flying back to New York. Her boyfriend's name is Alex, so you can tell her that he told you to pick her up, and she should follow you to the car. As for what we're going to do next, I think you know better than me," Melissa said.

"He he, of course! She's that kind of a noob. So, it's easy to trick her, then. But I don't even know her boyfriend, so how would she believe me?" he said.

"You don't need to worry about that. I'll arrange it for you. Just do what I told you to do. What's your license plate number?" she said, along with a few more words to him before hanging up.

She played with her phone, planning things out in her head.

A few minutes later, she stopped checking her phone. Then she opened her SMS interface and sent a message to Debbie. That morning, she had even forged the text messages she had sent between Debbie and Alex. As long as Debbie didn't look at the date and time, she wouldn't notice anything amiss.

"Plink, plink." Debbie took out her phone and saw that it was a text from Alex.

[Debbie, I'll be very busy today. I'm still in a meeting and might not be able to pick you up at the airport tonight. But don't worry, I'll ask my friend to pick you up. His name is Lou, and he drives a Cadillac.]

Debbie was slightly disappointed. At the same time, she was a little confused. Why did Alex have a friend who drove a Cadillac? she wondered. But when she thought about his identity, Debbie understood.

She was feeling that his text message was a bit weird, but she couldn't figure out why.

Debbie dropped her phone on the bed and slowly walked over to her suitcase. She took out a locked notebook. It was her diary. Since high school, she had been in the habit of keeping a diary as a way of relieving her stress and expressing her feelings. Whether it was happiness, sadness, or pain, she would record it in her diary.

She sat down at the desk and started writing.

Thursday, June 4th, 2019.

Yesterday, I participated in The Sky's the Limit talent show. I didn't expect Melissa would frame me. When I was chased into the water by that dog, there was only one feeling in my body—pain… heart-piercing pain. I cowardly chose to give up. At the moment when I was about to die, only Alex came to my mind. Justin told me that he had beaten up everyone who had bullied me. I called Alex twice, but he didn't answer. He had texted to say that he was busy. I feel a little disappointed, but I don't blame him at all. Alex has arranged for his friend, Lou, to pick me up at the airport.

After an hour of writing, Debbie slowly closed the diary and locked it with its delicate lock. Her diary had never been read by anyone.


At seven o'clock in the evening, Janice brought Debbie and the others down to the lobby to take a taxi to the Chicago International Airport.

After a nearly two-hour flight, the plane landed in New York.

Janice and Rita supported Debbie as they slowly walked out of the terminal.

They had planned to send Debbie to New York's General Hospital first, but she refused.

"Janice, Melissa, don't worry about it. I'll go with Alex," Debbie said as she smiled blandly. "Alex told me that his friend would come and pick me up."

"Oh, so you're waiting for your boyfriend's friend. Janice, there's no need to rush Debbie. After staying in Chicago for such a long time, she's worried about not seeing her boyfriend," Melissa said, joking around because she wanted to get Janice and the others to leave this matter alone.

"That won't do. Call Alex now, and we'll feel better when we see him," Janice said. Although Debbie didn't know it, she could only give him a symbolic call. Melissa had already muted her phone.

"Don't worry, Alex told me that he's going to get his friend to pick me up. He has a Cadillac. You can help me find him," she explained to Janice and the others.

Melissa calmly sent a text message to Lou, asking him to drive the car over. She initially wanted to wait until Janice and the others had left before texting Lou.

For the sake of seeing a beautiful girl like Debbie, Lou had been waiting outside the airport since seven o'clock. When he heard from Melissa, he drove slowly toward the arrivals terminal.

"Is that the one?" Melissa's sharp eyes caught sight of an approaching Cadillac. "You guys wait here. I'll go take a look."

As she spoke, Melissa walked quickly toward the car.

Lou had already spotted Debbie, who was not far away. She was even more beautiful than in her photos. He smiled at Melissa and said, "Beautiful girl, your friends are all lovely. Each one is more beautiful than the other. I'll settle for this one first, but you should contact them all for me when I have time."

"What happened to your teeth?" Melissa looked at Lou speechlessly. When she saw the two black holes in place of his front teeth, she was momentarily taken aback.

"It's nothing," Lou muttered and hurriedly covered his mouth. How could he say that he had been beaten up by someone because he had harassed a girl in front of Preston University?

"Give me some of your knockout drugs," Melissa commanded as she extended her hand toward him. She was familiar with his technique and knew that he defines drugs on him.

"What?" he asked.

"What's with all the nonsense? Do you have it or not? If you don't take her today, will you still want to sleep with her?" she said.

"Sure, sure—here!" Lou took out a bottle from the glove compartment and gave it to Melissa. She smiled and stuffed it into her pocket.

"Have you remembered what I taught you?" Hearing Lou's impatient answer, Melissa said to him, "Tonight you must have fun. You must vent all your beastly nature on this beauty. Oh yeah, aren't you a member of Community 91? Film the whole thing and post it online. Other lonely girls may take the initiative to look for you."

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" Lou grinned. Without his two front teeth, he looked extremely ugly.

"All right, you can go over there now." With that, Melissa waved at Debbie and the others and went up to them. "Debbie, I've asked clearly, and he's here to pick you up."

Lou pulled up in front of Debbie and walked up to her in a very polite manner, "Hello, are you Miss Debbie? I'm a friend of Alex. My name is Lou, and I'm here to pick you up."

Lou was not acting vulgar at all. On the contrary, he looked like a refined young man, which gave the girls a good impression.

"Okay, thank you," Debbie said to him before turning to Janice and the rest. "Janice, okay. You don't have to worry about my safety anymore. You guys can go now. It's getting late."

Janice and the others insisted on watching her get into the car and leave. She got in the passenger seat, waved goodbye to Janice and the girls, and Lou slowly drove away.

"Okay, Debbie is finally taken care of. Let's all go home," Janice said. After she had finished her sentence, the five women said goodbye to each other and left.

Melissa stood by the side of the road, and it looked like she was waiting for a car. When she saw that everyone else had gone, she returned to the arrivals entrance.

If she missed her great opportunity that night, it would be much harder to get close to Alex. If she could get pregnant with his baby, it would be equivalent to winning the lottery. Even if Lou's deeds were eventually exposed, she did not believe that Alex would do anything to her after she was pregnant.

After planning what to say for a few minutes, she took a deep breath and dialled Alex's number.

"Hello, who is this?" His voice excited her. He was from a very wealthy family.

"Hello, Alex. I'm Melissa, Debbie's friend from the girl group. We've met," Melissa said with extreme gentleness. She was a little nervous. After all, she had looked down on him so much before.

"Why are you calling me?" his voice became colder. He indeed didn't like her very much, but he was a well-mannered man. At least, he should first listen to what the other party had to say. What if it had something to do with Debbie?

"It's like this… I'm at the airport now," she said.

Hearing that she was at the airport, he asked, "Have you guys come back? Where's Debbie? Is she also at the airport?"

"No, listen to me. Debbie and the others will arrive later. They still have some things to do in Chicago. They're probably negotiating with important figures right now. So, it's best if you don't call her. She won't answer anyway," Melissa said gently. She was afraid that he would try to call Debbie, which would ruin her plan.

"Is that so?" he whispered, "What did you say just now?"

"It's like this… the reason I came back early was because I was injured in Chicago. Debbie gave me your phone number. I'm at the airport right now with lots of luggage. It's very heavy, and it's hard for me to pick up. My friends are all busy at the moment, so I wanted to ask if you can come over and help me." Melissa said carefully.

It was Debbie who had given her my phone number? She probably would want me to go to the airport to help her because she can't help right now, he thought.

"Alex, is it possible? I called you because I really had no other choice. I definitely wouldn't trouble you if there was someone else who could help me," she was still pleading.

Even though he felt that this was a weird request, he still decided to help her.

"All right, I'll come over now," he said bluntly. He called a taxi and went straight to the airport.