

Alex the rich second-generation heir of the most prestigious Ambrose family has finally completed his seven-year-long poverty training program. He is now a millionaire again. Will Alex finally find happiness and love now that he is rich again? Is all that glitters truly gold?

Amit_Agrawal_0888 · Urban
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1015 Chs

Ch 6 - The Competition of Gifts

Ghost Rider: [So what if I argue with you? You idiot, you think you're awesome just because you paid 50 dollars? If you want to take me on, you better think about whether you've got enough money to keep up with me.]

[Ghost Rider has sent a Money Gun.]

[Ghost Rider has sent a Money Gun.]

[Ghost Rider has sent a Money Gun.]

[Ghost Rider has sent a Money Gun.]

[Ghost Rider has sent a Money Gun.]

Ghost Rider gave away five more consecutive swipes, equaling 300 dollars total!

Minnie was shocked. She couldn't believe what she was seeing on the screen. 

She held her hands in front of her chest and smiled broadly. "Ghost Rider, you've given me so much. I'm so happy." Minnie blew kisses toward the camera.

"Who are you, are you one of my classmates?" Minnie asked, blinking.

Ben was angry. He cursed, "Is this guy so great just because he's got money? I'll show him. Minnie put me through to the manager."

"Okay, no problem." Minnie quickly nodded and pressed her phone a few times. The manager appeared on the screen.

"Ben, you loser," the manager, currently Ghost Rider, said. "How dare you have a go at me. I'll give you something to shout about." A few seconds later, a system notification appeared on the screen: [Flying Fish has been banned by the manager for one day.]

"Damn, I'm not allowed to say anything." Ben jabbed furiously at his phone, but he couldn't send the message.

Ghost Rider continued on the public chat: [Ben, you loser, send another message if you can. Why don't you post it instead, haha.]

"Thank you, Ghost Rider, for giving me so many gifts. Now, here's a special dance just for Ghost Rider," Minnie said then stood up and started dancing.

The message board went crazy with messages.

Silver Fox: [I was wondering whose account this was, it turned out to be Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider is awesome!]

Blue Knight: [Ghost Rider is an amazing fighter, and he's the richest person in our class.]

Fat Cat: [Ghost Rider, where are you now?]

Ghost Rider replied: [I'm currently drinking with a few of my mates at the Splendid Tower. I plan to go to the Crystal Hotel tonight. I'm not telling you guys what I'm going to do. Haha.] 

The banter continued. [Of course, Ghost Rider is awesome.] Another person came on to flatter Ghost Rider.

[That idiot, Ben.] Ghost Rider posted. [He dares to challenge me over a dollar? He looks so scruffy. He makes me want to puke.] 

This guy is asking for a beating. Ben thought to himself. He was so angry that his nostrils flared. He didn't care about embarrassing himself in front of others, but then he remembered that this was Minnie's live streaming blog.

His friend, Carl couldn't take the bickering any longer and sent a message.

Muddy Duck: [Ghost Rider, we are all classmates. Think about what you're saying.]

[Hey, here's another idiot.] Ghost Rider soon replied. [These guys definitely can't be Carl or Alex. Only these two poor guys would be good friends with Ben.]

Ghost Rider was enjoying the banter. [You two are poor, even poorer than Ben. If you have the guts to compete with me for a present, I'll let you three fight it out together. My backhand will feel like a hammer blow.]

[Ghost Rider has sent a Money Gun.]

[Ghost Rider has sent a Money Gun.]

[Ghost Rider has sent a Money Gun.]

[Ghost Rider has sent a Money Gun.]

[Ghost Rider has sent a Money Gun.]

Ghost Rider sent out five more gifts.

Minnie spoke, "Thank you, Ghost Rider, thank you so much. No one has ever given me so many gifts. Ghost Rider, you're awesome. When you go back to school, I'll treat you to some ice cream." She held her hands in front of her chest and thanked everyone with a sweet smile.

Little Tim: [Awesome, Ghost Rider.]

Whirlwind: [Wow, I've never seen anyone as generous as Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider, when are you coming back? I'll take you out.]

Fearsome Tiger: [Has anyone noticed that Ghost Rider's profile picture is so handsome? Who can compete with him?]

The other students began flattering him and sucking up to him. 

Ghost Rider posted again: [Did you see how poor Alex and Carl are? That's not what people want. Even you two are fighting with me. Ha ha, you overestimate yourselves.] 

After the last post was sent out, Carl's account was also banned.

"Damn!" Carl slammed his palm on the computer table angrily.

"Carl, it's okay, right? Don't take that idiot's words seriously." Ben comforted Carl. After all, Carl had stuck up for him.

[Minnie, I have so many rich relatives. I'll watch your live streaming blog in the future and get them all to buy your presents.] Ghost Rider had become active again: [I'll help you keep an eye on Ben and the others. When you've got lots of fans online, we can blacklist their accounts. You don't want those poor guys on your live broadcast. They're embarrassing.]

At that moment, there was a system prompt from the live stream channel:

[Esteemed Admirer has sent a Superclass Warship.]

Minnie was still absorbed in the joy of receiving another gift. Other people who were watching the live stream noticed it first.

Little Tim: [Blimey, someone is sending a warship.]

Innocent Amy: [An invisible millionaire. Are they in our class? Who can it be?]

Not Handsome and Not Rich: [There's a gift— a space-time warship. Is it so easy to get gifts through a live stream? I want to start a live stream too.]

The Dancer: [Minnie, this is your boyfriend, right? You found a rich guy?]

Minnie suddenly noticed it. She was shocked at first and covered her mouth with her hands, unable to believe that someone was giving her a warship. She leaned close to the screen to check and was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

"Damn, who the hell is this? A warship is worth a hundred dollars. Is it someone from our class?" asked Ben staring at the screen with a confused expression.

"Not from our class. Apart from Ghost Rider, everyone in our class is from a normal family. Who would have enough money to give so much away?" Carl stared at his phone. He was puzzled.


[Heh, gifting a warship is awesome, right? Who wouldn't want to give you that? Wait, I'll send you one too! In terms of money, I have never been inferior to anyone.] Ghost Rider's message board was full of praise for him, but now it suddenly changed. It was a little hard to accept.

Just as the message from Ghost Rider appeared on the public screen, a system notification popped up.

[Esteemed Admirer has sent a Superclass Warship.]

[Esteemed Admirer has sent a Superclass Warship.]

[Esteemed Admirer has sent a Superclass Warship.]

[Esteemed Admirer has sent a Superclass Warship.]

[Esteemed Admirer has sent a Superclass Warship.]

[Esteemed Admirer has sent a Superclass Warship.]

"Damn it." When the fifth warship was announced, Ben's mouth hung open.

The messages on the message board were appearing at three times the normal speed. The hero worship and flattery had increased several times over.

Minnie was so shocked that she couldn't believe it. She held up her hands, unable to understand why her supporters would give her so many gifts. 11 space warships—that was equivalent to one-thousand one-hundred dollars!

"Thank you, I'm so excited. I can't believe it. Esteemed Admirer, whatever you want to say, I'll listen." Minnie's eyes were wide open as she looked at the camera.

[Let me be the only manager,] Esteemed Admirer typed.

"All right, I'll set it up for you right now," Minnie agreed straight away. He had given her gifts worth over a thousand dollars. Such a rich person's request must be fulfilled.

" Esteemed Admirer, I have set it up now. You're the only manager." Minnie smiled sweetly at the camera.

System Tip:

[Every day, the host gets to choose the manager.]

[Esteemed Admirer has been set up as a manager by the host.]

After half a minute, two system notifications appeared on the screen:

[Flying Fish has been allowed by the manager.]

[Ghost Rider has been banned by the manager for one day.]

"I can speak again! Haha, this manager is loyal, I like it! " Ben laughed out joyfully.

Ben made a statement on the live streaming channel: [Ghost Rider, come out and face me.]

Carl was still angry and said: [A thousand dollars is still a small amount to you right? Come out and let everyone see.]

"Esteemed Admirer, thank you so much. I want to invite you to Preston University. I'll take you on a tour of the campus, then we'll get something to eat." Minnie blinked her large eyes. Her beauty was captivating.

[No need, it's just a small amount of money,] the  Esteemed Admirer typed. Then, after a moment's thought, he continued to share from the heart: [I just want to tell people that if you are rich, you shouldn't look down on others. We are all born people, so we should respect each other and not bully the poor.]