
Ch 514 - Crazy Bear Ferdinand

"This reception has an exclusive guest list," Caroline said, looking down her nose at Alex. "And there's no way you're on it." 

She turned to Joe. "We're only here because of Mr. Lang, so you can't embarrass him by inviting Alex along."

Joe was stunned, and he didn't know how to appease his mother. "I didn't invite him," he said.

"You didn't?" Caroline asked, surprised. Then she glared at Alex. "Why are you talking to us? Didn't I make myself clear? You have to leave us alone." She shooed him away. "Go. Get lost."

"I have just as much right to be here as you do," Alex said, smiling at her. "I didn't come here to see you, and my reasons for attending are none of your business." Despite everything, he tried his best to be polite and not cause a scene.

Caroline scoffed. "This reception is for the Martial Arts Association, so why on earth would a loser like you be here?" 

She rolled her eyes. "Stop pretending to be someone important. When you were a student, you couldn't even afford to eat properly. Then again, you've always wanted people to think you're a better person than you actually are. It's ridiculous, and you're simply making a fool of yourself."

Alex opened his mouth, but Caroline wasn't finished.

"If you don't leave now, security will forcibly remove you," she said. "It'll be much less embarrassing if you go of your own accord."

Joe frowned as he listened to his mother, but he wasn't prepared to argue with her or Mr. Lang.

"We need to go," Caroline said, pulling at Joe. "We can't be seen with him, and there's nothing we can do to help him. He's on his own."

"Are you Alex Ambrose?" a voice interrupted.

Alex turned to see a group of men approaching, led by a man with a buzz cut who was wearing military boots.

Ash Thornton followed him, smirking at Alex.

Alex's expression hardened as he looked at Ash, knowing he would probably cause trouble, particularly since he seemed to have brought his family with him.

Of course, Ash was well known within the martial arts community, so Alex should have realized he would be here.

"Hey, loser," Ash called out, limping toward Alex. "This is my brother Ferdinand. We call him Crazy Bear. My family isn't done with you, and we've come to make you pay."

Despite his brave words, he was a little uneasy about facing Alex. After all, Alex had already defeated the troops Ash's family had sent after him. But despite that shock, it was vital he got his revenge.

The other members of the Thornton family eyed Alex warily, but Ferdinand seemed unconcerned.

Desmond and Caroline looked on from a safe distance, wondering what was happening. Once again, Alex had people yelling at him and causing a scene.

I told him he needed to leave, Caroline thought. Why didn't he listen?

Alex looked at Ash. "Get out of my way," he said firmly.

"You must be crazy," Ferdinand said, folding his arms. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have challenged my family. You hurt my brother, so now you need to apologize. Then I'm going to injure your leg, and we'll be even. If you don't kick up a fuss, I'll spare your life. For now."

In the past, Ash had acted rashly when he had attacked Alex, and he had paid for such a mistake. This time, he had brought Ferdinand with him, so the outcome would be different.

Ferdinand was as strong a fighter as Ash, and he wouldn't be taken by surprise. He was also determined to salvage his family's reputation by dealing with Alex.

But he had always preferred to subdue people without fighting. It made his revenge so much sweeter and gave him a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

Caroline smiled as she watched. Although she had no idea how Alex had managed to offend the Thornton family, she couldn't wait to see him being put in his place.

"This is your last chance to get out of the way," Alex warned Ferdinand.

Everyone gasped, and all eyes were on Alex. No one could believe Alex would defy such a powerful family.

"Or what?" Ferdinand asked, sneering at him.

Alex struck out with no warning, but Ferdinand sensed the blow coming and evaded it easily. Then Alex lashed out again, and Ferdinand threw his arm up to block it. But Alex changed direction at the last moment and slapped Ferdinand's face. He was using a technique he had learned from the Black Orchid cult, and Ferdinand was unfamiliar with it.

Ferdinand flushed, humiliated and angry at being caught off guard. He was surrounded by members of several prestigious martial arts circles, and they had all witnessed Alex slapping him.

But he didn't have time to dwell on it. He stepped forward, ready to attack, when a large number of men swept into the room and surrounded the Thornton family.

"Who is responsible for this disturbance?" a voice called.

"I see the Thornton family," another voice said. "This is neither the time nor the place for whatever they are up to."

Ash and his family looked around, trying to identify the newcomers.

Jessop strode forward, followed by Oscar.

"Mr. Steadman, this reception is for the Baltimore Martial Arts Association," Clifton said. "So, what do you think of the Thornton family's behavior here tonight? And what about Ash's conduct?"

"I'm part of the martial arts community," Oscar said. "So, it's my responsibility to maintain order here. Ash is well respected, but he can't just do whatever he likes." 

He turned his head and called, "Edward!"

"What is it?" Edward asked, stepping forward.

"Protect Mr. Ambrose," Oscar said. "Nothing will happen to him tonight."

Edward nodded his acceptance.

Jessop agreed with the decision. His family's reputation was not as strong as that of the Thornton family, but the Cliftons had better manpower and financial resources. Normally, Jessop liked to keep a low profile, but Alex's fight with the Thornton family had caught him by surprise.

"Are you really going to oppose me?" Ash asked, gaping at Jessop and Oscar.