

Alex the rich second-generation heir of the most prestigious Ambrose family has finally completed his seven-year-long poverty training program. He is now a millionaire again. Will Alex finally find happiness and love now that he is rich again? Is all that glitters truly gold?

Amit_Agrawal_0888 · Urban
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1015 Chs

Ch 490 - Be Careful What You Promise

"Save my sister!" Michael screamed at the hospital director. "Don't let her die like this!"

The director called for doctors and nurses, who rushed to give Louisa injections of the folk medicine which had been keeping the toxin at bay.

After almost twenty minutes, Louisa had calmed, and the pain had lessened.

But, unnoticed by everyone, dark energy swirled around her.

"Hold on, Sis," Michael said. "I'm doing my best to get you help." He took her hand once more. "The Baltimore Chamber of Commerce are sending us a Ghost who has trained in medicine. I'm sure they'll be able to help you, so just hang on until they get here."

His expression hardened. "If they can't help, I will tell Father, and then we will deal with them. Then we'll find someone else to help you."

When Michael and Louisa had been children, their parents had not had much time for them. Instead, they had spent all their time together. As the eldest, Louisa had taken care of him, almost like a mother, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

Louisa was also the chairperson of Greenson Biotech, which had cornered the market for health care products throughout large parts of the country. She supported Michael financially, and he couldn't afford to lose her assistance.

If Louisa died, it would set off a chain reaction within the Murdoch family, and her father Jeremiah was also anxious to save her. Louisa was extremely important to the whole family.

Louisa sighed. "Alex… Alex…" she muttered. She was dozing on and off and didn't seem to be aware of what she was saying.

Michael frowned. "Louisa?" he asked. "Who is Alex? Is he your boyfriend? Where is he?"

His sister was clearly confused, but he suspected this Alex might be a secret lover. From time to time, Louisa would call his name as she babbled nonsense.

"Alex… Find Alex…" Louisa said, her head tossing from side to side.

The hospital director stood by her side, listening. Perhaps if this Alex visited Louisa, it might make her stronger. After all, the mind was an important tool when it came to healing the body. If she wished to see this man, his presence could encourage her.

Several nurses had tears in their eyes, wondering if this was a wonderful love story where two souls would be reunited in death.

Michael scowled. Why have I never met this man? he thought. And why isn't he here? What kind of heartless bastard wouldn't be here with her while she's so ill? When this is over, I'm going to track him down and kill him.

The door opened and several gentlemen in suits walked in.

One of the men walked over to Michael. "Mr. Murdoch, I'm Jonah Walton, the director of the Baltimore Chamber of Commerce," he said. "I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Harvey Kingston."

Michael really didn't care who these people were. He had never been interested in these matters, and right now, he was more concerned about his sister.

Harvey Kingston was a short, overweight man, who made Michael feel uneasy. Michael disliked him on sight, but he was careful not to show it.

The atmosphere in the room seemed tense, and the hospital staff were on edge.

The hospital director greeted Harvey with reverence, and he seemed a little afraid. He knew more about the workings of the Chamber of Commerce than Michael because he had often spent time on the Paradise cruise ship.

"Mr. Kingston is a close ally of the of the Chamber of Commerce, and he is also one of the Ghosts," Jonah informed Michael. "He has spent years studying different toxins, and his whole family are doctors. When he heard about your sister being poisoned, he came all the way here to offer his assistance."

Harvey approached Michael and said, "Hello, Michael."

"Mr. Kingston," Michael said, shaking his hand. "Thank you for coming. I appreciate your help." He gestured to Louisa. "My sister is in a critical condition. Please try to help her. Money is not a problem, so I'll pay whatever you ask for."

Harvey chuckled. "You're very direct," he said. "I appreciate that. But I have no interest in money. I already have what I need."

"Oh?" Michael asked, impressed. "Well, if you can save my sister, I promise I'll give you anything else you want." He meant every word. His family had a lot of influence in the health care industry, so they were in a position to grant many favors. And there was nothing he wouldn't do to save Louisa.

Harvey laughed, but he didn't respond to Michael's offer. Instead, he walked over to Louisa.

"Please, Mr. Kingston," Michael said, a glimmer of hope flashing in his eyes.

"Don't worry," Harvey said, smiling down at Louisa. "I will do my best to cure her."

He spent a few minutes examining her, and then he laid his hand on her forehead. "This is a very strange and complex poison," he said. "It's not easy to cure. Few doctors are even aware of this toxin's existence." He sighed. "It has already spread throughout her body. The medication she was given has protected her heart, but her other organs were not so lucky. I'm afraid she is close to death."

Michael swallowed hard. "What can I do?" he asked. "Is it just a matter of time?"

With one examination, Harvey had accurately reported Louisa's condition, so he clearly knew what he was talking about.