
Ch 346 - Family Banquet

When Alex walked into the Clifton family's banquet hall, everyone applauded.

They all stood up and smiled at him with deep admiration but also fear in their eyes.

Jessop's eyes seemed to be moist. He tried to restrain his feelings as he shook hands with Alex. He regarded him as the hero who had saved his family.

He said, "Alex, you've been a blessing to my family. Now, all four generations have gathered here today to welcome you to our family."

Alex replied, "Mr. Clifton, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm honored to receive such a welcome by your family. Mr. Clifton, I have brought you Debbie."

Everyone attending the banquet had dressed in their finest festive outfits. They all looked dignified and full of joy.

The Clifton family had been around for hundreds of years and had experienced many changes of fortune. But they had recently been through their most risky period, and it was only because of Alex that the family still prospered. Other than his recent victories, the rest of the family had been in a state of decline and complacency.

"My darling Debbie, I hope that Alex is treating you well?" Jessop said to Debbie with undisguised love clear in his eyes. After his daughter had died, he transferred all his love to Debbie.

She blushed and her eyes flashed with happiness. "Thanks to Alex, everything is well with our family," she said. Then she looked at Alex and thought, I'm the happiest woman in the world. My grandfather and my future husband both love me dearly and treat me with so much respect.

She looked up at both her husband and her grandfather. Although Alex had saved them, Jessop was still the head of the family.

"That's good, that's good. Today, we'll drink and celebrate together. I feel so happy." Jessop showed a rare smile.

Chelsea watched how Debbie and Alex looked at each other and was suddenly overwhelmed with loneliness and melancholy.

She told herself, I'm finally out of my police uniform and all dressed up in my favourite dress, but who is it for? I can't help but feel sad.

The banquet was the grandest family celebration that the Clifton family had ever held. Few people from outside the family were invited. Jessop had felt it important to invite the Wood family but very few others.

As Alex and Debbie walk down the red-carpeted corridor, people turned to them and greeted them warmly.

One of the members of the Clifton family was so excited that she raised her hand to her mouth and cheered loudly, "Alex, we love you. You're our family's idol."

The people who heard her laughed joyfully. Another woman said with a smile, "Zelda, be careful what you are saying. Remember your husband! He won't be happy with you for talking that way about another man."

"Ha ha, I just said what everyone is thinking. My husband won't be angry," Zelda replied. She was shrewd but believed in speaking her mind. She didn't want to conceal her appreciation of Alex.

"Alex, I'd like to shake your hand," a young man said seriously as he stretched out his hand. Naturally, Alex didn't refuse, and they shook hands earnestly until other people watching started reaching out their hands and Alex happily shook them. He didn't know who most of the people were, but they were all polite and friendly to him.

Jessop laughed but he didn't stop him. His usually cold face was smiling from ear to ear in genuine happiness. He thought Young people have their way of doing things. Let Alex feel how grateful the Clifton family are to him. I will leave the burden of running the Clifton family to him one day.

As Alex and Debbie approached him, Jessop cleared his throat and said, "Today, we're holding a banquet to celebrate Alex's victory for our family. If it hadn't been for him, our family would no longer exist. I therefore ask you all to put your hands together in both respect and gratitude for Alex and Debbie. This banquet is in their honor. Alex will therefore be taking my place at the head of the table."

Everyone felt inspired by Jessop's words. The Clifton family had been around for over a hundred years, and the family had a strong sense of tradition and no outsider had ever been honoured in such a way.

One young man called out, "Grandfather, no. You always sit at the head of the table."

"Don't say any more," Jessop said deeply. He turned to the two elegant chairs at the head of the table and said, "Please sit down, Alex. There's no need for you to refuse my request." The room was silent when they heard his request to Alex.

"Mr. Clifton, I could never take your seat. You've already honored me enough and it's important that the rest of the family aren't upset," Alex said.

Debbie watched the scene and felt uneasy. Her grandfather had been through so much, that she felt that he should sit at the head of the table.

"None of you understand. It's a great honor for the Clifton family to have Alex sitting at the head of our table. And it would make me feel extremely relieved to make way for him," Jessop said meaningfully.

Alex felt that he could no longer resist Jessop's request. Everyone saw the importance that Jessop attached to Alex, so they also respected the young man. In addition, they already loved and admired the beautiful Debbie, although few of them knew the full story of her history.

Jessop told everyone, "Today's banquet is called "The Hundred Cattle Banquet." Our family has a long tradition of holding a hundred cattle feasts. One hundred cattle have been brought especially from Canada where they were raised on very special grass. As a result, the meat today should be the best and most expensive that you've ever tasted. Please enjoy it."

A beautiful woman walked in carrying a plate of food that smelled delicious.

The whole banquet hall was full of wonderful aromas and even Alex felt overwhelmed.

"Please allow Alex to try it first to demonstrate our respect and gratitude," Jessop said. The woman presented Alex with a beautiful silver and jade fork. He took it, selected a piece of meat from the plate, and put it in his mouth. He tasted it for a long time before he declared, "It's absolutely delicious."

"Alex praised our family's feast of one hundred cattle. His exact words must be written into the Clifton family's records. Do you understand?" Jessop shouted.

"Yes, sir," confirmed an older gentleman who was sitting next to him. He began writing.

The banquet was very enjoyable, and everyone had a good time. There were endless toasts, and the atmosphere was warm and relaxed. As it was coming to an end, Jessop whispered to Alex, "Alex, please follow me. I have something to show you."

"Oh?" Alex said as he stood up. Jessop took him by the hand and led him across the corridor and out to the courtyard.