

Alex the rich second-generation heir of the most prestigious Ambrose family has finally completed his seven-year-long poverty training program. He is now a millionaire again. Will Alex finally find happiness and love now that he is rich again? Is all that glitters truly gold?

Amit_Agrawal_0888 · Urban
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1015 Chs

Ch 156 - Thank You, Poor Man!

"If you'd told me I'd be helping you cheat, I wouldn't have promised to help," Alex said coldly as he stared at Minnie.

"You didn't have to promise me! Who made you promise in the first place?" Minnie was even angrier at his retort.

She shook off Hannah, who was holding her back and rushed up to him. She touched his chest and said, "If you promise to lend me a hand, you'll help me a lot. Do you know that I have three hundred and sixty thousand fans on my Livestream If they find out that I'm trying to trick them, do you know what the consequences will be like for me?"

"My fans will run away. It'll be a huge loss! I'll lose at least hundreds of thousands of dollars. Will you compensate me for that loss?" she said. She was almost foaming at the mouth. Hannah couldn't restrain her. "I gave you money! You don't even know how valuable you are to me.

"Don't look down on my money! Give it back to me. Quick, give it back to me." She savagely snatched back the dollar bills that she had just given him.

"And don't talk to me again!" she added.

"Let's go… Let's not pay attention to this low-class guy. He'll probably be a garbage collector one day," she said as she looked at Alex, spat on the ground, and was pulled into the villa by Hannah.

Alex stood there, feeling disgusted. He had been kind to her by lending her his villa and buying her food, but look at how she repaid him.

He fretted and scratched his head, and then he hit the wall hard with his fist.

Oh, Alex, Alex… Are all the women you meet crazy, or are you creating your problems? he thought.

He sat by himself for a while before he went back inside the villa. Naturally, he wouldn't be petty and kick the girls out, as he had already promised to let them stay with him.

He went to take a bath, and then he went to his room.

Meanwhile, Minnie and Hannah were watching the Livestream. The impact was as good as Hannah had expected. It even exceeded their expectations.

The number of Minnie's fans had been growing rapidly over the last hour. She had already gained twenty thousand new fans, and each minute she was getting dozens more.

The number of private messages was also increasing, with fans asking about the poor man's situation and expressing their gratitude toward her for the help she was giving him.

More than four hundred people had asked to be added to her WhatsApp list, and she had received more than one hundred phone calls within the past hour. She, of course, only selected a few people. A couple of girls even cried and offered to give her money.

Only a few hard-core fans had previously known her WhatsApp and cell phone number, but with so many people contacting her now, it showed that her Livestream was successfully reaching a wider audience.

Minnie was overjoyed when she saw that it was almost time to start again. She turned on the Livestream, and as soon as it started streaming, eighty thousand fans flooded in.

[Oh my, eighty thousand people are watching the broadcast.]

[The streamer, Minnie, is rising so fast. It's only been an hour and she's added twenty thousand fans.]

[I'm a newcomer. My heart breaks when I see that poor man.]

[How is that poor man?]

[Yes, where is he?]

Many of her Livestream fans jumped in to ask about the homeless man's situation.

[Fans, I've just bathed the poor man. I've bought him two sets of clean clothes too. I've also rented a room for him. He should be sleeping now. Don't worry… he's safe now] Minnie said. Her followers sighed with relief.

[My name is Minnie. I'm the streamer. It's a beautiful job.]

[Thank you! Thank you so much… good people will get good rewards.]

[It's peace of mind.]

[You deserve to have fans. I'll give you a reward.]

The netizens supported Minnie and could give her gifts of money.

Three of her followers, who went by the screen names Money Gun, Treasure Map, and Gold Tooth, were constantly helping Minnie to influence fans to give gifts. They were really moved by her. She was such a loving streamer who spent money to help poor people. The fans felt like they were helping the poor by giving her gifts.

[Thank you, everyone! Okay, please don't send any more gifts. I just tried my best. It's nothing. It's nothing. Okay my lovely fans, please don't give more gifts. Stop! Oh, why don't you listen to me today? If you don't stop sending me gifts, I'll end my broadcast.]

Minnie was ordering her fans not to give her any more gifts. Of course, she wasn't being sincere, as she wanted her followers to spend money on her. She had been working as a Livestream broadcaster for a long time, so she understood the psychology of the internet crowd. She knew that if she told them not to give her gifts, they would send her even more.

Her Livestream ended at midnight sharp.

As soon as she turned off the camera, she jumped three feet high in the air with joy. She roughly estimated that if her fans had sent at least twenty thousand dollars that evening, she would be getting over ten thousand that day. It would be the second-highest amount she had made in one day since she had started streaming.

The most money she had ever made was at the beginning of her live streaming career, thanks to donations from Darren and someone else with the screen name Esteemed Admirer, who she assumed was Brad Sommers.

She couldn't help but think that if Brad had watched her live stream on this occasion, she would have topped fifty thousand.

But Brad had never watched her Livestream again. Sometimes, she looked at his picture in a daze.

Her biggest success this time wasn't the gifts, but the thirty to forty thousand new fans who would create a sustainable source for her.

"Minnie, we should really thank the garbage collector tonight. If he hadn't pretended to be a poor man, we wouldn't have made this kind of impact," Hannah said with a smile. He had given Minnie such a good idea for the Livestream.

"I should thank him?" Minnie sneered. "I feel like vomiting whenever I see him. It would be nice if I didn't feel like spitting on him."

"You're right. He was acting like he was more than a mere garbage collector, and then he dared look at us with arrogance. I really wanted to slap him for you," Hannah said as she tried to flatter her friend.

"Okay, Hannah, let's go to bed. Tomorrow we'll go to Miami for the internet celebrity party. We shouldn't stay up too late," Minnie said.

Minnie's phone rang, and she saw the name [Content Director for Trist] on her phone's screen.

She answered right away, "Hello, director."

"Minnie, congratulations! Just after your livestream ended, the streaming platform detected that the number of fans in your account increased dramatically, and the number of rewards was more than ten times your usual number. I've reported this to the big boss, who watched your stream's playback and thought that it was very innovative. It could even lead to a new trend over the next few months. The big boss decided to upgrade your account level and adjust the share ratio from fifty-five to seventy percent for you and thirty percent for the platform," said the director.

"Thank you! Thank you, I will continue to work hard," she said with excitement.

"The popularity of your new live content on the platform is very good! Although the total amount can't compare with other streamers, you have the highest growth rate. The big boss also wants to promote your brand-new livestream, so that tomorrow's streaming party will be more explosive. When you come tomorrow, he wants you to bring this pitiful man. Can you bring him?" asked the director.

"Um, I should bring him with me tomorrow?" She was a bit tongue-tied.

"Will it be difficult? Or did you pay that poor man to be on your show? Just tell me the truth…. Actually, it doesn't matter. Just tell me what he's like. It'll be good for all of us." The director had been in the industry for a long time, so he knew the routines and thoughts of the streamers.

"Yes, I did." She had to admit it.

"Well." The director thought for a moment, "You had a good idea. The streams are supposed to get the followers to give more gifts. As long as it makes a good impact, it's okay to do so. You can give him some money and ask him to come with you for another performance tomorrow."

"Director, I've nearly broken up with that person. I can ask him to come with me, but he probably won't. I don't think I can bring him," she said.

"Well, the boss might not be happy about that. He might take back the new conditions or make changes. I can't predict what could happen," the director said.

"Um, okay, I'll find a way to bring him to the party." She understood that if the big boss got angry, her Livestream career would be covered with a shadow. She had developed such good momentum, and she didn't want to ruin her career.

I have to find a way to get Alex to come, she thought.

"Well, I'll look forward to Miss Minnie's performance at the party tomorrow. I won't keep you any longer." He hung up the phone.

The director had asked her to bring Alex to the party, but how could she convince him to go with her with the current state of their relationship?

"Minnie, what are you going to do? You yelled at Alex so much tonight. There's no way he's going to go with you now." Hannah was also worried about her.

Minnie sat on the bed and thought about it. She whispered, "I can't ask him. I wasn't nice to him. But I feel sick when I think that I need this lousy loser."

She punched her pillow, and then a trace of hope appeared in the corner of her eyes. She was a little stunned, as she had thought of something.