
Animals are the inspiration for us!

Animals serve as inspiration for many of us, and the same is true for many of the world's greatest names. Here are 12 quotes related to animals that were uttered by great philosophers, evolutionists and many more. Read these quotes today for your dose of inspiration:

1.if having a soul means being able to feel love ❤ and loyalty And gratitude then animals🐵🐔🐶🐷 are better of than a lot of humans.

2.Besides love and sympathy, animals exhibit other qualities connected with the social instincts which in us would be called moral.

3. You think those dog's will not be in heaven!

I tell you they will be there long before any of us.

4. The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made white, or women created for men.

5. The greatness of Nation and moral progress can judged by the way it's animals are treated.