

audreyhowinghin · Fantasy
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24 Chs


"Well. This is nice." I sighed as I drove down the highway.

I couldn't help smiling as the wind ran its icy fingers through my hair.

They will come lookin' for me...but for now, it is just me, the wind, and the sweet feelin' of...

It finally dawned on me.

I was free.

Years after rottin' away in a prison cell.

And I was free.


Well, It was fun while it lasted.

"Koroshi ! Stop the stolen vehicle."

Dozen police cars chased behind me.


"What now ?" I head the policemen whispering among themselves.

"Shoot her. Duh." one of them said.

"Hell yes !" his mate cheered.

So...the cops are idiots.

A bullet fly past me, scratching my right cheek.

"Oh come on ! They're really shootin' me now ?"

I stomped on the accelerator and swerved the motorcycle left and right, dodging most of the bullets, but one of them managed to pierce through my left shoulder blade.


The motorcycle lost control and crashed into a nearby tree.

I tumbled to the ground, blood seeping out from the wound.

"Ow." I groaned, clutching my left side.

Am I in a forest ?

I blinked twice and sighed.

Well I guess I didn't take good care of...Mitchell ? Misha ?


"Of course I have to be shot in the shoulder blade and crash into some stupid trees."

"Ugh ! Rude !" I heard a faint voice complaining.

"She just called us stupid ! And she's the one who doesn't know how to ride a motorcycle and crash into us ! I hate human beings like her !" another chimed in.

What the hell ?

I probably have a concussion. I'm hallucinatin'.

I stood up slowly and bent over in pain, "Ouch."


I can barely move my left arm.


"Freeze !" the policemen pointed their guns at me.

"How about-" I clicked my tongue thoughtfully. "No."

"Come on, Koroshi. We won't use force if you just-"

"And what makes you think I'll surrender ?" I questioned, pulling out my gun.

"I'm not goin' down without a fight."


I winced as I felt sharp pain on my left shoulder.

"We were ordered to shoot you on sight. You don't have to be more injured than you already are..." One of the policeman tried to reason with me.

"Besides, there's a bullet in your bac-"

"No thanks. I don't need your pity." I cut him off.

"Very well. On my mark. 3..."

I closed my eyes.

"2..." he stopped mid sentence.

"It's sunny." he pointed out.

"Yes sir." another officer replied.

"So why did I just see-"

The sky turned dark and thunder crashed like explosion and doom-black clouds, pregnant with malice, churned and roiled.

They looked as vaporous as mist and as fleecy as black wool.

I opened my eyes and a tall man stood in front of me.

What the actual fuck ?

"I highly suggest all of you to back the fuck off," he growled.

Goosebump appeared on my skin from the silkiness of his voice.

"Uh...sir. We have the right to arrest that psycho, so..." the police stammered.

"Pretty please, let us arrest her ?"

A loud clap of thunder broke the silence, and lightning came like a rip in the inky night, as if behind the dark canvass was a brilliant light just waiting to flood through any crack no matter how small.

A ring of fire was circling the policemen.

"Open your mouth again-" the man opened his palms, and lightening struck a nearby tree.

Wreaths of steam were rising slowly from the oak, all that was left of its soul.

I could smell the sweet, sickly smell of singed grass and the faint perfume of scorched clothes told me they were in trouble.

"And I won't hesitate to electrocute you and your friends. Are we clear ?"

The policemen opened their mouth but no sound came out.

"Gotta make sure they don't remember." the man muttered to himself.

He snapped his fingers and a swirl of black dust surrounded the policemen like a cage, making then disappear.

He turned around and face me, "You're the girl on the news."

I stared at him.

"I'm Jackson. What's your name ?"

"Uh...Katy ?" he guessed.

I glared at him, unamused.

"No ? Karla ? I give up."

Maybe I should have been shocked by the fact that this guy can cast black lightening bolts.

I should certainly be grateful for this random stranger saving me.

But staring into those icy, blue eyes...

I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

No...not a little...

My face turned into a scowl.

For some reason, I was seething with anger.

I didn't even know why.

Maybe I felt ashamed.

Ashamed for not being able to defend myself.

Ashamed for being reckless and getting myself shot.

Whatever it is, I want to stick my gun down his throat.

It is hard not to study the man in front of me.

Plastered on his face was a sarcastic smile, his teeth flashing in the sunlight.

Tattoos raced up his muscular arms, his shirt tightly pressing to his perfect tan skin.

His knuckles were covered in beautiful shades of red and purple that remind me of a fascinating sunlight.

He had messy, platinum blond hair that was almost too bright to look at, and his eyes...

His eyes were startling blue, piercing right through me as if he could see everything, as if he was analysing me; calculating my strengths, my weaknesses, my fears.

But they remind me of glaciers; ice cold, generating no warmth as if he never shared love.

"Love, I know I am good looking..." he winked at me.

"But it is kinda rude to stare."

I sucked in a breath.

Ew. He's cocky.

"What the hell is wrong with you ?" I shouted in his face.

"I'm sorry, but I don't understand why you're angry ?" he looked at me, confused.

"I did not ask for help !"

"You're mad about that ?" He stared at me with disbelief.

"Listen, love. If it wasn't for me, you would be lying in a pool of your own blood."


"Don't call me that." I growled.

"What are you gonna do about- How the hell did you draw your gun so- Y'know what, yeah. I think I'll stop."

I grabbed his neck while tucking my gun away.

"What the hell are you doin' here ? I didn't ask for help, and I don't know even who you are."

He rolled his eyes, "Listen, you stubborn little girl. Maybe you should learn how to thank someone after doing something nice."

"Alright douchebag,"

I tightened my grip, "Who the hell do you think you are ? You don't get to fuckin' embarrass me like that ! You are not my knight in shinin' armour ! What, did you expect me to fall into your arms, bat my eyelashes and say somethin' like 'Oh my, thank you for so much for savin' me' like some damsel in distress ?"

He yawned and uttered, "When short girls like you get mad, it's like seeing a stuffed toy holding a knife. So... let me get this straight. You're...mad at me. For helping you. Because it embarrassed you ?"

I snorted, "When you say it like that, it makes me sound ridiculous."

"Maybe because you do sound ridiculous." I gave him a death stare and walked past him.

"And where do you think you're going ?" he grabbed my hand.

"Somewhere. Far away. From weird, sketchy, lightning castin' guys like you."

He grinned slightly, "Kinda insulting, but okay."

He took a look at me and hummed, "Love, you have a sprained ankle, lots of cuts and bruises, and worst of all a bullet near your upper spine. You'll be dead in a day or two walking around like that. Or you'll be caught by police officers. So come with me and we can get all those wounds treated."

He'll probably drag me back to the police.

"No." I said bluntly.

"Alright love," he laughed.

"Look at all those injuries ! I mean, even for a half, I'm impressed that you're still walking ! Stop being stubborn and-"

"Listen blondie," I cut him off harshly.

"I don't think you understand. I don't trust others easily. Therefore, I don't trust you."

"What do you think I'm gonna do ? Pour hot sauce on your back ? Break your ankle ? Throw you into a pit of tigers ?" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "I think it's time for me to go. Buh bye !" I blew him a kiss.

"I hope I don't run into you again." I was about to walk away but he grabbed my shoulders firmly.


My wound.

"Let go." I stated.

"I don't think it's time for games, lo-"

I kicked his shin and he yelped in pain.

I grabbed his collar and stuck my gun under his chin.

"Don't. Touch. Me. "

"Huh." he looked at me with an amused look.

"I was surprised you were able to walk. And now, holding my down with a wound like that. Impressive. Even for a half."

"What do you mean by-"

"But not well enough." he punched my abdomen with tremendous force, and I flew backwards slamming on the tree.

"You piece of shit !"

Blood pooled in my mouth and I spat it out.


Fuckin' headache.

"I swear to God I'm gonna..."

A wave of exhaustion washed over me.

"You look so tired..."

He reached out and caressed my cheek.

"Maybe you should sleep..."

I dropped my gun, my hands limping loosely by my sides.

"W-what did you do to me..."

He smiled, "Let's just say... You won't be waking up for a while."

A bright white light flashed in front of my eyes and I saw nothing but darkness.

I squinted my eyes and saw a blurry figure.

"You thought it was all over, didn't you ?"

Voice ?

I thought she was gone !


"You thought I was gone, didn't you ? Escaping prison was probably the worst thing you've ever did. Wanna know why ? Because it leads you closer to the truth. It leads you closer to me. Remember this, dear. I was never gone. I will never be gone. Playtime isn't over, Kana."



Not again...

I-it was over !

I thought the pills worked !

She was gone !

W-why is she here ?


The girl had a panic attack before going unconscious.

I held her close to my chest before she could fall.

Her legs gave way and her hair framed her small face.


The spell took a while to work.

No doubt she's a-

How did she get so many bruises and scars on her face...?

Must be so painful.

I observed the sleeping girl in my arms.

She has long auburn hair that reached her waist.

Her eyes, now closed, were brown and stoic.

They sent chills down my spine.

They look cold.



She has olive skin and a demon wing tattoo sat on her right shoulder.



I chuckled and lifted her up.

"Let's get you somewhere far away from mortals..."