

INSIDE TV SERIES is a story I thought about writing after reading a few fanfictions, it's my first time writing sooo. A young man die and was given the chance to reincarnate with one wish, the world was already chosen,he just need to figure his way around it...................

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If someone told you your life is a tv shows that people watch just to entertain themselves how would you feel (surprised 😯, shocked 😳😲, angry 😡 or calm).

Sammy wasn't sure of how to feel after hearing he is dead from the man in front of him,YES.....he knew he was dead,he was killed for a crime he did not committee.

After spending more than a decade in prison,he was hardly surprised, but being told that there are people watching his life and others on earth,YES HE WAS SURPRISED.

RANDOM BEING: hello again,as I was saying you have be killed,and it was unjust but not to worry I am sending you to any place of your choice,be it your former world or any of your choice, from Tv shows to Anime,ANY!!.....

Sammy stood silently and tried thinking of any place he would love to go, his own world was a no go, even if you change his face and make him rich, he was never going back."can I go to a world with different tv series?".

RANDOM BEING:OF COURSE why not, but the people watching want to still continue so I can grant you one wish only,and NO,no superpower.

Sammy doesn't know what was interesting in his former life that got people watching, but no pressure,they want to watch let them watch."I wish to have an IQ of 300".

RANDOM BEING:UHHHH..... WHAT!!!!,why wish for that?."I got in prison because I was stupid and mentally handicapped, I didn't finish my higher education nor did well in any work before I got thrown inside the prison,well in the new world I just want to give my self a boost,bit me once no problem,bit me twice shame on me". Sammy replied.

RANDOM BEING:OK...if you say so, well I can add a few tweaks to it, because if you think being a genius is all you need to survived you kidding your self, now be GONE!!!.

After what felt like eternity, Sammy opened his eyes,he was inside a tight space everything was dark,he felt like he was floating, sometimes he kicks something or is it someone,he felt something vibrating, like voices on a microphone but he couldn't pinpoint where.His sense wasn't working well enough to let him know but he felt safe and sleepy so he slept.....

"OH MY GOD, PUSH!!!!!!!", Inside a hospital room,a young woman could be seen the room with several nurses,a young man hold her hand and kept on reassuring her everything is ok."this is your fault,I told you I wasn't ready but you would not listen"."yes yes it's my fault, Don't worry everything will be fine ".

"madam just once more,I can see the head"."PUSH!!!!!!!"the woman scream in agony, the man just kelp holding her hands,"I can see the head... it's a girl..., once more ". she said.

"wahhhh..."The sound of a crying baby could be heard,"last push and it all over"said the doctor,"PHUSH!!!!!!AH AHA AH"the woman kept on,"WAH WAH WAH"another baby sound was heard,"it a boy, now madam it's over let just get the baby cleaned and you."the doctor and other nurses got to work and started cleaning the baby and woman, the man stood by the side looking at the kids.He was a young man of early 20 twenties, black hair, light blue eyes and a handsome face (just picture a young Nathan from castle,I sucks at description). he took out his phone and dail a number "hey mom,... yes everything is alright....I know I should have called you sooner but Meredith and you don't see eye to eye.....I know and I'm so sorry but I need you here.... yes she gave birth... twins...a girl and a boy.... yes I am happy... alright see you soon (beep)".he put the phone down, and turn to the kids, they were cleaned already and put in a crib,he walked up to them and turn to face his wife "what do you think....hmmm, what do you want to name them?.""jack and Jill"she replied weakly,the nurses and her husband turned to look at her"WHAT!!! you asked me a question and I answered, what don't you think it's a good name.""no I don't, sorry to ask you,I will name them my self.""no let's name one each,I name the boy, you name the girl, alright?.""alright,I name her ALEXIS, let name him Columbus.""what no, what about XANDER hmm, get it ALEXANDER their name complete each other hahaha.""true but it's Alexis not Alex, well it's ok but our next kid be it girl or boy will be Columbus,deal?.""deal your head am not getting pregnant ever again, deal with it ".

The young couple continue their banter, unaware that their few minutes ago son can hear and see them, Sammy (let's go with XANDER now, so as not to confuse us),can not believe what is happening,a red haired baby is sleeping besides him, and according to the couple bantering they are his parents,HE IS NOW A BABY,"deep breath"he tried saying but all that came was a"amm ammm"a baby sound.he was getting sleepy but he manages to get the man name before his eyes shut down "RICHARD CASTLE!!!!!!I DARE YOU TO THINK ABOUT DOING SOMETHING LIKE THAT". his sleepy eyes widen a little before going unconscious, his little brain kept buzzy "WHAT!!!!"