
Inside the Multiverse (Marvel and DC)

https://www.patreon.com/FakeLion, You can help me to continue creating this story. This is the story of Jack Shaw, a man from the year 2030 who was sent to the past in the year 2001, but the problem is that he was not sent to the past, but to the marvel universe, At least he gained a system that promises to keep him alive through the major crises that the marvel multiverse will face in the future. Hello everyone, this is Fake Lion the author of this fan-fic, i decided to write this fanfic because i love the marvel universe and the dc universe, i already wrote some books, but i still have a lot of flaws, i'm not an economist and i'm not an expert in comics and movies from marvel and dc, so I will definitely make some mistakes, but if you comment on the paragraphs of the chapters I will definitely correct these mistakes, my english is not very good, so there may be several grammar mistakes, so let me know too that everything will be corrected. I like to write stories where the character is OP, but it won't be that way from the start, but he will have a lot of system benefits that make him OP in a different way.

fake_lion · Anime & Comics
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Curing the Villains 5

This surprised Peter and Jack, but it was better if Sandman came to find them to get the cure, so Jack transformed into the Battle Sage and Flint Marko arrived with their secretary.

"I heard that you were curing villains, I want to be free of this power that I have too, I've had other villains threatening my daughter to use my powers to attack Spider-Man, I don't want to go through that again," said Flint.

"Then you came to the right place, you should know that stealing is not right, but you didn't kill anyone while you had your powers, how did you do that thinking about your daughter, I won't report you to the police after you're cured," said Jack.

"Thank you, I really just want to live a normal life with my daughter until the day I die, I regret everything I did," said Flint.

Jack didn't know in the comic or movie universes, but in this universe, Sandman was a villain who used all his strength only against superheroes, as he controlled the sand, he didn't need to kill anyone to rob a bank.

If it weren't for him not having such a good moral compass and other villains knowing his identity, Jack wouldn't care if Flint Marko kept his powers, but since Flint Marko himself came looking for them, that wasn't something for them to consider.

Peter was also happy to see that their decision to cure villains helped most of them have a better life, they put Flint Marko in a glass dome and activated the cure, Flint Marko felt a bit of pain, but it soon ended.

Flint Marko tried to use his Sandman powers to test and really couldn't feel his powers anymore, he was a normal man now, Flint Marko thanked Jack and Peter and left the lab to go to his home happy.

"We did it, Peter, we cured all the villains we wanted to cure, we can't cure everyone in the world, but this way you'll have fewer enemies to face in the future and crime will decrease in New York," said Jack.

"Yes, thank you for helping me with this, Jack. Since the first time I met you 7 years ago, my life has only gotten better. I was worried when you found out my secret identity, but I quickly trusted you and now I see that trusting you was the right choice," said Peter.

"Alright, let's stop talking like that before we start crying. Now you'll have more free time for Gwen without having to create these cures. You don't need to rush the creation of the special villain prison; the world won't end if we wait a few more years," said Jack.

"Okay, I'll take it easy. With EVE's help, the lab won't need my assistance so much, and soon you'll see the profits increasing," joked Peter.

"I'm looking forward to that. When profits increase, your salary and the researchers' salaries will also go up. I hope to see all scientists in the world envying you for how much you make here," laughed Jack.

"They already do. Some scientists from our lab won the Nobel Prize last year, and now we have money and prestige too. Everyone is jealous," said Peter.

Jack was at peace now that he had solved the problems of New York's villains. He knew there were villains all over America and the world, but cleaning up his own house was Jack's priority. EVE had also managed to enter all the systems and cell phones in the world, so Jack had access to all the information.

But as he had said, Jack didn't look at any information. He waited until he needed to find something out and then let EVE watch when what he was waiting for happened. Jack discovered several pieces of information about Wakanda and Black Panther to show her current capabilities.

Jack also saw information about various heroes who remained seemingly anonymous. He hadn't gone after them because they weren't very important and wouldn't join the Avengers; some were even anti-heroes like the Black Cat.

Maybe in a crisis where the Earth could be destroyed, these heroes would appear, but if there was a crisis that Jack couldn't solve, then these weaker heroes would be the first to die or hide.

After curing the villains, Jack went back to helping Bruce improve his mind to control the Hulk. Once, Bruce almost managed to turn back into a human, but in the end, the Hulk inside his consciousness prevented him. But now, Bruce knew it was just a matter of time.

Bruce could also control the Hulk's anger to have a strength of 500 tons, which was already enough for him to be one of the strongest heroes on Earth with his incredible defense, so Jack was soon thinking of assembling the Avengers team.

Since the events of Ultron wouldn't happen, Jack was thinking of bringing the Avengers together and introducing new members to them. Jack already knew of at least 5 candidates who should join the Avengers.

Jack also helped train Wanda from time to time, who was much better at controlling her powers after 6 months of training. Currently, Wanda was as strong as she was in the movie Avengers Endgame.

So Wanda could already help in the future fight against Thanos, and she had much better control over her powers. Jack had hopes for what Wanda would be like after a few years now that she had control over her powers, no mental problems, and started training much earlier.

Jack sent his clones to create a treadmill for Pietro as he had promised. His clones had no difficulty and had already delivered the treadmill months ago, so Pietro was also improving rapidly.

Jack now had some time to rest. He hoped that Pietro and Bruce would improve a little more in controlling their powers until he gathered the Avengers for some missions. After all, they had to get to know each other better now that Ultron wouldn't exist.

Jack also had to be careful that something like the Civil War didn't happen. He thought it would be difficult, after all, Tony was on the side that didn't want the treaty to reveal their identities, and the Hulk and he himself was also on Steve's side, and Vision didn't exist.

Jack knew how to unite the Avengers. Fury had gone to Europe to hunt down the remaining Hydra members, and this time, Steve and Sam had gone to help him. After all, Steve was no longer looking for the Winter Soldier, who was now being held at Jack's house.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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