
Inside the Multiverse (Marvel and DC)

https://www.patreon.com/FakeLion, You can help me to continue creating this story. This is the story of Jack Shaw, a man from the year 2030 who was sent to the past in the year 2001, but the problem is that he was not sent to the past, but to the marvel universe, At least he gained a system that promises to keep him alive through the major crises that the marvel multiverse will face in the future. Hello everyone, this is Fake Lion the author of this fan-fic, i decided to write this fanfic because i love the marvel universe and the dc universe, i already wrote some books, but i still have a lot of flaws, i'm not an economist and i'm not an expert in comics and movies from marvel and dc, so I will definitely make some mistakes, but if you comment on the paragraphs of the chapters I will definitely correct these mistakes, my english is not very good, so there may be several grammar mistakes, so let me know too that everything will be corrected. I like to write stories where the character is OP, but it won't be that way from the start, but he will have a lot of system benefits that make him OP in a different way.

fake_lion · Anime & Comics
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166 Chs

Avengers Improved 3

Jack didn't understand why Natasha looked at him right after the Extremis transformation ended, but Wanda, who was reading her mind, understood. Natasha wanted to know if it was possible now that her body had been rebuilt if could have children again.

When she graduated from the Red Room, the organization that created her, Natasha had to undergo a sterilization process. The Red Room did this so that the spies couldn't have children and thus hinder their work.

Natasha had never been able to consider whether she wanted to have children or not because that option was taken from her. She thought it wouldn't be possible for her to have children someday, but now that Jack had come up with Extremis, which practically recreated all the organs and muscles, it could be possible.

If Jack knew about this, he would say that it was possible for her to have children, but since she had undergone a surgical and chemical process, Natasha could have many miscarriages if she tried to have a child naturally.

But Wanda knew differently. She was sure that Jack didn't even worry about it because with his reality-altering powers, it would be easy for him to heal her and Natasha could have children normally.

Wanda didn't hear what Jack said about it being wrong to read people's minds, but she thought it was Jack who was wrong, after all, if he read the minds of people close to him, he would avoid suffering and prevent the people he cared about from suffering.

After some time, Natasha returned to the room thinking that she would ask Jack about this in the future when they had been dating for longer. Jack created a portal and Peter and Johnny returned to New York.

When Natasha returned, she saw that the heroes who had received upgrades were planning to organize a fighting championship. Sam, Rhodes, Steve, and Clint wanted to fight and see how they had improved after taking the Super Soldier Serum and Extremis.

The other Avengers were also interested in this, Sam, Rhodes, and Clint were joking, saying they would defeat Steve and become the new Captain America, Natasha wasn't interested in that and went to sit with Jack.

Jack didn't want to fight, but he was interested in a superhero fighting championship where everyone technically had the same strength, He thought Steve would still win even though he was weaker now compared to the others.

After all, Steve had more experience with enhanced strength, but it was hard to say, Considering Clint had more experience in combat and better techniques he learned over the years at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Sam and Rhodes were trained soldiers as well, so it was difficult to predict the winners, The Avengers wanted to place bets, but Jack thought it would be better if they didn't, as it could confuse.

They drew lots, and the first fight would be between Rhodes and Steve, The other would be a fight between Sam and Clint, of course, it would be a strong match and Steve couldn't use his shield, otherwise, he would still have the advantage.

The fight started, and Rhodes tried to throw a punch with his right arm, but Steve defended, Steve could feel that Rhodes was stronger than him, but he also got stronger, and his defense increased significantly.

So Steve quickly started thinking about how he could defeat Rhodes before he could get used to his newfound strength, Steve approached quickly and kicked Rhodes behind the knee, making him fall.

Steve landed some punches on Rhodes' face with all his strength, Jack commented that they had great defense and regeneration, and Steve could hear the sounds as if he was punching a wall.

Rhodes got dizzy but wasn't hurt, Steve realized that the fight wouldn't end with just a few punches, So he took advantage of Rhodes' dizziness and applied an arm lock, pinning Rhodes' arm with all his strength.

Rhodes realized I had my arm immobilized and tried to use his strength to lift Steve, but Steve knew well how strong a Super Soldier was and positioned his body in a way that Rhodes couldn't lift him.

"Steve won this fight, Rhodes, you wouldn't be able to escape and the fight can't continue until Steve breaks your arm," said Jack.

"You're right, I lost, didn't think I would lose like this," said Rhodes.

Soon Clint and Sam's fight was about to begin, Jack created rules where he would score points for punches to the face, there would be 10 rounds of 5 minutes each, and the one with the most points or who immobilized the opponent would win since knockout was impossible as everyone had defenses much stronger than their strength.

With these new rules, the fight became more exciting, just as Jack expected. Clint had the advantage of more experience and fighting skills, he adapted more quickly to his strength, and Sam had no chance of winning.

But Sam was careful not to be immobilized and everyone had fun watching a 50-minute fight that Clint won on points. Everyone was laughing and drinking while watching, and even Natasha had fun watching the fight.

Then the final fight between Steve and Clint began, and this time it was even more exciting for everyone. Clint had started to get used to his newfound strength, but Steve had been fighting with enhanced strength for years.

In addition, even without his shield, Steve was a master of defense, so he didn't take many punches to the face. After 50 minutes, Steve won and remained the best Super Soldier on the team.

But this fight served to show how everyone had improved physically. Sam and Clint would fight much better with their physical enhancements, only Rhodes wouldn't have an improvement in fighting ability because he fought in his armor.

Jack knew this well, but he couldn't let Rhodes be the only one to receive the Super Soldier Serum and the Extremis virus, as Tony would surely receive it too, as he fights as Iron Man as well. After the fights were over, everyone went to bed happy.

Early the next day, Jack created a portal for Tony, Rhodes, and Clint to return to their homes. Clint could now continue fighting with them because he was stronger, but he felt embarrassed about changing his mind and wanted to be with his wife and children.

Jack continued to improve the remaining twins. First, he started with Pietro, using the Time Stone just to make sure there wouldn't be any problems, and then Pietro entered the machine.

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