
Inside the Fire

Neil Iosif, a demon hunter who's wandering the wasteland in search for something, encounters a job notice that involves guarding a mob boss' daughter. Little did he know, that the girl he's guarding possesses a power that is coveted by everyone.

Jayvennator69 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Demonic Energy

Demonic energy is.. .. Energy that comes from demons.. I know. Duhh.

But every demon has its own ways of using it.

For example, demon hunters, like Neil and Ed, are half demons, and so they can channel that energy into their weapons. Reactants.

Reactants are weapons made out of ore that came from the depths of hell, hence they are pretty rare and only experienced hunters are able to get them. But we'll get into more detail with that with later chapters.

So far, only Neil is capable of channeling that pure demonic energy without a vessel. But it does come at a cost.

Without a vessel to safely channel the energy, it's his limbs that come at risk. To counter this, he learned to focus his aura into his palm, acting like a glove to protect against the energy. But he does need to focus in order for this aura to completely protect his hand. And even though he is successful in doing that, it still drains almost all of his stamina in just one strike, leaving him vulnerable. But if it hits, it is guaranteed to at least stun the opponent.

Demon hunters also use this energy to cast their signature offensive magic. Runes. Hunters carry with them glove packs, each glove containing a carving of a rune in which they channel energy to. After they wear it, they simply have to channel a little energy into it, and then the rune is cast.

Normal demons, use this energy to either cast normal spells, or blow out fireballs from their mouths. Whichever is more effective.

There is still a lot I've thought about, but I think this is enough for now.

Thanks for reading.