
Inside An Ad**t Game As A Former Hero

I got pulled into the NTR game I was going to gift to my pure harem lover friend. The game has already progressed to the middle, and the heroines seem to have been already stolen away from the hero, in which I was transmigrated into. Now I just deeply crave for a cigarette, but I can’t even smoke in this world…! This novel is a real work. The reason I'm publishing this as a fanfic is because I want people to read it for free. As for Patreon, I'm sorry but I have to pay my rent. I would be very happy if you became the boss :D patreon.com/Daoist02

Daoistmtl02 · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Ch-104: Queen Maker (4)

You can read fully translated chapters, including the last chapter, for $20.


"So I'm thinking of staying in Lupus for a while. It will take a considerable amount of time to restore the broken administrative system."

The inn hall on the ground floor.

Over breakfast, I informed my party members about my upcoming schedule.

"I feel sorry for you two. Even — and I know it is — if it's frustrating, I hope you two, please bear with me."

Eri and Ophelia had been waiting for me in Lupus while I was waltzing around the continent. They would have liked to finally get out of this damn city, so it must have come off as exasperating hearing to my prospects.

But what else to do?

"If hero says so, I would gladly stay."

"It's fine. I'm myself, a bit reluctant to waste time travelling anyway. I'm in the middle of an important research work."

They showed no signs of discomfort. I could figure out Ophelia, but what about Eri? She was the one who always grumbled and nitpicked.

"If you say so, it must be pretty important, yes?"

"Right. If you didn't bring it up, I was going to talk about delaying our stay in the city first."

"Oh, since you have already said, I wonder what kind of research got you so interested."

Leslie, who had been quietly eating next to her, suddenly stated her curiosity. Perhaps surprised that she had asked about her research, Eri's eyes widened slightly. But then she glared at Leslie with a sullen gaze.

"Why are you curious about that?"

"Research that a brilliant mage like you values. As a fellow mage myself, how can I not be curious?"

She must have subtly added the praise, the way it worked for Eri. Just, instead of Eri's expression improving, it became even more distorted.

"As a fellow mage? Uh huh. If you consider yourself to be a fellow mage, you should also know how uncouth it is to pry into a mage's research, wouldn't you?"

"Hm? There's such a culture? Sorry. I didn't know that. I was really curious, so I just asked."

"Uhh! You didn't even know the basic rules of the Mage Tower, and you claim to be a fellow mage? Funny."

Eri spoke vehemently, but what came back was a nonchalant answer.

"Aw, what rules of the Mage Tower? Sorry, but I'd have never heard of Mage Tower before today."

"…You've never been to the Mage Tower? You mean, all your magic is self-taught? What are you? Once in a thousand-year genius?"

"Geniuses are overrated. I just worked on a inspiration copied in a magic tome."

"Inspiration? Do you mean to say you use ingenious, self-made magic?"

"Self-made? Depending on your perspective, maybe. Because no one can imitate my magic."

Eri narrowed her brows as if offended.

Leslie smiled and spread her palms.

– Wrrr.

A whirlwind of breeze churned on her palms. The cold air solidified, changing from a sword to a spear, from the spear to an axe, and then from the axe to a horse.

The horse's mane flickered as if someone was combining through its mane. It was as if a living horse had been placed in the palm of her hand.

"As you can see…"

"How can your mana control be so…"

Eri's face no longer held any displeasure. Instead, with a frozen expression, she stared as if she was seeing the impossible.

Leslie tilted her head.

"Mana control? Are you talking about this?"

The shape of the horse that was prodding on her palm scattered, and an eagle took shape. The eagle beat its wings and flitted through the air.

Eri's eyes twitched without a word.

Turning to her, Leslie spoke, her voice as if it were nothing.

"Just this?"


"Yes. Just. It has been so since I was born."

"…you are lying."

"Lying? Why would I? Do I have anything to gain by lying to you, Eri?"


Eri bit her lower lip and banged at the table, got up from her seat and strode expressly toward the stairs.

"Eri, where are you going? You haven't finished your breakfast yet."

"I have no appetite."

Huffing, she climbed the stairs.

I looked, then turned my eyes to Ophelia.

"Ophelia, I'm sorry to disturb your breakfast, but can you go up and comfort Eri?"

"Yes, sure. I'll make sure she finishes her food while at it."

"Thank you. I've bothered you."

"You don't have to thank me. Hero just state."

Ophelia bowed her head before hurrying off to the second floor with Eri's unfinished plate in hand. After making sure she out of our earshot, I opened my mouth.

"Did you do that on purpose?"

"On purpose? What are you talking about?"


As I narrowed my eyes and stared at her, her puzzled expression turned into a smirk.

"You knew."

"Of course. There's no way a mage who doesn't even know what mana control is can reach that level."

"My talent could've just been outstanding, no?"

"The more outstanding people are, the more faithful they are to the basics. You know?"

"Um, true."

Leslie folded her palms over. The air picked up, and the eagle was scattering into icy flakes.

"Apart from that, it is also true that I have been able to do this since I was born. I want you to believe this."

I nodded.

This time around, her words held truth.

Because her powers were closer to psychic energy than magic.

Converting the mana in the body into icy mana and manifesting it in turn.

It was the so-called mana constitution.

Thanks to which, it was possible for her to skip the roadblocks faced while learning mana control and chanting, but there were also clear limitations.

Because all her mana was transitioned into icy attribute, other branches of magic were harder for her.

Live example of which was she couldn't manifest an energy shield or even a basic fireball.

"So, what was it for?"

"There isn't really a good reason. I just did it because she seemed a little cheeky."

"And weren't you cocky, too?"

"Ow, I just didn't like how she put her words. As if she wasn't extending her lodging in this city because you wanted her to, but because she wanted it herself all along."

"Is that what it sounded like? You have a very twisted point of view."

"…it's not just because of those words. I have an eye for assessing people. First impressions are important to such people. Like, if I looked down on you, would you've considered me to be someone not worth associating with?"

"How do you know that?"

"I am that type."

Leslie grinned.

"Adding into that. Cloud deary, you knew my intentions, so why didn't you stop me? A single word from you and I would have zipped my mouth shut."

Hm, why didn't I?


Yes, why…

"Hm, I think it will only invigorate her to work harder. She has instances of going off track, so a reality check would do her good."

"Don't you think she might get crushed internally, instead?"

Crushed internally?

I suddenly remembered those days we waltzed about the Giant Root Dungeon.

Those days when she only slept for three hours a day and studied combat and magic at the same time.

I chuckled ruefully.

"She isn't that weak."

Even when her vocation transitioned from a scholar mage to a battle mage, she carried on in stride.

How can someone like that be broken so easily?

"I don't understand what you mean, but I can pick up that you trust Eri. Honestly, I am jealous."

"Then work as hard as she is doing and show the results. Don't you have the opportunity right in front of you?"

"You mean the administrative work? Um, yeah. Fret not, you will soon find yourself putting your trust in me."

"I will remember these words."

The conversation lapsed.

As I smiled at the thought of the amount of administrative work currently piling up as we spoke; Katarina sitting next to me said in a tired voice.

"You guys are really… I feel sorry for Miss Eri."

Katarina shook her head.

I cocked an eyebrow.

"Why the sudden sympathy? I thought you were the one among us disrelishing the idea of me having more female teammates the most."

"Because I'm not as twisted as you guys?"

"Nah, Katarina. Just the weakest."

"…I'm just not too strong."

"Then list the names of individuals among the ones lodging in this inn whom you can fight and win?"

Katarina's mouth fell shut.

She muttered in a small voice as she darted about her gaze.

"Miss Ophelia..?"

"You're choosing a saintess candidate, really? I'm sorry to say this, but do you have any conscience?"


As Leslie questioned, Katarina's face scrunched in embarrassment.

I shook my head.

"The thing seeking importance here is not conscience. It is that she can't defeat Ophelia too."

"…what? No way. No matter how much you guys trivialize me… isn't this a bit too much?"

"I am not trivializing you. Rather, I highly value your potential. For the record, do you know you're the only human being who can communicate with spirits?"

"Then why are you saying I can't win?"

"There is a big difference between high potential and reality. What is the level difference between you and Ophelia right now? How vast is the actual combat experience?"

It stood true that Katarina was definitely superior in potential sector.

If Ophelia can wield a mace, Katarina is good at irregular sword dance and the use of ki.

But the overwhelming spec difference is unavoidable.

What if Ophelia, in seriousness, applies a buff on herself and lunges to mace Katarina?

She would be dead, minced meat.

Not joking, for real.

"If it's combat experience, I…"

"Our party's standards doesn't count brigand subjugation as a bullet point in the combat resume."


In the end, Katarina's mouth was completely shut.

However, she hadn't fully accepted the reality. I supposed it must be because of the pride she held in mastering her mother's prolific sword dance.

'I guess I've been avoiding this too.'

It seemed high time to awaken her sense of reality.

For that, real-life combat is the best.

Pitting against Katarina… Neria is probably the best, right?

Both are swordswoman.

"But Neria didn't come down today. She hasn't come out since yesterday morning."

"Neria? Didn't she not come out only for breakfast, but also for lunch and dinner? If I'm not mistaken, she seems to have confined herself to the room this whole time."

"What? The hell, actually?"

"Uh, are you serious?"

"I think I'm..?"

"No, I thought she was practicing in her room. Just like Miss Eri is researching…"

"Where in the world have you seen a knight who trains while foregoing sustenance?"

I said that and put a big sausage in the plate. She would be famished, so I picked the thickest and longest one.

"You guys eat. I'm going to Neria's room."

Leaving them behind, I went upstairs and knocked on Neria's door.


There was no reaction.

And so I knocked again.

"Neria? Are you sleeping? Can I come in?"

There was no response this time either. Was she not inside? Just when I was about to open the door in puzzlement.

Sounds were heard from inside the room, and at the same time, the door that had been slightly open was slammed shut.


– Cloud? Wh..Why?

"What why? You haven't been out since yesterday. I came up because I was worried."

– Worried..? Why are you worried about someone like me?

"Someone like you? What are you saying now. It's natural to be concerned if my teammate's behaving strange."

– Ah… that's right… we were teammates…

"Yes, right. So stop talking nonsense, and let me come in. I have something to ask of you."

– Yes? No, wait! Hang on! I'm coming out!

When I pushed the door with force, Neria hurriedly shouted. She let out a sigh of relief as I relaxed my hold.

I waited patiently for her.

After a while, the door opened and Neria walked out of the room with an awkward smile.

"Did I make you wait long?"

"Not really… More than that, what's wrong with your complexion?"

Neria's condition was incomprehensible.

Maybe… she had slept? Because her eyes were slightly wide, her pupils cloudy and her hair disheveled.


"Why are your eyelids so swollen? Were you crying?"


"Huh? Oh no. Something just got into my eye."

"No? It looks very swollen."

"It's not… ah, you said you have something to ask of me. What's it?"

Neria shook her head and changed the subject.

She had the attitude that told — even if I asked more, she wouldn't answer. I waved my hands.

"It's okay. Looking at your condition, I can't ask. Just eat and get some rest."

"No. I'm fine. It's really okay, so ask me anything. I'll help you with anything I can."

She pushed, and I refused, we did so several times more, but I could tenaciously hold off only until Neria suddenly grabbed my arm.

As if she had to do me a favor.

I had no choice but to step back and given in to her stubbornness.

"I was thinking of asking you to spar with Katarina."

Stupid Neria.

I sighed.

"I know, a match-up is hard while…"

"I will do it."

"Don't overexert yourself. You should get some rest and we can schedule it for later."

"Nope. I want to do it today."

Neria's eyes were filled with the will and want, and I was about to say something, only to just endure it. What to do…

"Thanks. Come'on, eat some. You've starved yourself."

I held out the meal I had brought. She smiled as she picked up her plate.

"Oh, thank you…"

That smile stiffened at the sight of the sausages on the plate for some reason. Not only that, her body quivered like an aspen tree.


She threw her plate away.

OMG, what the f**k?

I hurriedly snatched the plate and caught the falling sausages one by one. Catching all of them, I turned my gaze to Neria in disbelief.

I was thinking of scolding her for her doing.

I almost did…

"Woo-wook..! Kkeek..!"

Only to see Neria vomiting her gastric juices out, and that thought disappeared.

…were the sausages spoiled?

I smelled, it didn't seem so.

You can read fully translated chapters, including the last chapter, for $20.
