
Supreme Creativity

"Ding dong!"

"Hello! Thomas, how was your work today?" At the door of the luxurious and spacious elevator, a man with a shoulder-back wearing a crisp suit walked past the elevator lady and greeted his colleague in an energetic manner. call.

Thomas, who was being questioned by him, was leaning weakly on the elevator handrail, with a look of pig liver color on his face.

"It's terrible, Jowan. If I don't show impressive sales performance next month, I might be killed!"

He loosened his tie and felt that the cramped space made it difficult for him to breathe. When I joined the company, I thought the elevator had plenty of ventilation!

Jovan pouted and turned his back to Thomas with a funny expression.

Thomas is responsible for the company's baked beans brand. When it first went on the market, sales were booming and he was the most popular guy in the company.

But now... with more and more new brands entering the market, the sales of this more expensive and traditional-tasting canned baked beans have been declining. If this continues, he, the person in charge, will definitely be severely criticized by the board of directors.

Jovan looked at Thomas' ugly face through the golden corrugated wall that had been wiped clean and even reflected light with some schadenfreude.

But he was still comforting: "It's okay, Thomas, haven't you already opened the advertising bidding? I believe that we will find a powerful enough creative company, maybe we can save the sales?"

After speaking, he pursed his lips, He smiled silently, obviously he didn't believe it himself.

Thomas didn't reply, just looked up at the floor display on the elevator.

30, 29, 28...

For the first time, he felt that the speed of the elevator was so slow, as if it was driving from heaven to hell.

"FXXK!" Thomas couldn't help but curse and unbuttoned his suit one by one.

The elevator is still going down.

21, 20...15, 14...2, 1.

"Ding dong!"

Thomas quickly walked out of the elevator, and Jovan quickly followed behind him, and the two of them walked down the high steps together.

"Thomas, there is no need to be so impatient. I believe the board of directors will understand you. After all, you have done so well

before." Jovan's words hit Thomas' pain point even more: "Yeah, I did so damn well before . ! Now it's getting worse! Can't I keep up with this market! FXXK!"

"That's not what I meant, you know."

"Past glory is not important, no one knows better than us!" If you don't do well, you have to give up your seat to someone else! This is what the company does all the time! So I have to find a way!"

After finally walking up the long steps, Thomas took out his car key and rang his car key. Wait at the traffic light to cross the road.

The next moment, I suddenly heard an advertisement ringing from the big screen in the square next to me.

"Supreme Creativity, America's Top Creative Supplier!"

"What the hell?" Attracted by this slogan, Thomas and Jovan raised their heads and found an interesting advertisement playing on the screen.

I saw a blond girl wearing a light blue workplace skirt and black silk suit, with her body curves vividly outlined, holding a pointer, like a stop-motion animation, her movements pointed at the center of the screen, her appearance Outstanding, with a warm smile and looking sexy as hell.

In the center of the picture, an animation-style TV appeared, with the advertising slogan written on the TV screen. After the advertisement appears, a string of phone numbers appears and stays there for two seconds.

Two seconds later, the animation changed, and another billboard slowly appeared, with the same slogan and phone number still written on it.

"Supreme creativity, the top creative supplier in the United States!" The sweet advertising slogan sounded again.

But this was not the end. Three seconds later, the screen changed again. A magazine appeared, and the advertising slogan turned into a huge title and was written on it.

At the same time, the slogan sounded for the third time: "Supreme Creativity, America's Top Creative Supplier!"

When the advertisement disappeared from the screen, Thomas was still thinking about the slogan inside, while Jovan had already whistled.

"This girl is really nice. I want to call her and ask for her contact information. Thomas, what do you think... hmm?"

Jovan noticed that Thomas was a little dazed, as if he was thinking about something.

"What's wrong?" Jovan asked confused.

Thomas looked back at him: "Do you think this company's idea is feasible?"

Jovan thought for a moment and laughed: "Come on, Thomas! I haven't even heard of the name Supreme Idea. It must be a new company. This How can a youngster meet our company's requirements?

"But haven't you remembered it by now?" Thomas decisively grasped the core of this advertisement.

"That's not bad if you say that." Jovan frowned, but he still thought it was just a fluke: "But I think it's a trick, Thomas. You will remember anything if you say it three times."

"But it's not something. I'll watch it three times!" The more Thomas thought about it, the more he realized that this advertisement should not be underestimated. He looked up and saw around him that many company executives after work were standing on the roadside, their heads looking up at the screen.

It's obvious that Supreme Creative chose to advertise here just to be seen by them.

And he also used beautiful women as bait. Which man would not take a second look at that girl when he saw her? He and Jovan are the best examples!

Even the backgrounds used for their advertising creatives, including TV, magazines, and billboards, cover all advertising channels.

It shows that every aspect of this advertisement is well designed, link by link, simple and exquisite but not simple.

What if this form was used on the canned baked beans that I was responsible for?

Thomas clenched his fists excitedly: "No problem, no problem at all!"

"Thomas, have you really made up your mind? I think even if they come, they may not be able to outbid other companies."

Jovan spread his hands, Express your concerns.

"Then we have to let them try..." Thomas and Jovan walked across the sidewalk, but instead of looking for their cars, they stood under the big screen and waited for the most creative advertisement to appear again.

"Okay, okay, but I think this company is just trying to be clever. They don't have any decent advertising slogans at all. It's too straightforward. Do you want them to say three sentences about the best baked beans in the United States? Come on, this is simply You're just lazy!"

But no matter how hard Jovan tried to dissuade him, Thomas didn't listen at all. He took his cell phone and wrote down the number after the commercial aired again, then got in the car and left the company.

At the same time, in the conference room of Ogilvy & Mather, a long-established top advertising company in New York that was founded in 1948 and is known as the cradle of advertisers, advertising planners and senior executives are also discussing this supremely creative brainwashing advertisement.

(End of chapter)