
Inseparable (Wednesday Addams x Y/n Grayson(male reader)

the Addams's and Grayson's always had a strong bond and Wednesday Addams and Y/N Grayson have been close since they were babies After Y/N's parents were killed the Addams family took the boy under their wing and Wednesday grew fonder of Y/N's presence, and the two became "INSEPARABLE". However, after the two got themselves expelled from their school Gomez and Morticia were faced to send the duo to a certain Nevermore academy as their final resort. But unbeknownst to them they would learn to love it there. or will they?

FixatedWiriter · TV
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22 Chs

Meeting House

an old homeless man walked into Uriah's heap and was looking at a camera on one of the shelvesEnid: " Can I help you?" she asked,Enid's eyes widened as the old homeless man fumbled with a camera, hastily shoving it into his tattered coat when she startled him. He glanced at her with intensity before darting out of the shop. A chill ran down her spine, and she couldn't shake off the uncomfortable feeling. She quickly made her way over to Ajax, who was examining a taxidermized squirrels and rats.Enid: "Ooh. That gives me the heebie-jeebies," she squawked, trying to shake off the uncomfortable feeling, looking at the taxidermized critters. Ajax, seemingly unfazed, turned to her with a thoughtful expression.Ajax: " I don't know. You think squirrels and rats could ever work out?" he asked, gesturing to the stuffed critters. Ajax: "I mean, they're two totally different species." Enid giggled, shaking her head.Enid: "Oh, yeah. I mean, totally. Why not? They have more in common than you think. Most people are scared of them, so it would just be us... them... against the world." She smiled at her slip-up.Ajax: "Wow," he chuckled. He leaned against the counter, looking at her with admiration. Ajax: " You know, by the way, I totally dug the way you scratched out the bottom of our boat at Poe Cup. It was pretty badass."Enid: " Thanks. You're not mad you lost?"Ajax: Y/n and I was just doing a solid for Xavier. I mean, he's my boy, but he's super competitive." he shruggedEnid: " Seems so laid-back." she said sarcasticallyAjax: " Bro's got a darker side most people don't see. I think it's because his dad is... well, you know, famous. All that pressure." Enid nodded, leaning closer to him.Enid: " You realize this is, like, the longest conversation we've ever had?"Ajax: "Gorgons are taught not to engage. You know, I don't want to accidentally stone someone."Enid reached out, lightly touching his arm.Enid: " I'm not afraid of being stoned by you. It's just temporary."Ajax: " Really? You mean that?"Enid: "One hundo! So, um, I was thinking of sneaking behind the greenhouse tonight. Supposed to be a blue moon. Only happens once every 23 years or something crazy. Should get a killer view from there." She said nervously as she glanced at him, her heart pounding. Ajax's eyes lit up, but then he hesitated, looking uncertain.Ajax: "Cool. Hey, have fun. You know that's where a lot of kids go to hook up, right? I mean, it could get awkward." he said, completely oblivious to her hinting. Enid's shoulders slumped slightlyEnid: "Ajax! I just spent all morning flirting and hinting and trying to act cute while brushing some roadkill just so you would ask me on a date." She admitted, frustration and affection mingling in her voice.Ajax: "Oh! Oh! That's what you were doing. I kind of wondered when you spent so long brushing that opossum's tail." He chuckled, finally catching on as Enid maintained eye contact, Ajax: " Hey, so you want to meet up behind the greenhouse tonight?"Enid: " Yes. Yes, I do." She beamed, feeling a rush of excitement(Y/n and Wednesday)As they left Pilgrim World, Y/N and Wednesday found a quiet corner near the edge of the settlement to talk.Wednesday: "what happened back there? You started kissing me out of the blue."Y/N: " I just thought it would be a good distraction for Arlene. Figured she'd be less suspicious if she thought we were just looking for a private spot."Wednesday: "You could have warned me."Y/N: "Didn't have time. Besides, you seemed to handle it pretty well."Wednesday: "I suppose. Just don't make it a habit without consulting me first."Y/N: "Noted." He smiled, but then his expression turned serious. Wednesday: " are you okay?"Y/N: "Listen, I need to go."Wednesday: " Are you sick? That's rare."Y/N: "No, it's not that," he said, looking around to make sure they were alone.Y/N: "the dreams I've been having, They're getting stronger"Wednesday's eyes narrowed. Wednesday: " Dreams? Your like this over dreams?"Y/N: "I didn't think they were important at first. But now... they're connected to everything happening here. To Crackstone, to us."Wednesday: "Connected how?" She demanded,Y/N: "It's hard to explain. But every time I have one, I feel like I'm closer to understanding the danger we're in."Wednesday: "You think we're in danger?"Y/N: "I know we are. and i know you do too"Wednesday: "i understand, go," she stated firmly.Y/N: " you need to stay here and keep on with your investigation. Especially with Eugene and Enid. If something happens, they'll need you. ill start an investigation of my own"Wednesday looked at him, her expression unreadable. Wednesday: " I don't like the idea of you going off on your own."Y/N: " I know. But Trust me, I'll be back. And I'll be careful."Wednesday: " You'd better be," she said, her tone softening slightly. "I can't lose you."Y/N: " And You won't," he promised, squeezing her hand briefly before letting go.Y/N: " I'll be back before you know it."As Y/N left, Wednesday made her way to the Weathervane, the local coffee shop. She walked in, her dark eyes scanning the room. Xavier, sitting at a corner table with his sketchbook, noticed her immediately.Xavier: " I thought you were supposed to be at Pilgrim World."Wednesday approached Xavier with her usual composed demeanor, her dark eyes piercing as she neared his table. Wednesday: " I deserted it while my sanity was still intact."Xavier: " Oh yeah? You want a coffee? It's one of the many perks of this wonderful assignment."Wednesday: " I'm actually here for Tyler. don't! tell Y/n Tyler's not in his good books right now" Xavier leaned back, a knowing look in his eyes.Xavier: "Oh, you mean the barista with the daddy issues? What business could you possibly have with him?" Wednesday's expression remained stoic.Wednesday: " My business, Xavier, not yours."With that, she walked away towards the front counter, where she rang the bell. Tyler appeared from the back, wiping his hands on his apron. His eyes widened slightly when he saw her.Tyler: " You rang? oh Wednesday? w-want the usual?"Wednesday: " And some help. You know the original pilgrim meeting house, the one from the 1600s? You know if it's still around?" She unfolded a map on the counter, pointing to the general area. Tyler hesitated, glancing around nervously. Tyler looked conflicted, running a hand through his hair.Tyler: " What's left is out in Cobham Woods, but it's pretty much a ruin." Wednesday's gaze intensified.Wednesday: " Show me."Tyler: " Uh...There" he said pointing to a spot on the map. Tyler: " but, look out, it's kind of sketchy. Squatters and meth heads use that place as a crash pad. My dad has it cleared out every couple weeks." He spoke quickly, his eyes darting around the café as if expecting Y/n to appear any second.Wednesday took note of Tyler's nervousness and the way his eyes kept darting around as if he was afraid of being overheard. Wednesday: " Squatters and meth heads, you say?" she repeated, her voice low and deliberate.  Wednesday: " Sounds like an adventure." she faked excitement as she leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a chilling whisper. Wednesday: " Are you hiding something, Tyler? Because if I find out you're involved in anything I'll make sure Y/n knows exactly where to find you."Tyler swallowed hard, his face paling. Tyler: " N-no, I'm not hiding anything. I just... I'm not meant to be around you."Wednesday held her gaze for a moment longer, Wednesday: " Then there's nothing to worry about." She straightened up, folding the map with precision. As she turned to leave, she glanced back at Tyler one last time, a sadistic menacing smile tugging at her lips. Wednesday: " And remember, Tyler, if your keeping anything hidden it will have a way of coming to light."As Wednesday left the café, Tyler stood frozen in place, his heart pounding in his chest. Her words on replay in his mind, sending a chill down his spine. He watched her go.Tyler: " What have I gotten myself into?" he muttered under his breath, his mind racing with thoughts of what that couple might do if they ever discovered the truth. Xavier: " Hey there, Tyler. You look like you've seen a ghost. Or maybe it's just the thought of Y/n coming to pay you a visit."Tyler's eyes widened, He forced a weak smile, trying to play off Xavier's comment.Tyler: "I-I'm fine, Xavier. Just a little stressed out today."Xavier: "Stressed out, huh? Must be tough, knowing that Y/n is out there, watching your every move. I mean, the guy practically has eyes in the back of his head. I wouldn't want to be on his bad side if I were you."Tyler's heart rate quickened, his mind racing with paranoid thoughts. He knew Xavier was just trying to get under his skin, but the mention of Y/n only added to his growing anxiety.Tyler: "I-I don't know what you're talking about, Xavier. Y/n and I are cool."(Y/N)Y/n couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had been gnawing at him ever since his conversation with Wednesday. He paced back and forth in his room, the walls seeming to close in on him as his mind wrestled with unanswered questions.Y/N: "What am I?" he muttered to himself, frustration settling in. Y/N: " Why am I having these dreams? And why now?" He flopped down onto his bed, feeling uncertainty pressing down on him. Running a hand through his hair, he closed his eyes, attempting to think in the darkness behind his eyelids.instead, he found himself engulfed in a strange sensation. It started as a subtle tingling, like static electricity dancing across his skin. Then, it intensified, coursing through his veins.His vision blurred, and he felt himself being pulled into a trance-like state, Y/n's consciousness expanded beyond that of his physical body, reaching out into the vast expanse of time itself.Flashes of memories flooded his mind, memories that were not his. He saw faces of people he didn't recognize, heard voices whispering secrets from past to present. Ancient rituals, forgotten battles, and moments of triumph and despair played out before him like scenes from a movie.And then, amidst everything Y/n saw himself. Not as he was now, but as what he could be a being of immense power and wisdom, a guardian of time itself.Y/N: " What... what the fuck! is happening to me?" he gasped, feeling like he was on the verge of vomiting. The surge of energy pulsed through him, leaving him disoriented. As Y/n slowly came to his senses, he realized he had seen something familiar in a few of those visions. The Nightshades' hideout. It was there, and a bookY/N: "What is it with these fucking books?" he muttered under his breath, books were always at the center of it all. From the Codex Umbrarum to the book with the drawing. he rose from his bed, his mind buzzing, he made his way through the halls and through the quad and met with the Edgar Allen poe statue again Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Y/n made his way towards the statue, his footsteps echoing on the cobbled stone. With each step, he felt the weight of responsibility settling on his shoulders, so without further a do he clicked his fingers as the statue moved he walked down the stairs. his eyes darted around the room, taking in the sight of dusty bookshelves lining the walls, arcane symbols etched into the floor, and strange artifacts scattered on tables and pedestals.As Wednesday and thing stood at the leftover remains of the meeting house, a sense of disappointment hung in the air. The once-grand structure now lay in ruins, its wooden beams rotting and its walls crumbling. The dim light filtering through the broken windows cast eerie shadows across the debris-strewn floor.Wednesday: " I was expecting more too." she looks down at thing as they entered the left over remains of the meeting house The air was thick with the smell of decay and neglect, mingling with the musty odor of old wood and damp earth.Homeless man: " Who you talking to, little girl?"Wednesday: " Use "little" and "girl" to address me again and I can't guarantee your safety."Homeless man: " This is my place. Get out!"Wednesday: " Thing, a hand here?Homeless man: " Hey! Hey! Get off! Get off me!" the hand climbs the man and began to strangle him thing let go as the man ran away from the remainsWednesday: " There's nothing here."Thing tapsWednesday: "No, I can't just touch something."Thing remained still, silently observing Wednesday's frustration.Wednesday exhaled sharply, her dark eyes narrowing in concentration. She paced back and forth, her mind churning with thoughts as she tried to make sense of the situation.Wednesday: "My visions seem to happen spontaneously," she muttered, more to herself than to Thing.Thing: tilts slightly, indicating curiosityWednesday: " I would rather dye my hair pink than ask my mother for advice," she remarkedThing: gestures in agreement, acknowledging the sentimentWednesday: " Oh, you want me to prove it to you?" she questioned, turning her gaze towards the hand beside her.Thing: shakes slightly, as if disagreeingWednesday: "No?"Thing: remains still, awaiting further instructionsWednesday: "good"Wednesday reached out towards the remnants of the meeting house, her fingers picking up a fast food wrapper.Wednesday: " Ah, I bet this will give us some real insight," she mused, as she began shaking the wrapper out in front of herThing: raises slightly, showing interestWednesday: " My visions are about as predictable as shark attacks," she remarked dryly walking through the old gate but as her shoulder brushes it slightly she fell back and her vision beganin the vision she saw pilgrims throwing villagers into the meeting house but one of them were fighting back he was tackled to the ground by three pilgrims but he kept getting back up???: " i cant let you to this" he screams desperately trying to one arm crawl out of the entanglement, he was successful but kept getting kicked and beaten. he had enough and grabbed a pilgrim by the leg before flinging him into another one sending them down to the ground. the third pilgrim held his pitch fork up high as he lunged at the villager.Pilgrim: " you devil spawn" he thrusts the iron pitch fork into the boy and with a yelp he ripped it out and hit the pilgrim across the face with it.Wednesday finally realized what he was fighting so desperately for, or who he was fighting for. as the boy limped over to a white haired girl she was familiar *goody Addams* Wednesday thought goody ran towards the boyGoody: " oh Hartley" she cried as she clung onto boyWednesday finally got a good look at Hartley and he looked scarily close to Y/n except with brown hair. the screaming and yelling continued as more and more pilgrims surrounded these to villagers before crackstone finally arrivedCrackstone: " Goody Addams! You have been judged before God and found guilty. You are a witch, a sorceress, Lucifer's mistress herself, and you Hartley Grayson, your a sorcerer, a trickster, the spawn of Satan himself. For your sins, you will both burn this night, and suffer the flames of eternal hellfire."Hartley: " we are innocent. It is you, Joseph Crackstone, that should be tried."Goody: " We were here before you, living in harmony with nature and the native folk. But you have stolen our land. You have slaughtered the innocent. You have robbed us of our peaceful spirit. You are the true monster. All of you!" she took a blade and sliced the mans facePilgrim: " Punish her!"Crackstone: " The Devil ne'er sent such a demon." he slaps goody across the face sending her to the groundCrackstone: " And I will send you back!"Hartley: " No!" he stands up to the man but he was losing blood too fast and spat blood at joseph Crackstone: " You are abominations in the Devil's grip! I will not stop till I have expunged this New World of every outcast. Godless creatures!" he throws the two into the meeting houseCrackstone: " Set it ablaze!"Wednesday watched as goody tried to get her family out, but in the end they encouraged her to go with Hartley it was too late for them and they need her and Hartley to avenge themgoody and Hartley suck out of the burning building and into the forest followed by Wednesday Hartley fell due to his injuries before he and goody both stared directly at wednesdayGoody: " He won't stop until he's killed us all!"Hartley: " He's here." Wednesday heard something behind her and was met by crackstone who was right in her faceCrackstone: " There will be no escape for you."