
Insatiable Desires

Two strangers meet at a party and one is obsessed in finding the other and he never does. What he doesn't know is that the soft spoken girl in his company is the same girl he meet at a charity event. Meet Don Sebastian Metero a mafia boss feared and respected but incapable of love due to a broken past Reilly White a beautiful and smart girl very hard working but has no time for a love Life Will the secrets of their past overcome everything or will it sucum to heartbreaks and pain?

Kathy_Wahome · Urban
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39 Chs

The escape

I was busy trying to discover were the gunshots were coming from. it seems the person is on top somewhere but I can see him.

I know my darling is scared and I brought her to this world a dangerous one that she is not fully aware of. I look at her trying to give a reassuring look.

Sebastian stares at Reilly and finding different expression of pain showing. He gets worried and tries to check on her but the bullets keep coming.

He decides to ask her. "Are you okay."

"Yes it's just a scratch on my leg nothing big." she lied. she knew if she says the truth he would lose focus and might both get hurt. The good thing was that he was to focused on finding the killer than on her.

She just had to hold on a little while longer until everything is over. They both looked around trying to locate the shower.

One of Sebastian's men was able to locate were the gunshots came from. "Over there by the dome." He said.

"Aim at that mother fu*cker." Sebastian replied and gunshots were heard and the next thing it stopped. "It seems like he run away." Sebastian said and then he looked at Reilly.

For some reason she seemed pale and sick and Sebastian could only worry

His men came to him to help him escape but before anything she fainted. Sebastian though that it was due to anxiety and alot of movement and then he had it. The smell of blood.

I looked down to find my darling leg was hurt and not just hurt a gunshots wound.

"She needs a doctor sir."

"Call doctor Duarte." He replied. " Carlos?"

"He escape sir."

"Shit his going to pay for this."