
The struggler

Hello, my name is Gu Yue Chun Jack and I will be hosting this... broadcast, I think it's called? This is a pretty weird experience to say the least. I was requested to talk about how Guts learned to overcome fear and how It mastered the destruction law.

We first started out by hunting almost 1500 wolves, adding almost 10kg of iron onto Guts. I mostly didn't get injured. My muscles are a lot tougher now and my bones are of a rank 3 quality.

If I had the help of brother Nem, I would have been able to get away without injuries, but I had to kill them all on my own. It took us a total of 10 hours and afterwards we used tome weird rank 4 Gu on Guts and we started cutting Gu worms.

I felt slightly bad about it, but if it help Guts grow, I am okay with it. We destroyed almost 200 little light Gu and a hundred moonlight Gu. From what I know, it was to perfect the law of destruction in Guts.

It sounded like something really powerful and, from my brother's explanation, the best choice for me, but I still had to teach Guts independence and how to overcome fear.

It was quite a weird experience, taking care of a living baby sword. The destruction power it displayed really amazed me. Even brother Nem's killer move couldn't leave the smallest of cut murks on Guts and was completely destroyed.

Guts had learned most of the things necessary, but it hadn't learned to overcome fear yet, so we marched to hunt the first thousand beast king.

The first beast King I faced was a great white ape, a thousand beast King. Jack used a simpler version of his killer move with 5 moonlight Gu worms and 5 little light Gu worms to suppress the weaker subordinate monkeys and make sure my 1 on 1 went unimpeded, so I was luckily not disturbed even though I was right in the middle of their den.

The great white ape was nearly 4 meters tall and had enough strength to completely crush each and every one of my bones in an instant if not for the boar phantom. Kai Nem said I am going to get an upgraded version of the boar phantom after this is all done, so I was quite excited for that, but that could only happen if I overcame this!

As I stood before that giant ape, I could physically feel my sword telling me not to get close to it and fight it. As Kai Nem said, there is no going back then. If I had left that battle without killing the great white ape, Guts would have learned cowardice and would become a sword, that can only cut down the weak and will never face the strong.

That personality trait can be fixed, but it will take more than 100 battles and my sword and body being out of touch for such a long time is not a good thing. I am strong, but my enemies are Gu masters, while I am only a mortal.

Kai Nem has offered to help me boost my talent through special Gu worms and methods, but I have declined him each time... I yearn for justice, for strength and to prove to those Gu masters, that all a person needs is a sword and a strong body to be supreme! Increasing my talent will only burden my body with extra thoughts and make me uncertain.

And today was the day Guts the giant killer was born! How could I be so pathetic as to regret one small failure? I stepped towards the great white ape, as my boar aura went up my feet and enveloped my entire body. Two small tusks made of purple aura appeared on my mouth as the aura fully formed and enveloped me.

Gu worms are truly amazing. They can accomplish the impossible, even if you can't use them. A mortal can learn to control a beast aura and a monkey can learn to control metal.

The great white ape had a rank 2 or 3 Gu worm with the ability to turn primeval essence, using the Dao of earth, into metal. The primeval essence gathered around its fists and then changed its composition into metal. It looked as if the monkey had created metal gloves for defense and offense.

My hands felt a small tingly sensation and I looked at Guts. My eyes widened a small bit. The sword was physically shaking out of fear. "Don't be afraid, Guts. I am your master and your partner. I'll protect you until you grow into a fully fledged God slayer. Afterwards, make sure you keep me alive." I thought motivating it and solidifying our bond would help ease its fear.

The shaking seemed to stop a small bit, but I could still sense the fear in Guts. Even though there was fear, there was also a small flame of hope and bravery. Even the smallest of things can influence this sword. Guess Nem was correct about that.

I managed to regain a bit of my control over Guts and strapped him to my back. Running with Guts in my hand is extremely difficult. Guts is almost 260KG and growing, I can't have such a huge weight on one side of my body only. Such unbalance might get me killed one day, so I strap it to my back each time I run.

The month I spent living with the Gong Zhu squad as a human boar might have been humiliating, but I have learned much from that and one of the main things I learned was this.

I stretched my body and used my hands to charge from my past position and so did the great white ape. We rushed towards each other and got closer. The great white ape tried to punch me from the right side, as I expected.

With a small jump I managed to vault over his huge fist and used his fist's upwards momentum to propel myself and I unsheathed Guts. I was descending onto the great white ape too fast for it to move back and dodge with all the forward momentum it build up.

If Guts was a normal sword, It wouldn't even reach the great white ape, but it is 2 meters long and moving back would only prevent the monkey from blocking. The monkey did the most intelligent thing it could do and pushed up his two iron-covered fists to block Guts.

Monkey's might be smart, but this great white ape severely underestimated Guts. The sword went clean through his armor, as if the armor intentionally parted to make way for Guts, and blood spilled out of its hand. Guts managed to chop his hand all the way to the bone and got stuck.

The great white ape began panicking. The situation slightly deviating from its estimation, severely impacting its cognitive abilities and all it could do was panic. If it had gone through with the grab, my aura would have held out for a while, but it is nowhere near strong enough to defend me for more than a few seconds under the pressure of a rank 3 beast's Strength.

I managed to kick off of the great white ape's chest and sheathed Guts before I landed. Guts also throws my balance off after a jump, so I need to make sure my movement isn't impeded by Guts's weight when I land.

With the great white ape now in a panicked state, I charged at it once more. The monkey saw me charging at it in the exact same way and thought I was going to try the exact same tactic.

The punch came from above this time and the great white ape had put in a lot more primeval essence into it's iron gloves, to make sure I don't cut through it this time. I rolled left and unsheathed Guts with my right hand and swung it onto the great white ape's wrist.

Too bad it doesn't know how exactly the destruction element works. The law of destruction is the dominant law. All other law fragments contained in Gu worms either avoid, it in fear of destruction, or are destroyed by it upon contact. Guts's comprehension is at the level of master and the comprehension will grow as it claims lives and grows.

Sadly, Guts doesn't understand how powerful the destruction law is and it is too scared right now to effectively use it. The boost of primeval essence injected into the new attack frightened it and caused my sword to only barely cut through the iron glove.

With it's newfound confidence, the great white ape smiled and swept it's left hand towards me, intending to catch me and crush me. I quickly stabbed Guts into the ground and there myself out of the way of it's hand.

I managed to land on my feet and pulled Guts back towards me and entered a sword stance for the first time since the battle began. I could only defend and try to encourage Guts, as I will never be able to cut through those iron gloves without Guts using the destruction element.

The gigantic sword shivered in my hands as I said "Guts, calm down. The power your have is enough to cut through it's defense. You might not be the strongest weapon yet, but you can most definitely cut through this monkey's gloves! Don't cower and show it what it means to be a god slayer!"

It is quite interesting what simple words of encouragement can do, especially to a child. Guts stopped shaking and the small fire I felt in it began growing to the point where the fear inside it was being suppressed.

The great white ape charged towards me with great speed and mobility. It thought Guts stood no chance against it's armor and was going to attack fearlessly. I smiled as I got ready to swing my sword and said "You can cut him!"

The fire in Guts burned bright and I swung my sword. All hesitation Guts had seemed to have disappeared as the iron fist collided with Guts and I was waiting for it's arm to be cut open. Sadly, I lost.

The flame Guts had in him disappeared the instance the fist and sword collided and all the momentum Guts had vanished along with it. The iron first completely suppressed my attack and punched me straight on my chest.

I was dragged by the first, as the great white ape transferred all of its momentum into my body and sent me flying for over 10 meters. My aura began flickering as my frail body smashed into a thick tree and I fell down, hitting a couple branches along the way. The branches slowed my fall, but Guts applied extra pressure on my body while crashing, injuring me further.

What I was feeling right then was extremely familiar. I had broken my ribs and legs multiple times since I began training with brother Nem, but this was completely different. My bones are as strong as a thousand boar king's, that has been strengthened by 2 boar strength Gu worms and I even had my aura of a boar protecting me.

Just 1 punch from that great white ape was strong enough to break all the defense I had. I can't begin to imagine how pathetic my state would be if not for the rank 3 bone restructuring Gu being my vital Gu and the boar aura. Even though my ribs were broken, I still managed to push myself up through sheer determination and entered a defensive stance.

My breathing rhythm was all over the place just breathing hurt more than any injury I had experienced up to that point.

I was being too cocky, I fully acknowledge that. Guts hadn't been taught bravery and I thought simple words could encourage it, which was very foolish of me. If simple words were enough to teach it how to stand up to the strong, then I wouldn't have had to fight the great white ape in the first place. Simple words can't teach anyone anything. Action speaks louder than any human can.

A child can act brave, but he will collapse the moment he has to express that bravery, or die because of his foolish nature.

The fire I felt burning in it was just a facade. It looked grand, but the amount of heat it produced was nonexistent to the point of needing other flames to negate the effect. My foolishness was what got me into that mess and it most definitely wasn't going to get me out of it. If I had thought about it a bit more carefully, I would have realized my misunderstanding and not tried such a dumb plan.

Brother Nem is much smarter than me and doesn't like seeing me get hurt even more than I do, unless he is me opponent. If Guts's fear could have been resolved without me fighting such a battle alone, then Nem would have directly chosen that method, but I was too foolish to realize such a simple thing and tried convincing it through my words. What came next was a total disaster of a battle.

The great white ape laughed at my miscalculation. The only thing I could do then was improvise and use trickery to catch him off-guard. I stood still and pretended to be weak. My knees bent once in a while and I breathed in and out as if I was exhausted. My sword stance was full of openings and the great white ape smiled.

It had fallen for my act and charged towards me once again. This time it was trying to use it's enormous strength and the downwards momentum to completely break my body, exactly what I had planned for.

The monkey came closer and closer to me and was smiling with a full row of teeth, as if victory was within its grasp and failure wasn't even an option. It got closer and closer as I waited for the most opportune moment to strike and the moment finally arrived.

I dashed forward and completely dodged the smash attack of the great white ape. It's iron covered fists smashed into the ground and sent small bits and pieces of stone everywhere. One of the pieces hit me directly on my forehead and even drew a bit of blood.

Even so, I had only one shot at my plan and didn't let that small bit of pain stun me. I quickly spun around and swung Guts Horizontally and managed to slash the muscles and veins of the great white ape's thighs.

Howls of pain escaped it's mouth and blood poured out of the two gaping wounds on its legs. The great white ape quickly turned around and tried to punch me with Its right hand. I jumped backwards, but the monkey predicted I would do that and curved its fist.

It managed to hit my stomach this time and sent my flying once again. I didn't suffer as many injuries this time as before, but a few of my ribs did crack and my already broken ribs stabbed into my muscles and caused me great pain. The only thing comparable to that pain was the rubber muscles Gu changing my muscles over those 3 days.

My aura flickered and even my tusks disappeared. The tusks aren't purely cimetic. They don't play any part in battle and are more a way for me to keep track of my aura's atrength. Them dissapearing means my aura has decreased to 30%.

The previously dominant boar aura my body was covered in disappeared completely and only a small outline of pink energy could be seen around my body. Even thought the aura was weak, it still had enough strength to defend my body.

Still, there is no way a single boar's defense can contend with a great white ape's offense. If I had cultivated the strength-a-ten-thunder-boar beast bundle Gu and used it's phantom beast as my aura, then just the aura and Guts would have been enough to take down that overgrown monkey..

No, if Guts was brave enough, that would be enough. Sadly, I need to overcome this before Guts learns bravery and begins operating at 100%. I really don't like the idea of dying, so I can't live with a cowardly sword.

The slashed thighs didn't hinder the great white ape much. It had been using it's massive upper body in order to charge at me and move. The most that injury can do is cause him pain.

The pain it did cause enraged the beast king and it pushed itself up and came crashing down near me. I barely jumped back and dodged the impact.

Bits and pieces of dirt were thrown everywhere. Luckily, no stone managed to find its mark on my forehead this time.

I was being actively pushed back and was entering a passive state. What could I do? Guts wasn't able to use the destruction path out of fear and my aura was dissipating.

It was all or nothing at that point. The giant ape king was as close to my sword as it would ever be.

That was the moment I charged towards the great white ape with guts slung over my right shoulder, ready to cut anything I swing it at.

The great white ape smirked at my attempts and once again used his iron gloves as a way to block Guts. I smirked at that.

It all went according to my plan! The ape had memorized my attack pattern to the point where it directly tries to pre-block it.

The smug look quickly vanished when I jumped left and slashed his left forearm with Guts.

It howled as Guts dug into its flesh and I swung it in an arc, cutting a huge chunk of the monkey's arm off.

Blood flowed freely and its left arm fell down, completely incompasitated and it growled at me, but I wasn't fooled by the pointless display.

It was half dead. No amount of growling was going to fix that. The biggest mistake of that monkey was completely relying on its arms and giving up its legs. If it had stopped me from cutting its thighs, then it would still be a threat, bit it had made that mistake and had only 1 arm left.

It was only able to throw one more desperate punch, a punch I used as a platform to reach his head and swing Guts at it.

In a last ditch effort, it fell on its back, exposing its chest and tried to grab me with its right hand. Unfortunately for him, Guts managed to regain its confidence.

Guts is alive and can assess the situation rationally. It saw its master down this huge beast and forgot all fear. It had been taught courage and had no more fear left in it. Killing the opponent isn't necessary to teach Guts courage. Seeing the strong opponent being toppled by someone weaker than it is what teaches Guts courage.

It managed to prerfectly display the power of the destruction path and cut right at at its wrist. The last bit of hope in the great white ape disappeared and it accepted reality. It was time to die.

With 1 swing of Guts, its head was completely cut off and I could feel the weight of Guts increase. It had been taught bravery, but also ruthlessness, which I don't agree with, but is necessary for a sword. This isn't s human or a variant human, mercy, sympathy and compassion will only Dull Guts.

The new taught bravery carried me through the next 2 battles. We managed to slay both a thousand beast king wolf and a thousand beast kings stag.

With such overwhelming experience in giant slaying, Guts lost all traces of fear and I could even feel the excitement it showed when I challenge stronger opponents. The thousand beast king stag fell victim to this swords ferocity the most.

The beast kings we killed didn't have any Gu brother Nem considered useful, so he turned them into Gu energy. He said his total went up to 1250, but I don't exactly understand how Baby Alchemist works and can't explain what that means.

Thanks for hosting for a while, bit I will take over for now. That was Chun Jack everyone! My one and only slave and brother, the berserker and the future god slayer!