
Caravan life

Brother Nem has entered seclusion. From what I understand, Fang Yuan has run away and he wishes to take chase only after we settle down, which is understandable. His parents are nice people, even accepting a mere mortal as an adopted son, but they aren't combatants, not on our level. Both me and brother Nem can fight up to rank 4 and even topple a rank 4 with our cooperation, but they are only rank 2 Gu masters with minimal talent.

How far have we come, Guts. From a small mortal, angry at the world simple because he wasn't born a Gu master, to my current strength, being able to call rank 2 and 3 masters "simple" or "weak". Time to set up camp.

I am not the best at this, but brother Nem has taught me the basics a survivalist will need. "Isn't that the Gu master's brother?"

"Ya, I heard he is crazy strong, and that his brother even helps him cultivate, even though he is a mortal!"

"Man, how lucky! I would sell myself if a Gu master would help me cultivate in exchange. I wish I were him!" Some ignorant fools may never understand, but they don't matter. A human doesn't bother asking for an ant's opinion before stomping it, so why would they bother me?

"mister Kai, toss the thick rope over the metal poles!"



With a bit of effort, we managed to set up our 4 tents, for mister and miss Kai, the Wang Family, Gu Yue Gon Tu and me and just put a big blind over Kai Nem's carriage. He hasn't stopped cultivating since his seclusion, so we just put cover over him instead of setting up a specific tent.

Wang Da and I usually take shifts patroling the area and I was supposed to start off the patrol, but miss Zhang is approaching us with her group for some reason. The reason not seeming like anything good.

"You go and figure out what seems to be the bother with her and come back. I'll take the first watch." I nod my head and go towards them.

Guts is a special sword. It is only a couple months old in terms of sentience, but he can feel my emotions and is growing rapidly. One of the quirks he adapted is matching my aura. For a baby, its killing intent is extremely intense, just right for a sword. Whenever I fully intent on cutting down someone in front of me, Guts will cooperate and make my killing intent much more intimidating.

my intent was seen and the Gu master shook his head. Guess I am being underestimated. Such happenings aren't necessarily rare, but it still somewhat erks me. "Good evening, miss Zhang, miss Xiao and sir Zhang."

The one known as Zhang Xin Ci nodded her head and said "Good evening. May I speak with you in private? This concerns your brother."

She has aroused my interest. She must be wondering where my brother has been and what is going on.

I simply nod my head and gesture her to lead us. The two others allow us to walk alone.

"It must be tough!" Hmmm? Weird small talk. I wonder what she is referring to. "What do you consider tough?"

She blinks her eyes and says "The whole situation with your brother and family. He seems to be an extremely talented and powerful Gu master, so it must be tough being compared to him. I have gone through something similar in Zhang Clan, so I understand."

I chuckle a little and look at the little miss, who barely reaches my chest size "You have it all wrong, miss Zhang. I am not an outcast and brother Nem isn't the golden child. I am just a random orphan brother Nem decided to adopt. I am but a humble slave of his."

Quite interesting how people react when they hear about the absurd situation. A family of Gu masters adopting a mortal and treating him as an equal is so rare I might be the only case.

Stories of mortals adopting Gu masters is simple folklore, but it being the other way around has probably never been heard of. "Though, I am a slave I have barely done any serving. I have been given boundless power by my brother, but I have done nothing in return. I have only been taking, so I am okay with doing something as small as carrying my brother on my shoulder or guarding his home, so he can cultivate in peace.

I have done that for years and that is the only way I can express my gratitude. Even if it costs me my life, my brother's cultivation will never be interrupted!"

The young woman stared at me for a while and was lost for words. From what I understand about her, she is known as an extremely kind and intelligent woman. The hardship she faced in Zhang Clan must have been numerous, but I can tell from this small gesture of hers, that it isn't a facade.

Her intentions were to comfort me and even help me go against my "oppressive" Gu master family.

"I apologize for my ignorance. I thought of the wrong situation and came to the wrong conclusions. I hope you can forgive my ig-"

I shook my head and said "It is forgiven. I can tell your intent was kind and it has been received. Miss Zhang, I wonder if you are going to Shang Clan?"

Her eyes go wide and she answers "I originally wished to check it out and continue my journey. It is one of many stops. Originally I wished to ask sir Chun if he wished to work for me, as a guard, but I guess such an idea is not reasonable."

I nod my head and say "My brother and I are journeying across the lands, with Shang Clan city being one of many stops. Our small group will settle there for a while, and then we will see. For now, I think it is time to part. I have my duties and, while conversing with you is enjoyable, my partner here is getting quite annoyed."

I could tell her confusion, but she nodded and left. I watched her and her group enter their tent and went to find Wang Da, so I could let him rest. He worked quite hard in the morning.


With the first ray of light and small discomfort coming from my side, I woke up. Guts is growing and he needs quite a few nutrients, so I take him out hunting each morning. Currently he has absorbed enough iron and reached a bit over 400 kg in weight. He especially enjoys feasting on metal and earth path beasts, but metal ones are a rare find, especially iron beasts.

"Bandit monkeys up ahead!"

"Dang it, my strongman got injured from the ambush! We will have to pay out over half of our goods!"

Bandit monkeys are one of the more intelligent beasts out there, even knowing how to create wine and even have a sense of decor. They do seem strong, but I won't even need my aura to take them down.

Miss Zhang Xin Ci glanced over towards my brother's carriage and slowly sighed. I am quite fond of her, so guess I will help her out.

After a couple caravans passed it was her turn and, unsurprisingly, her best wasn't anywhere near good enough. "Miss Zhang, I would like to volunteer as your strongman."

Zhang Zhu seemed like he wanted to argue about it, but the grateful look on Zhang Xin Ci's face stopped him and she agreed to let me go.

The arm wrestling wasn't even a challenge. Half a second after we began, the monkey's arm was on the stone table. None of the three could contest me and we passed for free, much to the shock of others.

"You, mortal, you seem like a fine prize. How about it? Want to work for me? I will pay you much more than the Zhang family ever could!"

Ignorance is truly a scary thing, but I know not to pamper these fools. What matters is strength. A strong mortal is much superior to a rank 1 Gu master, especially one of my caliber. "I apologize, but I have no interest in working for you. I serve a much stronger and more capable man."

The guy scoffed and said "Who? That refiner kid, who knows only how to cultivate? What is the point in sticking with that tale-"

I may be able to humour his remarks towards me, but no one insults my brother in front of me and gets away with it! With a single swing of Guts, the arrogant, rank 1 Gu master's entire body is cut right down the middle and Guts absorbs all of the iron inside the man's body.

The people around us stare in shock at how I just killed a Gu master. "Y-you despicable mortal! You dare kill my father, a Gu master! We will have your head for this! Call your master forwa-"

Guts isn't much fond of human blood. It is too weak and lacks greatly in metals, but we can't neglect our duties. "My master is busy right now, so I can't let you meet him. If anyone else wishes to cause trouble to my brother, the one you will be answering to is my partner here!"

Even with the death of 1 Gu master and his mortal son, no one bat an eye. His original caravan offered us a few interesting goods as an apology and we promptly left the mountain forest.

A.N. Chun Jack is not very mature. He might be serious and clever, but he is prideful and somewhat arrogant. His pride clouded his judgement this time and he killed a Gu master on impulse. Luckily he wasn't anyone noteworthy...

I mean, c'mon it is obvious they aren't actually named Sam Sung and Noki Ye. They are called Kai Sei and Kai Rong respectively. It was kinda obvious, so I'll just put their names out there, so you guys don't have to wait till MC reaches rank 6 to find out their actual names.

Also, two chapters of Chun Jack being the MC! Wohoo! Let's see if he can get laid! BTW, this is in no way a filler. THIS is all relevant plot.

Thank you Ken_Molas for all the stones. You a real G! Nice to have you here.

Nike13Kcreators' thoughts