
Chapter Four

The day is at its darkest. The clouds were randomly scattered through the moonlit sky. Moonlight seeped through the glass window, slightly illuminating the dark room.

Joshua was suddenly awoken, eyes open. He had blinked twice before his gaze wandered, falling outside the window. It's not even morning yet... Lazily, he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

He subconsciously gulped but his throat felt dry, causing a slight irritation on that area. He needed some water, he thought. And that would mean he'd need to go downstairs. How troublesome...

Should he go down? He pondered.

One of his arms was supporting his body from falling backwards. His eyelids were drooped, he's really still sleepy.

A moment later, he came up with a decision.

He'd just get it over and done with so he can peacefully go back to sleep.

He freed himself from his blanket and let his feet lazily search for his slippers. When he found them, he walked towards the door with heavy steps. Halfway, his eyes were drawn to the clock ontop of his bedside table.

It was just a quarter after three.

His brows furrowed, but then ignored it, getting out of the room.

Only a portion of the house was left with lights on. But with the moonlight, it is enough for one to be able to make out the way to anywhere in the house.

But Joshua has not yet adjusted to the new place. So he took time digesting his surroundings as he forgot where exactly was the kitchen.

As he was pouring himself a glass of water, he wondered about something.

Now that he got to think about it, he couldn't tell what caused him to wake up.

After quenching his thirst, he headed back for his room.

A weird feeling brushed past his nape, but he simply subconsciously rubbed the area.

He's back in his room, thirst finally gotten rid of, and all he wanted to do was to go back to sleep. But upon contact with his bed, all he did was sit by the edge.

The thought of going to a new school bothers him too. What if they encounter any bad guys?

In the corner of his eyes, he noticed something strange. Instinctively, he kept himself from turning to that direction. He stayed on the same position, posture, thinking the same thoughts, acting as if he discovered nothing.

On the other side of the room, opposite his bed, two silhouettes were having an interaction.

The darker one was sitting on the floor facing the wall, legs half crossed. It seemed to be mischievously smiling at the lighter shaded silhouette which seemed to be scolding the former.

There were no sounds made by them but their body language gave Joshua this impression.

Right then, he decided to test something out and swiftly turned his head. When his eyes landed to that side of the room, he saw nothing but the empty wall and floor.

Even though it turned out like that, a part of him was insisting that whatever he had observed earlier were all real, that he was right not to turn his head the moment he noticed the two if he wanted them to stay.

But after checking reality, he wouldn't be able to retort if someone tells him that it was all part of his imagination.

He took a deep breath, then sighed. His emotions got more complicated. He couldn't even think straight. What should he think? What should he not think? His thoughts became tangled.

He let his body fall on the bed. Unknowingly, he fell back to sleep. The next thing he knew, there was someone annoying.

"Joshua! Joshua!" The intruder chirped.

Joshua was in a crouching position facing the door. His bedsheet was crumpled underneath him. His brows furrowed as he was annoyed. What does the world need him for?

Just when he turned his body to ignore the annoying person, the intruder had thrown itself to him, shaking the sleepiness off of Joshua.

The victim grunted with the sudden weight.

What a way to wake him up!

"Hey, buddy! Wake up!" Louise said as he lifted his body off of Joshua.

Joshua was finally sitting up, struggling. "Yes! Yes! You're so annoying!" He snapped. He harshly rubbed his eyes.

Louise chuckled at the sight in front of him, a sleepy head of hilarious bedroom hair.

"Don't tell me you did forget what day is today..." he trailed off.

"So what? It should be an annoying day since i have forgotten about it!" Joshua barked.

"You silly fella," Louise smiled. "This day will be our first day to our new school!" he sounded excited and encouraging.

Joshua's face soured. If he isn't hating the turn of events, he would have been affected by Louise's cheerfulness. But adjusting to a new environment is just too stressful for him.

"Come on! Come on!" Said Louise, getting to his feet.

"Now that you're awake, go get ready," Louise ruffled Joshua's messy hair which resembles a birds nest.

The former caught strands of hair in between his fingers. He tried to pull his hand upward but the strands were tangled.

"You really should have a haircut," he commented.

Joshua pushed his hand away, annoyed. "Go away!" His scalp felt tingly due to his hair getting almost uprooted when he pushed Louise's hand away, yet he ignored it.

Louise chuckled as he headed out the door. Halfway, he added, "Go get ready."

Joshua grabbed a random pillow and threw it towards him but Louise was already shielded by the door before the pillow could land on his face.

"Go get ready," Louise repeated before finally closing the door.

Joshua sighed.

School... his thoughts trailed off.

He couldn't know what to think about it or what to prepare himself for.

A moment of silence passed. Later on, he dragged himself out of bed.