
Claimed By the Devil

Amelia's POV

When I exited the washroom Ivy was not there.

Where is ivy?

"Hello baby girl" A voice came from behind, I turned and saw a cute boy. He has brown hair with white skin. He has a cute nose and red lips.

There was a boy standing there. He was cute. My cheeks turned red.

"Hell-hello, baby boy!" I said shyly.

He frowned, "I am not a baby boy."

I tilted my head, "Because you called me baby girl and you are not too big for me, so I called you baby boy ". He laughed and I smiled.

He walked towards me.

"Hi, my name is Liam King" I smiled and shyly took his hand


"My name is Amelia Russi Antonov" He raised an eyebrow,

"Oh, so you are the long lost daughter of The Russi, huh"

I didn't understand what he said so I shrugged.

He smiled, "Were you looking for your brother?"

Right. I forgot about Ivy.

Ivan's POV [A few years back]

While Amelia was inside, I was using my phone. I got a call.


"Where in the world are you and Amelia, Ivan?"

"Oh, Amelia wants to use the washroom so I'm outside"

"Baby, can you come here for a minute?" She whispers. I frown.

"What happened, mom?"

"Your dad is calling you, said he wants to discuss something."

"But, I can't leave amelia here."

"Don't worry baby, he just wants to ask something, come fast."


I made my way towards the hall.


After talking to dad, I made my way towards the washroom, my heart stopped. My baby was crying and not just crying, she was hugging a boy who is none-other than

Liam King.

3rd person POV

When Ivan saw another boy hugging her baby, his blood boiled. He walked towards Amelia and picked her up. Amelia yelped but when she saw it's her brother she instantly hugged him.

"Ivy, where were you?"

"I am sorry baby, mom called me something, why are you crying?"

"I-I thought you left me."

Ivan hugged her tighter, after listening to this. He doesn't want his sister to think that he would leave her, ever.

"No baby, I won't leave you. I promise"

Amelia smiled while there was still running down her cheeks. The brother and sister were in a sweet moment when someone coughs.

Amelia and Ivan looked down to see Liam glaring at Ivan.

Ivan raised an eyebrow and smirked. Liam saw that and huffed while crossing his arms.

Ivan stuck a tongue at him when Amelia was not looking. Liam saw that and stepped on Ivan's foot. Though Ivan got a little bit hurt he didn't show that.

"What type of brother are you? Leaving her as this" Liam asked angrily.

Ivan frowned but before he could say anything, a soft voice came from behind.


Everyone turned and saw.

The mafia queen, Rose king. Ivan smiled with a little bow.

"Good evening Ms. king."

Rose smiled, "Ivan stop the formalities, I am your mother's best friend."

Ivan just nodded with a smile.

"Rose!" another soft voice came from behind.

Irena, Amelia's mother, made her way towards them.

Rose and Irena hugged each other

"It's been so long since I met you," Irena said and Rose nodded.

"Yeahl" Rose sighed and hugged her again as they chuckled.

Ivan sighed. Who would have thought that they were best friends?

Irena noticed Liam and smiled at him.

"Hello Liam."

Liam smiled widely at her with an innocent face, like he wasn't in any trouble at all.

"Hello, Mrs Antonov."

Rose turned to Amelia and her eyes widened as she recognised her. She turned to Irena and saw her nodding.

"Oh, my." Rose hugged Amelia watery eyes.

"Amelia" she whispered and Amelia smiled.

Rose looked at her and then at her son, she smiled.

"Aww you look cute together." Irena chuckled and Ivan silently cursed.

"Rose, how about a playdate for them," Irena said excitedly. Rose's eyes shined at this and she nodded.

Ivan's eyes widened but before he could say anything, both Irena and Rose glared at him including Liam. Ivan shut his mouth immediately.


The Russi family was sitting at their table when Michael King arrived at the stage. Everyone bowed down while Amelia looked around with a frown as to why everyone bowed to him.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, today we are gathered here to celebrate my second son's birthday. I hope you enjoy the party."

Liam made his way to the cake and cut the cake while everyone cheered.

Liam made his way towards Amelia. He was walking with confidence, his head high. Everyone made space for him. Everyone's eyes were on the little devil but his eyes were only on Amelia.

Amelia smiled at him shyly. He gave her a little smile and took her hand. everyone gasped as they know the meaning of this

The little devil has claimed his angel. The king has claimed his queen and no one can step between them. He will protect her no matter what.