
Innocent Overlord In Highschool DxD [DroCompleted]

A Child who was killed Countless millions of Time Before he could even be 2 year's old. Because he was in a mortal world The Reincarnation Guardian always Reset his memory but Thing's are about to get serious when A Celestial Being See's this ......

tiko_tiko · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Underworld in Chaos.

1 day Before party

Sona was watching something on TV then her queen entered the room and said " Sona Sama"

Sona without even looking at her asked " what is it Tsubaki?"

Tsubaki replied " Are you sure it's okay for us to go in the party?"

Sona nodding her head said " Invitation card was delivered by personal maid of Zekram Bael so i don't think its prank ,even lower Tier Low Class Devil servants were invited"

Tsubaki with a little red face said " but that... that Prince will kill us "

Sona said " don't worry he's a good boy, I've heard he took responsibility for all the peerage members as a concubine,look at other Young devil's,some are just whoring around,some are torturing Church nuns etc etc"

Tsubaki said " i know he's a good boy ,Ah alright let's see"

Inside Phenex Mansion.

Lord Phenex was sitting on his chair with Madam Phenex and Infront of them Stood riser.

Riser said smilingly" Lord father i guess you are worked up for nothing,see invitation say's Even low level devil servants are allowed "

Lord Phenex frowned a little but didn't say anything.

Inside Glasya-Labolas Mansion.

Zephyrdor was happy and said " Father Seekvaira will be coming right?"

Lord Glasya-Labolas said " She's His Highness Prince's Fiance of course she'll be coming but let me warn you don't try anything funny, She's from Archduke clan and Fiance of The Crown Prince at that don't make any unnecessary move"

Zephyrdor didn't replied but thought ' ah! I'll fuck that bitch in a corner, She's a virgin so I'll take that '

Inside Astaroth mansion.

Lord Astaroth who has a little angry face said " Diodora, Don't make things difficult for me,you can have any kind of woman i don't care but don't bring them to the grand party"

Diodora has a darker face said " it's always like this, Then Let me Have Ravel Phenex"

Lord Astaroth said " Phenex Lord is trying his best for Crown Prince if Zekram Bael didn't approve then I'll talk to Phenex lord"

Diodora said " Then don't need " while smiling.

As this was happening All eyes looked at one direction In the sky a black dot In the middle of underworld.

A little earlier In the Bael Royal Mansion.

In the back garden sat Hex with his peerage members.

Hex today felt something want's to come out of him so He just meditated in the back garden but all of a sudden he flew Up in the sky .

After coming to sky His whole body wrapped In black destructive power.

everyone was shocked.Quera just looking up.

Peerage members didn't knew what to do.

As the Black Cocoon In the sky rotating little by little power started to grow,one have to know Hex is a Low Tier God Class Devil so growing without restrain means his aura was everywhere causing space to churn.

4 Satan's appeared in the back garden.

Zekram Bael and Many Old Timer's appeared too.

Even Gremory progenitor who is always in slumber Runeas Gremory came in the Back garden.

Seeing her everyone was shocked but it's not time for this because in the sky A God class aura is radiating without restrain and they are weak Infront of it .

Zekram Bael asked to Albedo " What happened?"

Albedo nodding said to everyone " My king was Meditating in the garden but suddenly a black orb energy came out of him and wrapped him like this and this is all i know"

Sirzechs said " This is not the time for this, Space it self is collapsing we have to seal it, everyone we can't touch that cocoon because it's too powerful, let's create Magic seal's to Protect underworld."

Everyone Nodded their head and casted magic with their hand .

30 minutes passed like that state but that cocoon which was rotating slowly started to rotated faster and faster.

Inside Magic Power also began to rise .Low Tier God Class ---> Mid Tier God Class ---> High Tier God Class ----- > Peak Tier God Class, Space was churning .

Sirzechs said " Put more power, He's in that god's level we need to hold on"

Magic Power Increased Again from Peak Tier God Class -----> Absolute Being { Emperor Tier}

Thousands of mile away from Underworld.

In Mount Kailash

A person who was sitting eye closed suddenly opened his Eye's wide and stood up looking at Underworld's direction in shock.

Then he mumbled ' Ah! now what do i do? my daughter is unwaivering for a Devil boy now this, underworld is dangerous now'

In The Dimensional Gap

A huge Red Dragon opened her eyes and murmured ' Hmm? This power From a Destructive source '

Then she said " Oh well , I've my own share of problems, I don't feel the out side universe anymore, I've to wait "

In a unknown mountain

Some People were Discussing something while a black loli eating sweet's sitting on a throne didn't care about anything.

Suddenly her sweet candy dropped from her hand and she looked at the Underworld's direction.

Nearby a person with glasses,If Zekram Bael was here he would have recognised her her name is Katerea Leviathan .

She came close to the loli seeing her dropping her candy asked " Something the matter Ophis Sama?"

Loli said " Hex "

Katerea just tilted her head and asked again " I don't understand"

Loli just Vanished on the spot.

In the underworld

Space was so torn that even All the powerful devil's can't handle that.

Sirzechs said while panting " this is bad ,this space will collapse if we don't do anything"

Everyone was their wits end looking at the Cocoon up in the sky.

Before the space could collapse A loli appeared in front of everyone in the back garden.

She just Held up her hand Without any magic circle but space was returning to normal.

Sirzechs seeing the loli appearing just collapsed.

He was the one,who was repairing the space most so he's tired.

After loli appeared Everyone was shocked to see her .

Loli didn't even bother to look anyone.She just held up her hand .

After sometime cocoon burst And a Baby of 1 month came in to view and landed on Ophis's Embrace.

Ophis didn't know what to do with the baby.

She also turned into a baby copying Hex.

Looking at the comical scene nobody laughed because both of them were Absolute Being.

Quera seeing her baby when she saw him first time 16 year's ago cried and took both of the baby in her embrace.

Quera's Motherly instinct ignored the warning Bell's of Ouroboros Dragon.

As she was preparing to raise them mentally.

Hex grew He became 3 year's old slowly.

Seeing this Ophis did the same she also grew 3 year's old.

both 3 Year's old with long black hair looking at eachother.

Runeas Gremory thought ' sooooo cuteeeeeeee, worth it waking up from slumber was worth it'

After that Hex again started to grow into his 5 year's old self .

Ophis seeing this did the same grew her self,same to same as Hex 5 year's old.

Hex didn't stop grew to his 9 year old self .

Ophis Also grew herself same height as him.

Then Slowly Hex Turned 16 his height was 6'8" tall.

opposite to him standing Ophis same height 6'8" tall Flat chested black haired women in her teens.

Hex seeing this laughed and asked " What are you doing Phis chan?"

Ophis replied " You are having fun me too"

Hex said " Then Your Breast make them larger it's so tiny ahahaha" didn't even notice everyone was there.

Ophis nodding and grew her breast as big as a human.

Hex seeing this said " no no no not this big ahahaha,Look at Ayaka ,wait where is Ayaka?"seeing everyone Hex was shocked.

Ophis returned to her normal loli self and said " This is good ,Can i lick?"

Hex said " Ah you're so cute come "

Hex who was 6'8" [208 c.m] took Ophis in his embrace who was only 4'4" [137]

Ophis wanted to say something but Hex just bitted his fingers and pushed it inside her mouth.

Hex's blood is a top tier Candy it seems.

Hex Looking at everyone said " What happened?"

Quera explained everything to Hex, How he got cocooned and almost crashed the whole underworld.

Hex Said " Sorry Everyone,next time I'll to it in the Dimensional Gap"

Everyone rolled their eyes at him and Vanished.

Runeas Gremory and Zekram Bael remained.

Zekram said " I thought you died"

Runeas said " ehehehe,no no i don't want to age like you Zekram"

Hex asked " Who is this grandpa?"

Zekram Bael said " She's one of my sister,Runeas Gremory, She is the progenitor of Gremory Clan like me."

Hex bowed a little said " Grandma Gremory "

Runeas pouted her lips and said " look i am not anyone's grandma, compared to Zekram,I always sleep so that i won't become a Old Hag"

Hex said " ah! i understand Runeas Sama" seeing her same age as him he said that naturally.

Runeas smiled and said " oh well , you're Bael Prince?"

Hex nodded.

Runeas said " You're our fiance of our Princess,Take care if her " then vanished.

Zekram said " she's like this either doing something funny or sleeping,Hex tomorrow is your big day although you're very powerful now but everyone will know you from tomorrow, prepare your self"

Hex nodded.

Zekram vanished didn't talk much as a Dragon God was in Hex's embrace.

Hex seeing his blood almost ran dry wanted to say something but Ophis dropped the finger from her mouth.

Ophis said " you're very sweet"

Hex laughed and asked" Phis Chan you want to stay?"

Ophis shook her head and said " work "

Hex nodded and left her on the ground.

Ophis waved her hand one time as if to say bye and vanished.

Power Stone!!!!

tiko_tikocreators' thoughts