
innocent murderer

Aryan Singhania was the grandson of the country's richest man, Harshvardhan Singhania, and the son of Rajendra Singhania. He was the sole heir to their property. His life was nothing less than a fairy tale. His engagement was set to happen with his love, Shanya. Everything was going smoothly, but on the night of the engagement party, Aryan's grandfather, Harshvardhan Singhania, is found dead, and Aryan is accused of the murder. Aryan is a murderer in the eyes of everyone except his love, Shanya, who believes in his innocence. Due to the allegations of murder, Aryan is sentenced to 3 years in prison. After serving his time, Aryan emerges from jail and hides from the world. He takes up a bartender job in a club to make a living. It's during this phase that he meets Kavya. Will Kavya's entry into Aryan's life alleviate or exacerbate his troubles ? Can Aryan clear his name of the murder accusation hanging over him? To find out, read my novel 'Innocent Criminal'.( A rich boy became a Bartender )

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6. Is not simple accident

<p>No, Aryan, don't say that. My happiness is with you. I don't care if your dad talks to me or not. I only want my son.<br/>Aryan smiles and says, "Mom, if I could be born again, I would want to be your son."<br/>"Why are you saying such things, Aryan? Nothing will happen to you. Please come up once," Shweta pleads.<br/>"Mom, take care of yourself," Aryan says and lets go of Shweta. He falls into the pit.<br/>Shweta screams loudly, "Aryan..."<br/>At this moment, Shweta, sitting on her knees, is crying loudly. Tears continue to flow from her eyes. It's as if her entire world has been devastated. Shweta was lost in her emotions at this point.<br/>_____<br/>The taxi driver, who had been hiding in the bushes from a distance, watching Aryan fall from the hill, smiles. He takes out his phone and dials a number. After ringing for a while, a man answers from the other side, asking if the job is done.<br/>The taxi driver says, "Yes, sir, your job is done."<br/>The man on the other end says, "His death looked like an accident, right? Did he suspect before dying that this was not an accident, that all this was intentionally done to him?"<br/>The taxi driver responds, "Sir, I don't think he had any suspicions. The boy was very innocent. He easily believed the story of the brake failure. And sir, even if he were to find out that this was all done intentionally, what difference would it make? After death, he can't ruin anything for you."<br/>"You've been told what to do, and you should do just that. It's best for you that you don't need to do anything else," the man tells him.<br/>"Alright, sir... But there's been a complication," the taxi driver says.<br/>"What do you mean? He fell from the hill, didn't he? He died, right?"<br/>"Sir, no one can survive falling from such a height. However, there's another problem. The boy's mother, Shweta Singhania, saw Aryan falling from the hill."<br/>Upon hearing this, a smile spreads across the man's face. He says, "You've given me good news. Shweta Singhania is the perfect witness. Now, no one will ever suspect that it wasn't an accident but a murder."<br/>"Sir, what's the next order for me?"<br/>"Your job is done. Now, leave this city and go. Shweta Singhania might have seen your face. I don't want you to ever come in front of her again. Your money will be transferred to you by your boss."<br/>The taxi driver makes a call. Just then, a black SUV arrives and stops in front of him. The car door opens, and a man sitting in the driver's seat looks at the taxi driver with a smile. The passenger seat is occupied by another man. The man sitting in the driver's seat says to the taxi driver, "You've done a great job. I shouldn't meet you for this."<br/>"Where is my reward, like how a taxi driver fulfills their promise? From behind, a man grabs the taxi driver's throat with a wire, and after struggling for a while, the taxi driver dies.<br/>The man who had choked the taxi driver's throat said to the man sitting in the driver's seat, 'Where should we place the body?'<br/>They go to a cremation ground and burn the body because the boss had said that no evidence should remain at any cost. If we dispose of the body somewhere else, it might create problems for us. So, burning the body is the best option.<br/>"Yes, you're right. We should do this," the man on the driver's seat agrees, starting the car and driving away.<br/>________<br/>About 3 to 4 hours later, Aryan regains consciousness under a hill. Whether it's due to luck or a miracle, he survived the fall from such a height. Aryan gradually regains his senses and finds himself in a jungle. His body is marked with injuries and several places on his head and body are bleeding. Despite the fall, Aryan is still alive. Upon opening his eyes, he finds himself in a jungle and tries to sit up, but he feels dizzy. Despite the dizziness, he gathers his courage and stands up, saying to himself, 'I'm still alive despite falling from such a height. Maybe God doesn't want me to die yet.' A faint smile appears on Aryan's face.<br/>Aryan collects himself and finds support from a tree. He sits down and decides to rest there for a while. After some time, he falls asleep. When Aryan's eyes open again, the blood on his body has dried up. He tries to compose himself and attempts to leave the jungle. It doesn't take him long to reach the road since it wasn't far away. After walking for about an hour, he reached the roadside. But as soon as he reaches there, Aryan faints. Just then, a car passes by, and a man inside it notices Aryan lying there. The man gets out of the car, checks Aryan' s body, and then checks his pulse. Realizing that Aryan is still alive, the man lifts Aryan and puts him in his car, taking him to the hospital.<br/>After spending the whole day at the hospital, Aryan regains consciousness the next day. When he opens his eyes, he sees the white walls around him. He tries to stand up, but his body is in pain. He understands that he is still in the hospital. Just then, the man who had brought Aryan to the hospital comes to him and asks, 'Are you awake?'<br/>Aryan doesn't say anything, he just nods his head.<br/>"I found you lying on the road. You've been badly injured. I won't ask you right now about how all this happened. You can tell me whenever you want. But for now, you need to rest, and you don't need to worry about the hospital bill. I've taken care of that," the man says.<br/>"Thank you, but I don't have money to give you," Aryaun replies.<br/>"Don't worry about it. I didn't do all this for money. I did it because I'm a human being. Because of me, someone's life was saved. What better thing can come out of this?"<br/>"You need to rest."<br/>Aryan: "Hmm."<br/>Aryan spends the entire day resting on the hospital bed. The doctor had advised him against moving around. The next day, Aryan wakes up feeling slightly better. He gets up to use the restroom. As he returns to his room, he notices a TV in the corridor. On the TV screen, he sees his own photo being displayed. He stops there, looking at his photo, and then starts watching the news.<br/>The news on the TV channel reports the death of Aryan, the son of the country's wealthiest man, Rajendra Singhania, in an accident. The accident occurred right in front of Shweta Singhania's eyes.<br/>The news report questions whether it was an accident or divine justice. The person who had killed his grandfather three years ago had not received proper punishment from the law. Perhaps that's why God gave him death as punishment after three years.<br/>Along with the news, an interview with Rajendra was also being aired. In the interview, Rajendra says, "My son died on the same day he had killed my father. He was just a criminal who was serving his sentence in jail for killing my father. There's no need to turn this country's grief into a mourning for a criminal's death."<br/>Hearing such words about himself from his father, tears well up in Aryan's eyes. He had not expected that his father would not even feel sad about his death. Instead, his father was saying these things to prevent his death from becoming a spectacle.<br/>Aryan sits on the corridor floor, his knees on the ground, and starts crying. After a while, he wipes his tears and says to himself, "Dad, you hate me so much that you aren't even sad about my death. If you hate me so much that you don't want to see me in this life, then I promise you that I won't show my face to you anymore. From today, Aryan Singhania is dead for this world. I will leave this city and go far away. I will never return to your life or to this city again." Saying this, Aryan gets up and leaves the hospital premises, wearing his clothes instead of his hospital gown.<br/>After leaving the hospital, Aryan boards the first bus he finds and embarks on an unknown journey.</p>