
Innocent Monster

The 25th Baam has woken up on the 2nd floor of the tower. Replaced by a foreign soul how will this new Baam manage to survive.

Leo_Cummings · Book&Literature
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Chapter 1: 2nd Floor

"Mic test. 1..2..3!"

The noise from a loud speaker somewhere above me disturbs my sleep and I open my eyes.

'Where am I?'

I turn my head to the right and all I see is dirt and patches of wheat growing in unsymmetrical pieces.

"Hello everyone! All the regulars who have made it up the tower, we sincerely welcome all of you to the second floor!...Evankhell's floor!"

'Tower?...Wait, I think I recognize that name...'

"This is Evankhell's floor, also known as the floor of test because...here we carry out the final test to see whether you are qualified to go up the tower!"

'I see, I'm in the tower of heaven. Did I accidentally press the reset button?'

"The first test is simple! There are 400 regulars so narrow it down to 200 by any means necessary! The test will end once that number is reached!"

Knowing the danger I'm currently in I get off the floor and dust off my clothes. On the ground I notice a long black sword with a thin blade and a plainly patterned hilt.

'Is this the black march? It's been a while since I've had to play as the protagonist. I should definitely assign some skill points before I get bodied by some random person. Status.'

[Name: Baam

Age: ?

Character Trait: {Innocent One: Common}

Title: {Blessed By Shinsu: Legendary}

Class: None

Level: 1

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Stamina: 5

Intelligence: 5

Endurance: 5

Luck: 5

Overall Rating: A monster with many potentials. Despite being incredibly weak you possess the talent to dominate the various floors of the tower.]


Just taking a look at the bottom of the barrel stats makes me slightly nervous.

'These stats...I thought it wouldn't be this bad. At least the title effect is good.'

[Title: {Blessed By Shinsu: Legendary}

Title Description: The player is blessed by shinsu allowing for incredible growth and skill in controlling shinsu.]

'But the character trait is definitely the most disappointing thing on this by far.'

[Character Trait: {Innocent One: Common}

Character Trait Description: The player possess a kind heart and innocent demeanor that attracts many people.]

'Such a common trait is unbefitting of a main character. I thought that it would be something combat related but it's some power of friendship power up.'

From behind me I hear something crack and I immediately exit the status panel and open the skill panel.

'A wave controller like Baam should have strong area of effect attacks that act like projectiles so I'll buy this.'

[Skill: {Flying Needle: Common}

Skill Description: Creates a needle of shinsu that can swiftly move through the air.

Cost: 1 Skill Point.]

[Purchase for 1 Skill Point?]

Just as I confirm my purchase I hear something brushing past the wheat behind me and I turn around.

A tall red skinned person with a crimson mask comes out of the brush holding a very large sword longer than my entire body.

[{Flying Needle}]

Shinsu takes form in front of me into this slim, short but very sharp needle that slowly rises to meet my eye level.

'Lets see how sharp this needle really is.'

After a few seconds of staring the man resolves his will and he steps towards putting his full weight behind his weapon.

At the sign of aggression I flimsy control the needle and make pierce through his left elbow before the sword descends on me.


I can see drops of blood spray out and his left arm falls to the floor along with his sword.

In his small moment of distraction I make the needle go through his chest, more specifically his heart.


In his final moments he tries to reach out with his right hand to grab his sword but he falls short and lays down on the ground lifeless.

[Intelligence has increased by 1 point.]

Just from making the small needle move made my heart beat fasten and I already had trouble catching my breath as small beads of sweat rolled down my face.

[Stamina has increased by 1 point.]

'I don't think I can move the needle anywhere more than a ten meters away from me. Then again...'

Looking into the far distance a large meaty monster with four eyes is wandering aimlessly through the wheat field.

'I think I just found my first meat shield.'

"Hey you!"

Hearing my voice the large monster shifts his body in my direction.

"Do you want to be my teammate?"

The large monster doesn't nod but he does patiently wait for me as I run up to him with a warm smile.

"My name is the 25th Baam! It's nice to meet you sir."

The beast of a person doesn't say anything but he does reach out his hand which I shake excitedly.

'I'm pretty sure these people don't attack others so it's fine to just walk around with him for protection. Unless we run into an extremely aggressive person than we'll be fin-.'

Just as I finish that thought I hear a pleasant, smooth voice.

"May I also join your little party?"

A blue haired teenager wearing a mangled suit brushes away the vegetation with an arrogant smile on his face.

'I remember when I read the manhwa that this khun guy was extremely popular. I doubt I'll be able to connect with him like Baam so I'll need a different method.'


Just as he's about to open his mouth and speak again I interrupt him.

"But only if you can dodge this."

A streak of silver light flashes by his face as he steps back revealing a long cut across his cheek from my needle that floats above him.

[Intelligence has increased by 1 point.]

"W-what? Y-you can use shinsu? How have you already signed a contract with the administrator?"

Looking at that panicked face of his I can't help but smile.

'In the original story Khun only became friends with Baam because he found him interesting/useful. Now it's a complete shift in the power dynamic, I'm stronger than you Khun.'

Once he realizes he's actually in danger Khun presses his suitcase closer to his chest and he gains a protective stance.

"Listen...I just want to make some allies so if it's fine with you I'd like to travel with you. I know you probably don't trust me but I'm fairly competent and we can work together to eliminate other people."

"Sure, let's go eliminate some competition. The truth is I really don't like to fight and my condition is a little weak but I can use shinsu. My name is the 25th Baam and you are?"

The blue haired boy nods and stretches out his hand.

"Khun Aguero Agnes, pleasure to meet you Baam."

I take his hand and shake it vigorously, still with an innocent smile on my face.