
innocent love of a deadly gangster

Jessica lost her mother and her father brought home his mistress. With no other option, she went abroad. But she returns, this time stronger and eager to know the truth of her mother's death. She meets her father and is asked to marry the leading industrialist in the country, Steve Smith. To humiliate her father she runs away but is caught by her would-be-husband. He asks her to marry him in return for giving her the truth about her mother's death and she agrees. Steve thinks that the girl is just as innocent as a flower, but he is wrong, Jessica is just testing him whether he lives up to his title as the 'second most wanted gangster' in the underworld. While they are both in love with each other their secrets about the underworld disturb their life. Will they be able to fight back and not just go with the flow? Well, this going to be hard... NOTE: I will be re-publishing the book. The work uploaded before was not edited, the recent work is edited. Hope you understand. The story would continue. once the starting chapters are udated.

I_crzy · General
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34 Chs


The room was filled with the sound of a pen on paper as Jessica worked on her designs. All of a sudden the door opened with a bang.

Steve entered the room. He had a terrifying aura around him as he looked around the room. His eyes stopped at Jessica who was wearing a pair of earset. The girl looked so serious and cute as she focused on her work. Not to disturb her he walked quietly to the sofa and sat down staring at the girl.

Amy had called him just a few minutes ago and informed him about Father Han coming and leaving in anger. Steve rushed and left a project meeting to come to the store. Even his subordinates were shocked. On reaching he, waited for a few minutes and see if Jessica came out or not. He was so worried that before even five minutes he broke into the room.

It had been two hours since Steve went inside the room. Amy was now getting worried as she walked around the main store her eyes fixed on the door. 'Did something happen? What to do? I am dying of worrying… I will text Steve." Amy thought as she searched through her contacts and texted Steve asking if everything was fine.

Steve was sitting on the sofa leisurely as he flipped through a magazine taking a time-to-time glance at Jessica. Suddenly his phone vibrated. He fished the phone out and read Amy's message. He replied with a few words saying Everything was good. Before he kept the phone aside he texted one of his good friends to make a reservation in one of the top hotels in the city ordering all of the best dishes.

Reading Steve's reply Amy was relieved. She finally felt that everything was on track. Just then her phone rang and she walked out of the store still on the phone.

Another hour passed…

Jessica had finished her work and started collecting all the papers spread over her table. She removed her earset and put it safely inside a small box. She picked her phone saw the time. It was almost time for dinner. She stood up when she felt that someone was staring at her. Turning her head she saw the man with godly features seated on the small sofa. He had a domineering aura around him as he sat there with his legs folded elegantly.

"When did you come here?" Jessica asked as she walked towards the man. Seeing the bright smile on her face the uneasiness in the heart of Steve slowly fainted. He got up and lovingly patted Jessica's head and said in a low voice, "it's been only a few minutes. You were working so I did not want to disturb you. Let's go and have dinner together. I have made a reservation."

"Okay!" Jessica said as she picked up her bag from the desk and moved out with Steve

All her employees had left so she locked the door herself. Even Amy was not around today which was pretty strange. She tried calling her but could not get through the call. So she decided to try again when she reached home.

Jessica and Steve were the centers of attraction in the mall as they both walked together. All the people looked at them as if they were the gods who had walked down to the earth from the heavens.

Ignoring all the gazes on them Steve and Jessica walked to the elevator and the underground parking. Steve as a gentleman opened the door for Jessica and then went to the driver's seat. Today he had not bought his driver or assistant as he had rushed here and not cared about his image.

During the car ride, neither of them spoke as Steve was focused on driving and Jessica was busy admiring the city's night lights. Today she was missing her mother so much for the second time after her mother's death. She felt lonely but also cared for.

As they two stepped out of the car and moved into the restaurant's high-end entrance, Jessica raised her brows in suspicion. Being one of the best restaurants it was rather looking like a deserted one with only a few waitresses around. She was about to ask the receptionist when she was dragged to one of the private rooms by Steve saying he was hungry.

After giving their orders Steve and Jessica kept quite enjoying the relaxing romantic music that played in the room. Jessica was staring out of the windows not noticing that the man with her was staring at her with a look of helplessness. Soon the waiter came in and laid down the food ordered on the table.

Steve kept silent until he finally spoke gathering all of his courage, "Come on eat up! The food is turning cold!"

His voice bought Jessica out of her daze as she subconsciously looked at the steak placed in front of her. Without saying a word she picked up the knife and fork as she sliced the steak slowly. Seeing her lazy actions Steve picked up his plate that had the cut steak and replaced it with that of Jessica.

"How come you are so slow? Come on eat up or you will sleep hungry today." Steve grumpily as he cut his own steak. He was trying hard to divert Jessica's mind but he didn't know that his actions were making Jessica even sadder.

Jessica bowed her head and stared at the steak as a scene unfolded in front of her eyes. She saw a beautiful lady dressed in a simple white gown as she fed a little girl. The lady was telling stories as she urged the small child to eat her food. The lady's actions were graceful and her eyes contained endless love for the little child.

Jessica picked a slice of steak and swallowed it in with all the sorrow. After that bite, she promised herself to be stronger. A man's picture suddenly flashed through her mind and she was reminded of the words, 'it is better to make the present happier than live in the sadness of the past.'

"How was your day?" Jessica asked Steve with a bright smile on her face. Steve was relieved after he saw the smile on the face of his girl.

"It was great. What about you?" Steve asked with an equally mesmerizing smile on his face.

Jessica was blinded by the smile on the man's face. It was not like it was her first time to see him smile but it was her first time to see the happy smile on his face that made him even more handsome. She was now in love with this smile and decided to treasure this for a lifetime.

Steve saw the expression on the face of Jessica and thought that she did not like his smile so he put off an irritating face and the smile disappeared as if it never existed.

All of a sudden Jessica got up from her seat and moved towards Steve. Steve saw Jessica as she walked to him and stood in front of him with a serious look. Staring at her eyes he felt as if he was lost in them. It is true when people say that the eyes are the mirror of someone's emotion. No matter the look a person gave his eyes would tell you the true things. He could see the feeling of loneliness, sadness, and fear in the eyes of Jessica which was opposite to the confident, refined and lively Jessica he knew. His heart ached as he thought of many possibilities.

All of a sudden, Steve stood from his seat and hugged Jessica. Shocked by his actions Jessica stood still as a rock not daring to move an inch.

"Jessica… I am always by your side…" Steve said in a low voice. Jessica was in a daze hearing him say these words. She slowly patted his back without saying a word.

Steve, on the other hand, felt the light strokes on his back that gave him a feeling of comfort. He was a perfect husband, son, brother, and yes would be a loving father to the world. But no one knew that he always had a fear, he was afraid that someday someone more powerful than him would invade his life and destroy every single thing he treasured. He knew he had was powerful enough to keep his family but still, there was fear.

Steve finally composed himself after a few minutes and stood straight facing Jessica. Jessica was neither too tall nor too short with a height of 5'8. While Steve was 6'1 tall. He cupped Jessica's face in his hand as he said, "remember I will always be by your side to protect you." Jessica held the hand which was holding her face and nodded slightly as she hummed in reply.

The atmosphere turned lighter as the couple ate their food and talked about humorous things that took place that day. In their one-hour talk, neither of them mentioned the Han family.

Steve dropped Jessica off at her apartment after their dinner. Jessica was ready to go out when the man sitting next to her grabbed her hand and looked at her with eager eyes. "What do you need?" Jessica asked looking at the men. "I have a question…" Steve continued without waiting for a reply, "what is your most treasured thing?" On his question, Jessica stared at him and quietly move out, and came to the car window where Steve was sitting. She gave a slight knock on the window before the man inside rolled it down to see Jessica's smiling face.

"To me, the most treasured thing is….. your smile… I hope you could preserve this smile always so I could see it whenever I want." Finishing her sentence she kissed the cheek of the dumbfounded man and quickly walked into the building.

The man in the car touched the place where the girl just kissed feeling extremely happy. Right now he wanted to just dance. His mind was doing summersaults due to happiness. With a proud smile on his face, he ordered the driver to drive home. he was so love-struck he did not wash the side of his face which the girl had kissed for days…..