
Innocent love- The journey

Once upon a time I have everything and now nothing. Rich, beautiful to miserable and lost. He's my everything now nothing. I lost everything in one night. He take my breath away with a single smirk but now no one here for me. My love My life My relationship But I found so many truth. We're liar. Playing with him or her. Dark Scary Truth want sacrifices and now I’m the one who sacrifices my love for them. He never know about my deal. I left him in darkness where he still fighting with his demons. His family playing with him and the one I love the most is on bet. Love Or Family I choose family and he choose me for paying what I had done. Revenge We met years later but holding a dark side. Both broken in love want each other to hold. I have a past that still haunted me In present. Losing everything I found my shine again. But he's the one I know in past. He changed and? played with me and I let him. Again fall for him one of my biggest mistake and I do that again. But what if that shine came in your life for destroy you? He hurt me but gave me a life that I never expected. Forever But now war the only one way I choose this time. This time I'm going to win him over them. Nothing going to stop me not even my past or My present He need to know about his past and our future but he's in danger in his safe life. I have no choice again but just one leave them alone. He's going to hates me when he find out my past. I tried to hide but my demon let him see me. The real rose with shores Then how I let him fall for me again where i can gave him just pain. He need to live alone without me. Without my Innocent love

Simran_Punjabi · Urban
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51 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

He merely acted on purpose throughout. He is making a point, right? For him, frisking someone is nothing out of the ordinary. I now despise him. I'm sitting on the toilet seat, battling my emotions alone, and he just told me to come down in fifteen minutes.

He's playing a game with me. A contest he hopes to win. He believes he is the king in this game. But he's never been a game for me. Love, feelings, and pleasure will always be incomprehensible to me. He has just finished a meeting. My health is not signaling well, and it is already after eight.After making sure everything was in order, I descended to the conference room, where the other CEOs were mingling. What an absurd world where people laugh as they hurt! They are merely acting. A costly collection of fakes in an expensive suit.

I take a window-side seat far from everyone else. I was untrustworthy of my health, so I kept some distance from everyone. No Ronald is present. Who will be God's next victim?

"Pardon me?" A waiter arrived carrying some food and beverages. Though it seems great, I can't eat it. My stomach is physically rolling. So I declined. All of a sudden, there was silence. Faces made a 180-degree turn. Everyone is watching someone. Every business tycoon nods their head and speaks quietly. Anyone there? Wearing black attire provides a lot of security when making room for someone. From the crowd, a body could be seen.

A lovely face with perfect brown hair and light whisky eyes emerged. His firm jaw, short beard, and elegant attire demonstrate his perfection. attractive skin and well-maintained nails. He was always greeted with a smile by the CEOs, but he never reciprocated.

He is who?

His watch and fancy attire give away his money, so I know he is wealthy. He is striding like a monarch. Why is it that everybody wants to talk to him? Ronald then arrived, and once more, there was complete silence. He approached the man and stood face-to-face.

"I never imagined we'd cross paths again."

"Stop that, Brooks! Think about what I'm going to do if you make a mess here." Oh, they are acquainted. It appears to be at war. Despite having bad health, I currently need some popcorn and a drink.

"Easy, rich boy. I'm here with everyone else." His pearly white teeth were visible when he grinned. He may be wealthy like Ronald, but everyone loves my Ronald.

My Ronald? where it originated.

"Like you always stated, and I think."

"Well, I don't lie like you do." Lied? What's lacking from this? Ronald rushes forward like a bull but is stopped by a hand.

"Good day, Brooks." Why is she even in this place? With heavy makeup applied to her face, Laura entered the frame. She is once more displaying her beauty as a weapon. Laura was never mentioned by Ronald as coming here.

"Laura, look after your boy." She approached him and put her hands on his chest. Seriously? She's got a new prey now.

"Oh, let's spend this evening together, Brooks. Just unwind..." He interrupted her by tossing Laura's hand out from under his chin. Oops...

"I now understand your son's upbringing. As a mother, so a son." Oh my God, Ronald is going to snap. When someone says poorly of Laura, he dislikes it. Everyone in this area is making a scene, including the journalists, the paparazzi, and Laura. I had to halt him. He underestimates the extent of his notoriety.

"Mr. Ronald, there is a problem." He immediately clammed up when he saw me. He shrugged off his coat and strode away.

"Greetings, Mrs. Parker." She nodded while feigning a smile. What am I going to say to him now? Ugh, consider your actions before acting.


"Huh?" We came to a stop near the beverage area, and he placed a drink order.

"I know you're stopping me there." He is quite familiar with me. Still, there is a lot we can comprehend. There was a pause between us.

"Am I allowed to speak?"


"I'm sorry, but you need to learn to control your rage. I'm unaware of and don't want to know about your relationship with him, but the press is around. Your company's reputation is impacted by your bad behavior." He's really listening to what I'm saying.

"Yes, you are correct." Another beverage was poured into his mouth.

"Also, quit drinking. I believe we should go."

Each person takes a seat. Laura and Ronald sat distant from me. I began taking significant notes as the meeting got underway. Between us, Mr. Brooks is gazing at me with interest as my eyes are raised. I initially believed it to be simple eye contact, but he was looking at me once more. After a pause of two hours, dinner is served.

"Rose played well." I pause and stand up. My attention suddenly returned to my fear. My entire body's hairs rise up. With the aid of her hand, Laura helped me sit down and then sat next to me. How is Ronald doing?

"He hasn't come to save you," she said. What brings her here? She is not someone I like, so I have distanced myself from her. She still has a fake smile running across her face.

"I've heard Jessie is expecting." Why not just let me be?

"Don't you dare?" After turning, she grinned at me. I am aware that it isn't a real smile. I'm aware of her purpose. She did everything aimlessly, but at this moment, she had a purpose, which was the cruelest thing about her.

"How come not?"

"You already hurt me a long time ago. I followed your instructions to the letter." When her nail pierces my arm, I feel pain in my heart.

"I have heard some gossip about you and Ronald going around the office." Her pointed nails repeatedly pierce my skin. She's an arrogant prick.

"It's incorrect."

"That doesn't look right, hmm. I'm going to assume you kiss him back." With acute pain, my breathing becomes more labored. She arched her brows and cooked her head.

"Poor Ronald, well, Ronald is not a problem. He is very manageable. What if Jessie...child?"

"Don't." I beg. My eyes are welling up with sorrow as I consider how she might have harmed Jessie's child. I've found the one in her. She must feel secure around Laura, please.

"Look after Jessie." She stood up and departed, but not before frightening me and leaving her sign behind. Exactly how is she a mother? Never did Ronald know about her?

The reality

The hurt

My health declined as a result of hearing her statements. When I stood up and started to head for the restroom, someone violently collided with me.

"Oops, beautiful, easy." My waist is surrounded by an arm circle that aids in standing.

"I'm truly sorry." When I noticed who was assisting me, my eyes grew wide. I'm currently holding his strong, murderous body.

"Mister Brooks." He softly supported me. I started feeling dizzy when his strong, macho scent of perfume reached my nostrils.

"Are you alright?" No, I flinch and bolt for the restroom. What the hell is going on with me, God? I continue tossing till my stomach is feather light. A glass of water unexpectedly appeared in front of me.

"Take it, beautiful." Oh my god! He caught my throw. What a negative impact! He considers how foolish I am. He's in the girl's bathroom, but wait, what?

"I'm grateful." He nodded.

"You are not required to..."

"Why not? You're our Rose, after all." He must know my name somehow. That time, we never met. He dragged me out of the restroom. He throws me down on a chair and orders a waitress.

"A healthful, light beverage for a lady." He gave a brief nod before departing.

"Tell me, Rose, why is Laura harming you, please." My mouth moved back and forth. How?