
Innocent love- The journey

Once upon a time I have everything and now nothing. Rich, beautiful to miserable and lost. He's my everything now nothing. I lost everything in one night. He take my breath away with a single smirk but now no one here for me. My love My life My relationship But I found so many truth. We're liar. Playing with him or her. Dark Scary Truth want sacrifices and now I’m the one who sacrifices my love for them. He never know about my deal. I left him in darkness where he still fighting with his demons. His family playing with him and the one I love the most is on bet. Love Or Family I choose family and he choose me for paying what I had done. Revenge We met years later but holding a dark side. Both broken in love want each other to hold. I have a past that still haunted me In present. Losing everything I found my shine again. But he's the one I know in past. He changed and? played with me and I let him. Again fall for him one of my biggest mistake and I do that again. But what if that shine came in your life for destroy you? He hurt me but gave me a life that I never expected. Forever But now war the only one way I choose this time. This time I'm going to win him over them. Nothing going to stop me not even my past or My present He need to know about his past and our future but he's in danger in his safe life. I have no choice again but just one leave them alone. He's going to hates me when he find out my past. I tried to hide but my demon let him see me. The real rose with shores Then how I let him fall for me again where i can gave him just pain. He need to live alone without me. Without my Innocent love

Simran_Punjabi · Urban
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51 Chs

Chapter Forty Six

I missed him.


It had only been three hours since he called me. First, I was so scared because no one called me, but after hearing his voice, I fell from the bed. Ouch, it's still hurting. He needs time to settle himself. Think about when it happened to me and in what conditions I lived. My mind stops working. I forget to eat and sleep. The dreams still haunted me and killed me in my sleep again and again. My ears still remember my screams. Every face who hurt me or who helped me.

After getting up from my dream, I saw my left side was empty. He was gone when I was in bed. It looks like a joke after our beautiful night. Theo told me he went to work. But no one knows how he's feeling. Even I wasn't able to read his mind at that time. He looks happy but hurt. But now my heart keeps telling me to call me. I picked up my phone and dialed his number. It's ringing...

'Hello' Before I spoke, a girl's voice came from another side. Not just her voice; some music is buzzing behind it. He's with another woman? But I thought... No, I'm just kicking my mind somewhere else. He never did that.

'Hello, who's this?' Her voice takes me back to the real world.

'Mr. Ronald'

'Ah, actually, he forgot.'

'What kind of place is this?' This time, my anger will speak. Why am I angry or hurt?

'It's a sex club. But he..' With shaky hands, I cut the phone. How stupid am I? How dare I think about him liking me? Or loving me? He's following the contract. Seriously, he's gone to work, but that work is something else. He's with another woman. My mind makes so many assumptions. No one here loves or cares about me. He's also one of them who's just playing with me. Fine Yes, I also need to follow the contract, but why does it hurt? At least it's going to end soon. My heart was always attracted to him, and I saw a feeling for him, but seriously, I'm the same as others. After he stopped paying me, I thought he'd change, but no.

Coming outside, I found Theo standing in the car. Why is he always around me? We're playing, so why so much care?

"Good morning, Miss Rose." A smile always runs down his face.

"Good morning. Unn, sorry, but today I prefer to walk. You don't need to pick me up and stop coming now. He's not around, so you can."

"It's my duty, and he will arrange for my safety." Nodding, I close the door and walk towards the road. He keeps calling me, but I put my steps fast on the road. After twenty minutes of walking, when I crossed the road, my eyes landed on a familiar car. Wait! It's Jessie's car. As soon as I entered the cafe, I found her sitting and eating breakfast.

"Jess!" She stopped eating. Please don't turn me in this time. We're meeting after my birthday.

"How's your baby?"

"Fine. Sit." Sit? Obeying her words, I sat next to her. She dragged her phone in front of me.

"You're unaware of this. Check this out." Taking a closer look, my eyes were big with shock and horror. No... how? How can I deny it?

"Someone leaked your and Ronald's picture while you both..." Wow, what an embarrassing situation. My sister is showing me how vulgar I'm. But who did that? My hands are shaking badly.

"Anyway, I came here just to tell you to stay away from him." What? A knot ran through my stomach as someone kicked me hard.

"Yes, look, he's not a simple person. His one move makes an impact, even if it's wrong. I don't want him to throw himself in the gutter because of you. Today, everyone is asking us thousands of questions because of this. Stay away from him." Why am I crying so suddenly? Gutter? It's because of me. He never told me.

"Don't worry; he takes care of everything already. But don't you think that after you came into his life, he's changed? Don't take him again in the past." The hands are tight, holding each other. Nails are digging hard into my skin in anger. My eyes in my lap keep counting the marks on my skin that are printed by nails.

"He's a businessman and has a reputation around the world. People are always wondering what happened in his life. Now he's in trouble because of you. What if tomorrow you came holding Ronald's baby?"

"Jess! I'm not like that."

"Then show." She was gone, but her bitter words never left my mind.

The whole day, I kept making so many mistakes, but now I realize that agreeing with him on the contract was the biggest mistake for me. About his feelings for me, I never know, but my feelings for him are growing more and more. A thousand and a million knives killed me at the same time. I came home early, but my foot immediately stopped when I saw Jenna standing, waiting for me. Today is not my day.

"You bitch!" She came towards me with full force and slapped me hard on the face. My body froze with shock. Numb and unable to handle myself, I dive again into my memories. It's the first time in years that someone treats me that way. The hand and warm feeling on my feelings came again.

"What? You think you're going to snatch him after showing herself." Both hands came and pushed me hard, causing my body to land on the floor. She grabbed my hair in a tight fist. Ouch, it's hurt, but why'd I'm not fighting back?


Because I'm not facing Jenna. The person inside her. I'm watching him inside her. She's so angry with me.

"Look I'm.." A slap again came on my face. Scary and angry tears ran from my eyes. She dragged me to the floor by my hair. That pain comes from my heart. She loves him. After watching him with me, her anger... I try to struggle with her tight hold, but she drags me into the street and throws me.

"I told you to stay away from him. Right now, you're going to see the real Jenna." What is she planning? Wait! No.

"No Jenna." My heart was thumping hard in panic. Terror is running around me. She's not giving me good vibes. She came forward with a baseball in her hand. Someone blocked my path for breath. Why am I so weak right now? He's standing in front of me again, with a purpose. His only purpose is for me. He wants me. Still, I want to run away from him, but he always finds me. He came again...



I need to go. He's going to kill me. My feet and legs feel so heavy. Light footsteps and a sharp voice came toward me. Nothing came to my frozen mind. My teeth start chattering in the cold. A sharp pain hit my head. Blinking rapidly, I try to understand, but nothing. Why suddenly everything stopped running and no voice came into my ear? Just beeping, a little drop of blood fell on the floor. It's my blood? Again, a pain runs through my back. Then everything blacked out.


"Shut up, bitch!"

Why is my whole body in pain? The first thing I noticed after coming in was that I was cold and shivering. Every single bone feels like a dead person. What happened here with me? A different kind of taste came from my mouth. Wait! Its blood. My blood, no.

Slowly getting up or dragging with the help of a wall, I stand on my weak feet. My head and back are in pain. Something broke from the inside. Where's my phone? Theo.. yes. I need to call him. But no, his mouth never shut up. With one foot and another, I try to walk. The blood keeps coming from my mouth, but it's less because of the cold. Don't die, please...

The snow started pouring hard. Like my body falling to the floor in pieces. She wants me to die. Everyone wants me to die. Ronald, where are you?

"You're already in bad condition. Someone has already completed my work." What? No, a scream dies before it's come when a push I feel sends my body flying. Now I'm just hearing the words that he said on his last call.
