
Innocent Love- The Beginning

Once upon a time I have everything and now nothing. Rich, beautiful to miserable and lost. He's my everything now nothing. I lost everything in one night. He take my breath away with a single smirk but now no one here for me. My love My life My relationship But I found so many truth. We're liar. Playing with him or her. Dark Scary Truth want sacrifices and now I’m the one who sacrifices my love for them. He never know about my deal. I left him in darkness where he still fighting with his demons. His family playing with him and the one I love the most is on bet. Love Or Family I choose family and he choose me for paying what I had done. Revenge We met years later but holding a dark side. Both broken in love want each other to hold. I have a past that still haunted me In present. Losing everything I found my shine again. But he's the one I know in past. He changed and? played with me and I let him. Again fall for him one of my biggest mistake and I do that again. But what if that shine came in your life for destroy you? He hurt me but gave me a life that I never expected. Forever But now war the only one way I choose this time. This time I'm going to win him over them. Nothing going to stop me not even my past or My present He need to know about his past and our future but he's in danger in his safe life. I have no choice again but just one leave them alone. He's going to hates me when he find out my past. I tried to hide but my demon let him see me. The real rose with shores Then how I let him fall for me again where i can gave him just pain. He need to live alone without me. Without my Innocent love

Simran · LGBT+
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48 Chs

Chapter Six

Nervousness taking me on the mountain because right now a large building with fifty floors in front of me. Dark black glass covered with little drops of moisture. Late at night, I accepted her offer and now maybe it’s the wrong and worst decision I ever made after that...

“Dad helps me please.” Comparing myself around with the people today, I wear simple office clothes that I have only. Around me, people wearing expensive suits go inside and outside. Looks like the morning rush. But how can I ask someone? Do I need an appointment? She told me to come straight to the forty-eight floor. I’m so nervous because people are watching me again. They’re giving me an annoying look because of my clothes? If someone knows me then?

Oh God

But I already gave my words, so without making eye contact, I entered the building. Low murmurs of people entering my ear. I rushed inside the lift. Once I’m the only one here, so I feel safe. With the running life, my heartbeat grew with every floor passed, and at last the elevator opened.

Where the hell am I? Words die now. Beautiful and classy marble shining in low lights and the best artist paintings hanging on walls. The color combination of white and red looked outstanding. On one side is the line of coaches and on the other side some awards. Business of the year award and others. He works hard. Far away I can see Olivia sitting alone closer to the double door.

When she saw me coming, her face lit up. She’s alone working there working on her desk.

“Finally! I’m free now.” She runs towards me and hugs me tightly. No, I froze on my spot. No one touched me ever. People ran when she saw me. How can she? She backed away and looked at me.

“Just kidding. Come here and sit.” We talk and she shows me some things that run the office. It’s very complicated knowing about new ideas using unknown technology. She is an expert in using technology. Her gesture and walk filled with confidence. She let me sit with her because no one was coming here. Her boss has gone to a foreign meeting for new projects.

Her boss is very hard at work. Not during work, he’s always so hard on people. He’s the one who can handle the business. The Word mercy never existed for him. If someone made a mistake, then he or she is on holiday forever. On the other hand, his mother is the most powerful woman ever seen. She has control over everyone. Her boss’s girlfriend is a bitch. She yelled at everyone here and people called her a gold digger.

“No mistake, no back talk, and don’t flat on him. He’s a devil. If you make a mistake, then he eats you alive.” That makes me forced to think about my decision twice. God, I think I already made a mistake. I fell into a trap.

“Why me?”

“Because you’re the best and the first impression is the last. You already impressed me and now it’s my boss's turn.” She placed a list in front of me. A long list. Not a list but also some files.

“The list of his daily needs. Morning till night, you’re always with him. Forget about your life now.” Why is she in a hurry? She’s running? Oh yes.

“So you’re running now.” The words come out of my mouth before I stop myself. She turns and stops whatever she’s doing.

“Right, and you know why because I want freedom from that person. He’s a rock between me and my boyfriend. We never spend time together because I was busy doing this or that for that fucking rich bastard Devil. I hate him.” Her end stole my entire attention.

“Okay, I get it. Calm down.” She’s breathing heavily after yelling. After she calms down, she holds my hands.

“You’re the one and only person who’s perfect for this job but don’t fall in love with him. He has no heart.” You don’t even know me. But why is she telling me not to fall for him? Who’s he?

Witches have no heart as well. She told me his boss hates it if someone came into his office without his permission, but my curiosity ran around his office. First time I want to look inside someone's personal life.

My entire week goes smoothly. Olivia shows me the entire office except for her boss's office. The entire environment looks cool. Everyone likes me who comes into the office. She taught me so many things like his boss things, likes or dislikes. But the main thing is when she gives me my car keys or she takes me to my house. It’s a beautiful and big house. If I try to compare my old house with this, then I’m a fool. Nothing like comparing. My eyes never hold the tears. My dreams come true.

The next day we went shopping. She helps me in decorating my home and at the end of the week my home is ready and I’m ready for my job.

When Monday came my foot jumped. Today it was just me and my boss. No one was there to help me, not even Olivia. She informed me about her resignation but it’s still pending. Last night was different. Sleeping on a soft mattress and waking with a beautiful view makes my day beautiful already. Now I’m standing in front of the mirror, glancing at myself. Soft pink blouse with a black jacket and knee-length skirt that Olivia helped me with choosing. Her boss hates when she comes with open hair so I decided to also do a bun.

I look good, simple, and confident. My skin glows and curves filling up. Before coming here it’s thin but now I’m perfect with a perfect body.

“Best of luck Rose. Win your boss.” Twenty minutes later, I reached my spot.

When I entered the building, the environment was already so tense that means he’s already here. People running around like there’s a bomb explosion happened. Not good. Reaching my desk, checking the list, I fill the cup of coffee and knock on the door. Excited at seeing the office for the first time screwed my mind. But no sound, so I knocked again and waited for a moment.

Two minutes later I lost control of myself, so without permission, I entered his office. But stop immediately because the view now in front of my eyes tearing my complete vision. The combination of black and white looks is breathtaking. Large windows show the outside view of foggy New York. A dim light coming from the cloud entered the office from the glass window. Slowly walking near the glass window, my hand touched the light.


In the center a large table with a boss and two more chairs were placed where all things messed up. Crystal bright lights hanging from the ceiling. But my gaze went through the wall where large pictures were hanging and looked so costly.

My gaze shifts to the right side and a shadow walks around there. Looks like a room there, so I walk towards that room. Opening the glass door, I saw a perfectly large room with everything: chair, bed, kitchen. Someone lived here also, but who makes a room with an office? I don’t care. Walking inside more, I found that figure standing near the window looking outside.

“You’re late.” The voice. My knees shake badly. The cup I’m holding slips from my hand.




It can’t be. I swallow the lump of tension. He turned and everything froze. Our eyes met.

“What the hell are you doing here?”