
INN Tales: A novella

In a quiet city, Lablin, the last big town before the Wilderness starts, things aren’t as quiet as they seem to be. A group of traveling bards appears for the first time, to be precise, this is the first time any foreign group has appeared in Lablin, let alone stayed in a well-known inn in the middle of town. In a faerie kingdom far way, the faerie king, Auberon stirs from his meditation. The kingdom changes, old mines open, old secrets are revealed. A wizard travels the high mountain pass. In the Narracotta Inn things start to happen.

DaoistHLULS4 · Eastern
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6 Chs

Scene II

Deep beneath the crowed streets, hidden behind a secret web of tunnels and behind a mystical wall, an alchemist searched.

The small candlelight glimmered against the dark wall, keep the darkness away.

The alchemist lifted his weary head from the pile of scrolls, books, parchment that were scattered around his table and work area. Those stone-like eyes nervous looked at the parchment in front of him. He searched. Weary hands went across the old pages.

Diagrams, anagrams, symbols, runes, carvings and etchings, occult symbols appeared and dissapeared with the turn of the pages. Codes and hidden notes shinned and danced over his face.

But he continued to search, went all hope was lost, he found what he searched for.

The key to the stone.